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Old 08-20-2005, 01:52 AM   #50
Head Coach
Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by ThunderingHERD
She is definately available now. We talk 4 or 5 hours a week and she always dropping obvious "hints" about how she's ready to start a family, etc. And about how I'm the most brilliant guy she's ever met (no arguments there). Do I have my jealousy issues under control? Maybe. Mostly, I just like myself better now. But I still can't shake the fantasy of hurting her as much as she hurt me. Do you know what hurt the most?

The night that all the shit went down, years ago, I called her. She was crying. I was crying. I just couldn't leave well enough alone--I had to know--why? But she just kept crying and asking: "Why are you acting like this?"

That was the worst part of it all. Not all that was irreperably damaged that night. But that I knew the answer to that question--"Why are you acting like this?"

Because, well, that's who I am. Nice to meet you, have a nice life.

That's who you *were*. It sounds to me like you've matured enough in the past five years that you can handle the shit what goes down now.

Go slow if you need to. That's all well and good.

But damn it, man... the chance to be back with her is THERE. Take it, for the love of all of us who have ever had to sit back and realize that the perfect unity and completion we all long for isn't going to come true for some of us.

I can't believe I'm going to quote Wedding Crashers... but God man... True love is one soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another.

If you think it's true about htis girl, don't give it up.... and don't surrender to your fantasy for revenge. In time, if you both are patient with each other, the scars can fade and the wish for venegance will diminish as well.
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