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Old 08-14-2022, 06:34 PM   #88
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
You're really going to have to tell me what you think I need to do a mea culpa on re: the article?

Let me go ahead and add that to the list ...

Just in case our discussion comes up again, and for ease of reference, I'll post the outstanding questions I'm waiting from you on.

1) Do you believe that "instruct" = "mention". An example is a gay teacher introduces his gay spouse as his husband and you believe can get reprimanded/fired. I'm pretty sure from your posts above the answer is yes, but want to establish a clear baseline now. - Ans: Yes

2) The bill deals with 3rd graders and below. Why do you believe teachers are better than parents in discussing "sexual orientation or gender identity" topics with their 3rd grader?

3) I can extrapolate what you mean by gaslighting. But still waiting on goal post moving

4) Can you provide a similar example in recent times (let's since 2000's) of a gay 3rd grade teacher who was murdered because of teaching/instructing a child?

5) Please provide your quote where you have previously told me this? I honestly don't see it in prior posts re: "I’ve already described how people will die"
6) What does E have to do a mea culpa on re:
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