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Old 11-08-2022, 06:23 PM   #85
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by Solecismic
Hillary has been steadfast since 2016 that Trump was not the legitimate president.

This is true, and she wasn't alone; John Henry Lewis also said it. So did Jimmy Carter.

But that's just not in the same area code as the assault on the Capitol or the actions Trump personally took trying to have the results overturned. It's also not in the same conversation as what has continued on after that.

Look at the prominent races this time around; senators and governors. I don't know of a single Democrat - not one - who has not said they will accept the results of the election. Many Republicans have. Others have refused to answer the question. It's not one or two here and there, it's roughly half of them from what I've seen. And this pattern continues into the 'downballot' candidates.

This is not an anomaly. It's not just that it isn't an even split. It's not even a 80-20 split. It's 'one party is doing this thing, and the other isn't'.

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 11-08-2022 at 06:27 PM.
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