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Old 08-05-2009, 08:19 AM   #69
Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by jdavidbakr View Post
First off, let me be clear - I do really like FOF...

I'd never have dared to think anything else.. You've been playing FOF a lot longer than me..

I switched from Madden though not because of the game play but because of the long-term sustainability of the franchise building aspect.

Understandible.. Madden is a mediocre game with a whole lot of 3-d gimmicks and a big purse for advertisement.. I loved Sierra's Front Page Sports Football.. too bad they tried to imitate EA Madden too much.. and too bad it was published by Sierra, home of the bugs

This whole discussion started with the question of having your starters get subbed out in an unrealistic manner, which doesn't happen in Madden, and in my opinion sort of breaks the illusion when you start micro analyzing the game logs in FOF.

I see it from two different points of view.. the first is immersion.. if my backup gets on the field on a play where he shouldn't be in, something must have happened.. maybe the starter mislaid his helmet - that even happens to star quality players in the NFL

The second point of view is the game code POV.. Was it just a glitch? A bug in programming? Was it - from the programmer's POV supposed to happen? If not, how can one make sure it doesn't happen again?
I'm still quite new to FOF, so I'm still trying to find out what happens if I change different things - and things like that unexpected backup on the field or the SS blitzing when his blitz rate is set to 0% make me ask for the "why" behind it. Glitch? Bug? Bad Dice Roll? Or done as expected by the programmer?
Might be, that playing WOW for quite a while got me to think there's a whole lot of people around even here, who love to analyse a game - numbercrunchers - as there seem to be millions of them in WOW. As it seems, I've been wrong.. so I'll continue my "live and learn" strategy to find out what happens when I change some detail in the FOF setups
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