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Old 04-09-2024, 11:49 AM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
I admittedly didn't get that far with the books, but watched the Netflix series and enjoyed it, mostly. I like the genre of speculative fiction (adjacent to, but not quite the same as science fiction) and this hits those notes for me.

In the Wire, I felt for the first time I was invited into the world of the bad guys, the drug dealers, in a cops-and-robbers setup and ended up having complex feelings about the people who were in the Baltimore drug trade. The show did a lot of things right, in my view, but I think we overlook how hard that is to do.

I think this story is trying to do the same, to a degree. The knee-jerk is a hoo-ah Independence Day reaction to a coming clash with extra-terrestrials, but... what about people who don't necessarily subscribe that humans are the be-all, end-all, and that maybe "things" would be better off if we got our asses kicked? Is it even worth considering? It's a provocative question, and the story arc here seems to be getting into that.
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