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Old 07-05-2023, 10:49 AM   #40
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001

We've got time for 1 game before a doctor's appointment.

Game 1: An absolute train wreck of a game. We slam a magic shred item in Ionic Spark and get no more magic damage items the rest of the game. We're decently healthy early which means we pick very late, and only get tank items. We get very unlucky and only get tank items off both Krugs and Wolves. We simply have no damage. We could make it work if we get a good rolldown on 4-1 at level 7 (meaning we hit both kaisa and yasuo), but instead, we 2* Aphelios and find 2 Urgots. Aphelios, if you remember, is a comp I've come close to making "off limits" or at least removing from my basic strategy list b/c I just never have good results with it. But it's what I hit so I chose to try to make the best of it. I got 6th, which honestly, may have been the best I could have done. This would be an interesting one to review if I was recording to see if I could have done better. 6th: -24 (D3 32 LP)

Speaking of recording, I haven't recorded a game to review in awhile. I should do that this afternoon if I'm up for games after my appointment. Referencing the mental health thread in the general forum, this is my Esketamine treatment coming up today, and sometimes I'm fine after them, sometimes I'm kind of a zombie the rest of the day.
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