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Old 07-06-2005, 06:38 AM   #150
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
I had thought we were a villlage united. But now it appears as though we may have two different groups running around, pretending to be one of us when they truly are not, and there are perhas as many as four. We know there regular villagers, of which I am proud to be a god fearing member of, we know there to be heathen werewolves. We suspect that there also are cultworshiping magicians and heaven sent knights. I wonder, SirFozzie, how it is that you figure that we have lost two of a faction that we know not for sure whether or not it is even in our village? For I am most peturbed about the thought that our only protection might be mostly, or completely, wiped out.
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