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Old 01-27-2024, 06:05 PM   #429
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
(Still more evidence that it all goes back to skin color as the root cause of all problems for you. Your default argument for all things).

Okay, so it was re: the Ethiopian women. I was just checking. Below is the article that revealed the scandal.

Just a moment...

I was confused because you were using the word "sterilization" which I believe implies "permanent". I wasn't sure if there was another incident. re: Ethiopian women, what Israel did was give birth control Depo-Provera (3 months birth control) to the women without consent. This is not "permanent". Still bad but not as bad.

Because I like "both sides", the below link questions the veracity of the claim. Note it does not deny it was done, however it questioned how many were impacted, whether it was unknowingly done, and the reasons.

Assessing Claims That Ethiopian Immigrants to Israel Received Birth Control Shots Without Consent - Alex Demas - The Dispatch

If you have another article (besides your twitter & tiktoks) with more details, I would like to read it.

They received the shots every 3 months. They were not told it sterilized them. The birth rates among this one sector plummeted. None of the white immigrants were being given Depo.

And this isn't even new stuff. Netanyahu's comments about Ehtiopians have been very clear for everyone to understand. They would dump out all the Ethiopian blood donations at one point (I think they recently stopped this). They made a fucking law specifically for African asylum seekers that lets them detain them in prison for up to a year without trial. You're talking about a country that trained Apartheid South Africa soldiers and tried to help them build a nuclear bomb.

And good lord you're trying to defend outright eugenics on some moronic technicality. How fucking sick in the head are you? I know you have a history of racist comments here, but defending eugenics is a new low.

Now follow up with a Websters dictionary definition of some term you just learned or claim I love Hamas because you can't defend our tax dollars going to this country. In 10 years, you'll pretend you never supported this stuff just like all the people who supported South Africa in the apartheid days.

It was dumb of me to get into another one of your concern trolling threads.
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