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Old 07-13-2023, 07:28 PM   #59
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Thursday Pt 2

Game 1:

We take Shadow Isle Crown on 2-1 which commits us to some kind of thing, there's a 4 Shadow Isle/4 Challenger comp we can probably figure out. I took this b/c we had a 2* Maokai and a Viego, allowing us to open with 4 Shadow Isle and hopefully win streak hard. That did work, I took an augment on 3-2 that gives two strong AP items, I believe this comp can use infinite damage items. I end up hitting a Senna at level 8 and play 6 Shadow Isle/4 Challenger to a top 3 in a chaotic lobby given the double prismatic and the House Lightshield thing.


6 Shadow Isle/4 Challenger/2 Slayer

Kalista/Kaisa/Gwen (Damage)
Yasuo/Maokai/Senna/Irelia/Viego (Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: House Lightshield - gain an item that makes a unit stronger. If that unit dies the fight ends immediately. Possibly my 2nd least favorite portal. Ugh.
2-1: Shadow Isle Crown (Prismatic) - Gain a Shiv, Kalista, and Shadow Isle Emblem
3-2: Unleashed Arcana (Prismatic) - Give a deathcap and jeweled gauntlet
4-2: Long Distance Pals II (Gold) - two furthest units apart share stats

Key Decision: Taking the Shadow Isle crown on 2-1. This isn't a comp I play and it's not a top comp, so it was high risk, but it turns out I was right about the ability to win streak and play from ahead.

3rd: +17 LP (Current: D3 4 LP)

Promoted Back to Diamond 3


Game 2:

We have a 3 noxus opener, and an early Warwick 2. We could play Noxus or Jinx pretty easily. Noxus does great with an emblem, so we'd love to be able to do this. It seems uncontested early but we're paying close attention, and we'll also check our Zaun mod as soon as we're able. Noxus is a stronger comp if uncontested.

On 2-5 Two Katarina's and a Swain in a shop have me ready to commit. We're strong and in 2nd in stage 3, but our econ is really bad. It's going to be slow getting set up to roll for 3* Darius/Kat. On Raptors we're down to 40 health but that's good for 3rd. 1st/2nd are knocking everyone down.

I hit Darius 3/Kat 3 on 5-3 but am playing the strongest player in the lobby. We lose but have 4 health left. A top 5 wouldn't be the worst, but we'd like better. We manage to get a key final item on Kat and 2* Nasus and go on a nice win streak. Settle for 5th? Not when 2nd is an option! We lose to Akshan 3 but it's a great result.


6 Noxus/3 Shurima/2 Strategist/2 Juggernaut/2 Invoker

Darius/Katarina (Damage)
Nasus (Tank)
Kled/Swain/Karma/Cassiopeia/Azir (Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Placidium Library - gain an emblem of your choice on 3-5
2-1: Pumping Up II (Gold) - Gain 10% attack speed and 1% additional attack speed every round
3-2: Know Your Enemy (Gold) - After you kill 1 unit, do 25% more damage the rest of the fight
4-2: Tons of Stats (Gold) - team gains 55 health/5% AD/5 AP/5 Armor/5 MR/5% Attack Speed/5 Mana

Key Decision: Committing to Noxus makes the rest of the game play itself.

2nd: +30 LP (Current: D3 34 LP)


Game 3:

With two piltover, Jinx and Trist and a hurricane on 2-1, we're committed. Our Zaun mod sucks, but we get Piltover early on 2-3. It's decent enough. We hit an Akshan on 2-7 and may switch if we 2* Akshan before Jinx. Though Akshan does appear to be contested. Never mind, 3-2 Dueling Gunners gives me 2* Jinx and gives gunners much more power.

There's a lot of 2 cost reroll this game and we hit Jinx on 4-3. Unfortunately we had to roll a lot more than I wanted and with the bad mod and some other folks hitting earlier, we're on a 5 round loss streak and this might not work out after all.

JUST HIT - we hit a 1% chance at a 5 cost on level 7 and it's Heimer. A Senna off carousel + Heimer get me a 1st despite a lot of suboptimal components to this version of the Jinx comp!


4 Gunner/3 Piltover/2 Zaun/2 Bruiser

Jinx (Damage)
Vi (Tank)
Heimer/Senna (Key 5 costs)
Jayce (key utility items)
Sejuani/Ekko/Zeri (traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Warlord's Palace - Instead of Raptors on 4-7 we get a "treasure armory" where we can spend gold to roll for the items we want
2-1: Pumping Up II (Gold) - Gain 10% attack speed and 1% additional attack speed every round
3-2: Dueling Gunners (Gold) - Gunners gain additional stats at the start of the fight
4-2: Harmacist II (Gold) - Heal for 15% Damage done, if overheal, convert that extra healing to true damage on next attack

Key Decision:

1st: +43 LP (Current: D3 77 LP)

-- ended up chatting with a friend about that last game for a good while, and am taking a break so we'll post here and see if we play anymore later. Good progress!
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