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Old 03-03-2005, 03:35 AM   #744
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Maassluis, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Maassluis By Bike,s With Myron Stevens
A new feature, which might comeback later on, is the Maassluis By Bike interveiw. Every once in a while your Merchantmen reporters will take a player, coach or other important person in the Merchantmen organization on a bike ride through the city. In today's ride it's second year cornerback Myron Stevens. Stevens returned a fumble for a touchdown in the 20-16 win at the Telluride Outlaws and is slowly becoming a popular player by the coaching staff and team management. Let's see what he's got to say.

Q (Questioner): Good afternoon. Myron, thanks for joining us in today's bike ride. Is there one place in particular you want to visit?
MS (Myron Stevens): Well, I hear the owner was born on the same day the first stone was placed for the local Sports Acoomodation. I'm wondering what it looks like.

Q: Okay, Myron, lets start riding there now. We'll hop on at the Maassluis West train station and start riding towards the Nieuwe Waterweg (New Waterway).
MS: Sounds good to me.

The interviewing crew and Myron Stevens start riding and reached the bicycle road located at the shores of the Nieuwe Waterweg, located very close to the train station.

Q: While we're riding alongside the water that's representing the Merchantmen element, tell us what happened on that touchdown you scored?
MS: Okay, cool. Well, what happened? That Outlaws' guy kicked off, I looked over my shoulder and saw Devin catch the ball. I started running to make a block and in no-time we're piling up around our own 30, I think. I see Devin fumble the ball and, in the confusion, I grabbed the ball and decided to run it back. To the amazement of all, it was no dead ball and I made my second career touchdown. The guys come running to me and I'm like: "Yes, we're back in the game!"

Q: It was an important play and to be honest, people around the league wonder what this kid Myron is doing on the Merchantmen roster.
MS: Why?

Q: You were picked up after the 2006 draft and were brought to camp as an undrafted rookie. Scouts around the league wonder what this kid Stevens would be able to do in Maassluis. How did you addept to the system?
MS: I got lucky I guess. In college, at Colorado, we played a lot of zone defense. I think I've got a sense for interceptions and my stamina helps too. I hear they like my type of defensive backs.

Q: But at 5'6" and 180 pounds, you're a featherweight and the smallest player on the team. Was it the adorable little guy admiration?
MS: I dunno. The Merchantmen have a good organization. I don't think they let starters like Wiley McGhee and Dennis Preciado go (Both got traded in the 2006 off-season) and keep me around if they don't have a little bit of faith. It would have been easy to dump me, I was an undrafted rookie.

Q: Okay, Myron, we're going heading right here. Little sprint who's on top of the hill first?
MS: Okay, get it on!


Q: Wow, you're fast.
MS: Hey, I did some cycling in my college period. This "hill" as you called it is nothing compared to what Colorado has to give you.

Q: Look, that roof top, that's the "Wethouder Smithal".
MS (laughing): Boy, that looks ugly...

The interviewing crew and Myron Stevens arrive at the Weth. Smithal and puts their bikes in the special bike holders. The enter the bar that is located adjacent the sport facility.

Q: Okay Myron, we're in "'t Smitje", what do you think?
MS: It's dark in here and smells like smoke. What's so special about this place?

Q: It's more about the the hall itself. Here, follow me, there's some memorial thingy around here.
MS: Show me, please.


Q: Myron?
MS: Wow, indeed. February 19th, 1981. I think you're right, the owner is like 26 and I remember him having his birthday around mid February.

Q: Let's see what sport their playing here tonight.
MS: Cool.


Q: Well, what do we have here?
MS: Volleyball? I guess this was all set up or something?

Q: Looks like it. I think M.IJ.B. (Merchantmen owner) is here too.
MS: They keep telling he can fly. Now I can finally get to see that happen with my own eyes!

The interviewing crew and Myron Stevens start watching the training, but since they're not attacking, no luck at seeing the owner fly.

Q: Okay Myron, we here you're going to be a starter next season if you continue to develop. Winford Endicott will be a free agent after the season and Johnnie Stidham's knee injuries are worrying.
MS: Yeah, Johnnie's got some bad streak of knee injuries this season. I'm not sure about Winford though, I've picked up the team will try to franchise him, or otherwise will try to trade for a cornerback who's having a backup role elsewhere.

Q: But, you might be ready for a starting role next season, wouldn't that be cool?
MS: Well, yeah, of course. I think I can still learn a lot and I hope to be a starter at some point. But I think I'll have to make a few more plays when I'm on. So far I'm just...

Q: Myron?
MS: Damn, that girl is hot!

Q: Myron!
MS: Sorry. I think I like women's volleyball even more now.

Q: You said you have to improve your play?
MS: Yes, I do. I've got about 47 catches attached to my name and only 7 defended passes and 2 interceptions. That's not a good average.

Q: Okay, so if you improve your play, you'll be a starter in 2008?
MS: I think that's up to the management and coaching staff.

As the interview goes on, all of a sudden a tall looking man climbs up the stands.

Q: Hello. Joining the interview is Maassluis Merchantmen owner M.IJ.B.
MB (M.IJ.B.): No, no, I just wanted to say hi to Myron. Don't forget to write about the game at Fort Worth. Myron saved the say there!

Q: Myron?
MS: Oh, heh. Yeah. That was a freaky game indeed. I managed to record a sack, make an interception and I didn't get a reception attached to my name.

Q: Awesome! That's the kind of play they want you to do and which will make you the starter next season.
MS: Let's wait and see. We're preparing for Bordeaux...
MB: Bordeaux is going down!

Owner M.IJ.B. jumps off the stands, almost twisting his ankle, to continue his training.

Q: You were saying?
MS: We're preparing for Bordeaux. Joe Johnson is a great quarterback and with guys like Gerald Harris, Josh Whitehurst and Toby Williams, he's always got two or three guys open. We'll have to play them tight and hope the defensive line can pressure him enough.

Q: Will we see you make another big play against Bordeaux that will win you guys the game?
MS: Well, we're brainwashed it's all team effort that makes us win and I'll stick with what I'm taugh. Play like a team, and we can win. If we're all focussed, we can make it happen.

Q: Alright then, thanks for joining us.
MS: Well it was cool, I think.

Q: Do you need a ride back to the train station?
MS: Nah, I'll think I'll be able to find it. I think I'm going to watch a bit more of this volleyball stuff. women's volleyball is cool and I haven't seen the owner fly yet. I'm starting to think it's one of those made up stories, like those people who write about their computer games on the internet and do fake interviews with their players...
* 2005 Golden Scribe winner for best FOF Dynasty about IHOF's Maassluis Merchantmen
* Former GM of GEFL's Houston Oilers and WOOF's Curacao Cocktail

Last edited by MIJB#19 : 03-03-2005 at 06:35 AM.
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