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Old 12-28-2005, 01:04 AM   #122
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Tennessee
Originally Posted by Blade6119
id be betting its just how coffee differentiates the good(stone alter) from bad(blood laden pentagram)...from that id take our guy did the yak, theirs the goat, and id assume from hes writing ours was more the the elementals liking though thats pure speculation...i think, until our druid comes out and tells us(which i hope he never does as the bad guys will kill him), the meaning of all this remain a secret. Honestly, id just hope the yak was what the elementals wnated and go about day one, as coffee made it clear in the rules even if we did gain favor it would only be known to those involved(druid/warlock i presume). Just hope our guy does a good job picking animals
How can you tell ours was more to the elementals liking? I pretty much got, the same nuetral tone from both.
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