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Old 02-20-2023, 09:40 PM   #81
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: the yo'
Bones Hyland stands before his Denver Nuggets teammates, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. He takes a deep breath, and begins to speak in a voice that commands attention.

"My brothers," he begins, "I know that some of you may doubt my ability to take the last shot. You may wonder why I, a rookie, should be trusted with such a responsibility. But hear me out, for I have something important to say."

He takes a step forward, and his gaze sweeps over the room.

"You see, I've been in this game for a long time. I've been putting in the work, honing my skills, and building up my confidence. And let me tell you, I am more than ready to take that last shot."

He pauses, letting his words sink in.

"I know that some of you have been in this league longer than I have. I know that you have more experience, more games under your belt. But that doesn't mean that I can't contribute. That doesn't mean that I can't step up when it matters the most."

Bones' voice rises, his passion taking over.

"I'm not asking you to hand me the ball every time. I'm not asking you to take a backseat. I'm simply asking for a chance. A chance to prove myself. A chance to show you what I'm made of."

He looks each of his teammates in the eye, one by one.

"I know that we all want to win. I know that we all want to be champions. And I believe that I can help us get there. So please, trust me. Trust in my abilities. Trust in my passion. And let me take that last shot."

Bones falls silent, his message delivered. The room is quiet, and his teammates look at him with a mix of uncertainty and respect. But Bones doesn't waver. He knows what he's capable of, and he's not afraid to show it
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