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Old 05-06-2024, 01:40 PM   #539
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
I got to a high of near 200 lb. Made a decision to lose weight & get fit, so started strength training.

I found out that I really wasn't losing any weight. I know many say you can do strength & lose weight at the same time but I just didn't have the discipline to do both. So, I stopped strength and started seriously dieting & counting calories.

Got to my goal weight of 180 lb and said sure why not more. I now fluctuate between 174-176 lbs. I've not picked strength back up but will do so later this year.

Personally, carbs & snacks messes me up. Keeping my carbs to a minimum and upped my protein & greens/salad. Also, I don't eat as many snacks anymore, its been ages since I've had Lays, Snickers, french fries etc. My go to snack is nuts and figure its got decent protein in it. Also, like the 100 calorie popcorn bags for a late night snack.

I've lost about 3+ inches. Tossed my old stuff, bought some new stuff. I'm happy at current weight and now need to build more muscle and do a little more cardio.

FWIW, my word of advice to you youngsters ... I think what will keep me honest nowadays is reading how retirees worry about money (a given) and also health. And at a certain age, health supersedes money. That got me thinking.

(But man, I miss eating the whole bag of BBQ or French Onion chips when playing computer games or watching football)

Highly recommend buying a scale that captures body fat %. You get what you pay for in that regard, so a good one isn't cheap. But I've found it way better than a normal scale. There is a huge difference in being 180 with high body fat and being 180 with low body fat.

While I still use weight for larger trends, the body fat % is what I go by now.
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