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Old 11-18-2023, 06:00 AM   #350
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
Hamas has a minuscule presence in the West Bank. The October 7th attack came from Gaza. Illegal settlers commit far more violence in that area on an almost daily basis than whatever handful of Hamas fighters (probably PIJ) is doing.

It doesn't matter if Hamas has a "miniscule" presence in West Bank (e.g. how do you define miniscule and do you count Hamas sympathizers?). It doesn't matter the Oct 7th attack came from Gaza. It matters if there's been Jenin militants (Hamas, PIJ, Fatah etc.) attacking IDF or Israeli civilians. And yes, there has been attacks.

Illegal settlers commit more violence than Jenin militants on a "daily basis"? I assume this is just your opinion (like identifying JDAM strike via acoustics), but on the chance it isn't, please provide non-Twitter sources.

Regardless, what does that have to do with roads leading to the refugee camp and the hospital?

Good question about why so I googled on "why did israel tear up roads in jenin". Below are results from last July 4-5 conflict, easy enough to find if one wants to find the rationale.

Jenin under attack: Israel bulldozers 'plough' streets and destroy infrastructure | Middle East Eye
The Israeli army claimed its actions were aimed at detonating explosive devices planted by Palestinians in the streets and homes.
Israel carried out a massive military operation in Jenin. Here's what you need to know | CNN
That launched the incursion that involved hundreds of soldiers, at least ten drone airstrikes, and bulldozers that Israel says were used to disarm potential explosives buried under the asphalt.
The view from Jenin refugee camp in West Bank after Israel's withdrawal : NPR
This whole road has just been completely dug up by an Israeli bulldozer. It's - all the asphalt is completely torn up - that road and then this road too.

Israel said it destroyed over a mile and a half of roads because they were booby trapped with tripwire and hidden bombs, which are new tactics of an emboldened Palestinian militant force here.

Last edited by Edward64 : 11-18-2023 at 06:27 AM.
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