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Old 07-14-2023, 05:18 PM   #60
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
I played one additional game last night and got a 6th so our start is a bit lower


Game 1:

Jinx/Trist/Vi start with a bow makes this very easy. We find an Akshan on 2-2 and may swap to that. A second Akshan on 2-3 and we're going for the stronger re-roll, we're not obviously contested yet. We have 4 pairs and no 2*'s on Krugs, 80 health, not a great start. Our shimmerscale item generates 13 gold in stage 3 which is absolutely insane.

2* Akshan is amazingly stable in stage 4. With duplicator help from our Portal we 3* Akshan on 5-1. We're solid the rest of the game, we can't beat the Darius reroller in the end, but it's a good 2nd place.


3 Shurima/3 Freljord/2 Bruiser/2 Deadeye/2 Invoker

Akshan (Damage)
Sion 2/Ryze 1/Heimer 1 (key 5 costs)
Sejuani/Nasus (Tank)
Ashe/Renekton (Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: The Summit - gain lesser duplicator on stage 3 and 4, full duplicator stage 5 and beyond
2-1: Pumping Up I (Silver) - Gain 8% attack speed and 0.5% additional attack speed every round
3-2: All That Shimmers (Gold) - Gamblers Blade for Akshan wil be good once we econ up
4-2: Contagion (Gold) - Infect the highest health enemy, they take 20% more damage. Every 5 seconds infect 2 more.

Key Decision: Our timing with rolling was good I believe. This is better than the Jinx comp but is often contested and can't really support two players well, but two early Akshan made this an easy call.

2nd: +31 LP (Current: D3 86 LP)


Game 2:

We have 5 Noxus units including a Darius on 2-1. But someone else has taken Noxus crown. We get a lot of AP items and are not going to try to contest Noxus, we're going to likely play Yasuo/Kaisa... but three people are playing challengers of some sort, ugh. We hit no challengers on 7 and end up trying to make some AD/AP Shurima hybrid'ish thing with Azir holding AP and Akshan holding AD. My expectations are LOW.

We get a few wins as it seems like everyone struggles to hit (probably b/c half the lobby decided to play yasuo/kaisa like it was last week or something), but the best we can do is a 5th. Which honestly feels okay.


4 strategist/3 shurima

Azir/Akshan (Damage)
Nasus/Shen/Jarvan (Tank)
Swain/Teemo (Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: The University - first augment will be prismatic
2-1: Buried Treasure III (Prismatic) - no gold, but 5 components through the rest of stage 2
3-2: Harmicist I (Silver) - Heal a bit, if you overheal deal some true damage
4-2: Cybernetic Leech (Gold) - Everyone w/ an item gains Omnivamp

Key Decision: Committing to Azir/Akshan on 4-1 rolldown.

5th: -10 LP (Current: D3 76 LP)


Game 3:

We get a Sona and Vel'Koz in our opening orb and would love to angle into multicaster if possible. By the end of stage 2 we're about 99% sure we're playing reroll multicaster (3* Vel'Koz). We're strong throughout. We 3* Taric, Sona and Vel'Koz and have 74 health left when we hit the top 4. We're hard countered by rogues though so a 3* Zed beats us.


4 Multicaster/4 Sorcerer/4 Strategist/3 Demacia

Vel'Koz/Lux (Damage)
Taric/Swain/Jarvan (Front Line)
Sona/Taliyah/Teemo (Utility/Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Yorick's Graveyard - Whenever someone dies, gain one of their items
2-1: Silver Spoon (Silver) - gain 10 XP
3-2: Infusion (Gold) - units gain 20 mana every 5 seconds - especially good in this comp
4-2: Strategist Heart (Gold) - count as having one more strategist (we play 2, this gives us 3)

Key Decision: committing to multi-caster, even though it wasn't a tough call really.

2nd: +30 LP (Current: D2 6 LP)

Promoted to Diamond 2

IIRC D2 about 50 LP is the highest I've been this set so far.


Game 4:

Jayce and Ekko in the pening orb. That's two piltover, this is almost certainly a jinx game from here. We get a Jinx on 2-1, Zaun mod is meh. No Piltover on 2-1, sadly. LOL No Piltover by Krugs. We just need an Orianna (1 cost) or Vi (2 cost). A game of just not hitting, after a Jinx on 2-1 we don't see another until 4-1.

We drop below 40 on 4-6, we get a Senna plus a couple components, we go 7 because we're never 3*'ing Jinx. We get a gunner emblem off carousel and 6 gunner, and honestly we're thrilled that this is a 6th and not an 8th.


6 Gunner/4 Zaun/3 Piltover

Jinx (Damage)
Vi/Ekko (Front Line)
Senna (Key 5 cost)
Warwick/Jayce/Tristana/zeri (traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Targon Prime - gain loot when you hit 40 health
2-1: Pumping Up II (Gold) - Gain 10% attack speed and 1% additional attack speed every round
3-2: Contagion (Gold) - Infect highest health enemy, they take more dmg. Every 5 seconds infect two more.
4-2: Infusion (Gold) - gain mana every 5 seconds. Not good here. Other options sucked.

Key Decision:

6th: -6 LP (Current: D2 0 LP)

We didn't consider a lot of other units after the Jinx opener. It took me so long to 2* Jinx that I should have considered a pivot.


Game 5:

Absolutely horrid start, especially for a prismatic opener. But for some reason like 4 people are trying to lose streak and we end up 80 health. If I wasn't playing against what seem like morons I'd be 65 health instead. A Void Emblem on 3-2 gives me direction, we're trying for 8 Void and Baron. The second prismatic just accellerated thigns too much. 4 people were below 10 health on 5-1, but I was the odd man out, I didn't have time to get to 8 and to luck into Bel'Veth.


7 void (need 8, or dead)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: The University - first augment will be prismatic
2-1: Pumping Up III (Gold) - Gain 10% attack speed and 2% additional attack speed every round
3-2: Void Crown (Prismatic) - Void Emblem + Rek'Sai + Zz'Rot portal
4-2: Long Distance Pals 2 (Gold) - the two units furthest apart share stats.

Key Decision: Committing to Void.

7th: Demote to D3 (Current: D3 75 LP)

We'll take a break after that one, one of the strangest games I've ever played, but hopefully right back to D2 later today.
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