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Old 03-14-2023, 07:58 PM   #280
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001

Senate Bill 254 - would give the state the ability to remove a child from a home if there is suspicion that the parents may be attempting to provide gender affirming care to a minor.

United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect

"Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group" <-- one of the physical signs of a genocide.

HB 1521 - requires use of bathroom of the sex assigned at birth, appears to require domestic abuse victims to use a shelter for the gender associated w/ the sex assigned at birth, appears to require administrators of these facilities to document their compliance w/ the above

SB 1674 - similar to HB 1521 in providing requirements for use of restrooms and changing facilities, making it a crime to not leave a restroom immediately if asked.

HB 1421 - prohibits changing of biological sex from being changed on a birth certificate (which among other things can cause voter ID/disenfranchisement though that is clearly not the direct attack here). Prohibits gender affirming care for minors. Prohibits health insurances from covering gender affirming care (presumably for minors tho the thing I'm reading doesn't directly say).

SB 254 - grants courts jurisdiction to make custody determination to "protect the childe from being subjected to" procedures IN ANOTHER STATE. One parent supportive of gender affirming care would now be cause to lose custody in Florida.

SB 266 - prohibits fields of study involving race and gender studies in florida public colleges. Prohibits spending on any activites in florida public colleges that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

HB 999 - Appears to do the same for post-graduate education in florida.

SB 1320 - makes it illegal for an employee, contractor, or student at a public school to be required to refer to a person as anything other than the sex assigned at birth. Prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity. The Dept of Education must approve all sex ed materials.

HB 1223 - looks similar to the above. Requires reference to child based on sex at birth in K-12. Appears to have a list of prohibited actions related to pronouns (idk what that means, that's the summary). Updates requirements for instruction on gender identity in public schools.

So there are 9 bills currently in the state legislature of florida alone that attack marginalized groups, most of them attacking gender identity and gender affirming care, a couple of them DIRECTLY link to the "stages of genocide" that the UN and various holocaust museums document as a warning to humanity.

I'm trying to use summaries of these bills and may not have my interpretation exactly correct, but there is an open and obvious attack on those that need protecting the most.

This is just florida. In some states bills have been proposed to prevent gender affirming care as high as age 25 - we all know this isn't about "the children" right? It never was. This is an intentional step towards the genocide of all transgender individuals in America. Folks that sit around and argue definitions or pedantic bullshit or decide they're ok with a bunch of these laws in a vacuum are on the side of fascism and genocide. Full stop.

The ACLU has a site tracking state laws being proposed throughout the nation.

34 in Missouri.
26 in Tennessee, a number of them making the news lately and having already passed. Trans kids in Tennessee are being forced to de-transition. How many suicides do you think that would cause?
16 in South Carolina.
18 in Indiana (there was a protest in Fort Wayne over the weekend where I live)
And of course, everything's bigger in Texas, including the hate! 46 bills to attack the rights of marginalized groups have been proposed in the current legislative year.

(Please note I'm not trying to shit on anyone who engages with Edward or anyone else here, I did that for a long time too)
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