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Old 07-03-2023, 09:29 PM   #33
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Eyeballing your gains/losses by game certainly feels like this has a similar "play fewer games in shorter bursts for leveling purposes" leveling meta that seems to be the way to go in Valorant (the example of this sort of leveling I'm most familiar with)

Valorant is a Riot game as well, so Valorant/League/TFT likely all share very similar ranked systems, but I can't touch first person games so I have zero experience w/ Valorant to compare.

Your gains seem highest in your first and/or second matches, anything past three matches in a sitting seems to be where losses are more common.

That's very interesting. It's not something I've tried to analyze myself. I don't "warm up" in a non ranked game, so my first game of a day I would assume can be highly variable, and then I'd settle in for the second game.

Past that, what you're seeing makes sense, because this is a game that rewards high concentration/focus. There is something I could be doing in the game and something I could be thinking about every single second. And that's mentally exhausting.

I probably haven't been noting it much, but I am being very intentional about trying to be as close to 100% as possible for every game on my main. It is very tempting/possible to go on autopilot, to stop scouting, to stop thinking about your next turn, your positioning, etc, and it will make a real difference.

Does my eyeball analysis match reality there? And whether it does or doesn't, do you have that internal sense of it?

So with the above, I can spot when I'm far enough off my game that it's time to stop. But perhaps there is a downturn where I don't fully recognize that it's starting to happen.

I think that's one of the reasons I've never gotten into anything structured like this, it just feels too contrary to have I've spent what is now decades playing games/wanting to play games.

You could 100% play this game in this manner. I reached a point where I got very good at the game by just doing what's fun for me, play a ton of games and watch streamers play too while I work or when I'm not playing. But I clearly hit a skill cap where if I want to improve past that, I have to take it more seriously and be intentional about how I try to keep getting better (which is, of course, the point of this dynasty).

But most players don't do what I'm doing. They just play a ton, maybe they read reddit or have a favorite youtuber that gives advice or has tier lists or whatever, and that's it, and for most people that's enough. I'm just obsessing
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