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Old 07-13-2022, 09:57 AM   #41
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by Flasch186 View Post

The bill is aiming to fix a problem that doesn’t exist and is simply a bogeyman in extreme fearing homophobic, transphobic, conspiracy adherents and written in a nebulous way that affords so much liability to a teacher in saying anything that might set off one of those mentioned above that the pall cast (and many people will believe it’s all instructing when it threatens their own ignorant totems) will keep teachers on egg shells and attempting to avoid anything remotely close to anything that will closely touch on anything that could be construed as offending the snowflakes that call others Snowflakes (sound familiar to when I explained this to you last time?). Now your counter is they’ll sue and get a windfall but someone else pointed out that 99.9% of teachers won’t be able to their career, mental health, and physical safety fighting it but you’ve literally ignored all of these things on your way to the sand.

It’ll be hilarious when someone Sues a teacher for mentioning their hetero partner same as when a Muslim football coach unfolds their prayer rug on the 50.

In 3rd grade they mention body odor in health class… guess what? That falls under the categories mentioned on the statute because it’s written so purposely as to catch literally any fish in the net so that teachers actually don’t want to teach.

Just another way for those claiming that they don’t want to be controlled to control others that aren’t just like them.

But whatever, go grab an article from one county in one place in time that might’ve had one teacher say something sticky and justify the isms captured in the statute and intentions of the gop/Q/Tucker Karen’s.

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I think you see these issues primarily from the lens of a LGBTQ advocate.

I see these issues primarily from the lens of a parent.

I'll leave it at that unless you do want to have further discussions.
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