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royals19 08-04-2013 11:48 AM

The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2
Howdy, folks... It's been quite a while since we've heard from George McGovern and the boys in blue hasn't it? According to my calendar, it's been exactly one month since I was exiled from my PS3 to the Vita and I must say, I'm looking forward not having to determine balls and strikes on a 4.5x2.5 inch screen.

Before we get back to McGovern's crazy antics and the ball games, I might as refresh you're memory on what all has transpired this season.

Fresh off of our Wild Card berth and a loss at the hands of the rival Detroit Tigers, we entered the offseason with a purpose and signed James Shields to a 4 year deal and Jon Lester to a crazy 6 year deal as well as the firing of Ned Yost and his replacement with Joe Maddon... Fastforward to Spring Training and things seemed to be looking up, Hosmer and Moose were tearing the cover off the ball and Domonic Brown was looking like the second coming of Bo Jackson...

Unfortunately though, things began to fall apart right from the get go, losing streaks, Hosmer and Moose not producing and eventually ending up in the minors, Bullpen issues, Rotation issues... It was the whole 9 yards, everything that could've gone wrong did go wrong.

Off the field, a group simply known as "The Trust" was working diligently to displace George McGovern from his Presidential role and even went as far as a botched kidnapping attempt of Jeremy Guthrie that resulted in Ned Yost waking up on a pacific island.

Things are starting to get extremely hairy as we make our way to the trade deadline. The Royals fall from baseball's most promising team to a team 3 games above .500 is almost, almost 2012 Boston Red soxish.

At this point in the season, we're no where close to being finished. We've still got quite a few questions to answer like:


  • Billy Butler is in the last year of his contract, will the Royals trade him?
  • Who is this "Trust" that we heard from this season?
  • When will we see guys like Kyle Zimmer, Yordano Ventura and others?
  • Can the Royals stage an incredible comeback to make the postseason?
  • Where is Austin Meadows at?

With a brand new PS3 that so slim, it makes the old one look like a toaster, we're ready to rock and roll here in the second half.

royals19 08-04-2013 12:19 PM

Re: The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2

An elderly man sat at the head of the table, on each side of the table sat 5 men... They were a distinguished bunch... people that could easily be identified by the everyday American...

The man at the head of the table sat reading the day's newspaper and the other's sat quietly and waited until he was finished.


Originally Posted by Mysterious Man #1
Haha... he thinks that he's got us off his trail now. He traded Guthrie to Milwaukee.

The room was filled with an assortment of laughs.


Originally Posted by Mysterious Man #2
George should've known better... We stole the team from under his nose back in '94... what in the hell makes him think he can get away with it this time?


Originally Posted by Mysterious Man #1
Indeed, Mr. McGovern was always a crafty son of *****...


Originally Posted by Mysterious man #4
Does he know that it's us? This could further compound the issue.


Originally Posted by Mysterious man #1
That's highly unlikely, he didn't know it was us the first time. Last time we were able to downright steal the team from under his nose... This time, it's not going to be as easy... things will happen and people will disappear.


Originally Posted by Mysterious man #7
So you're absolutely sure he doesn't know it's us?


Originally Posted by Mysterious man #9
Yes, we're 100% sure that he do...

All of a sudden, the phone sitting on the middle of their table began to ring... The men all looked at each other and then looked at their leader. He stood up to answer the phone.


Originally Posted by Mysterious man #1
Yeah, who is it?


Originally Posted by George McGovern
Bobby, I know it's you and I'm coming to kick your *** you sorry sack of ****.

Then, the line went dead... McGovern had hung up.


Originally Posted by Mysterious man #1
He knows... he knows it us. I don't know how but he knows.

There was obviously some panic among the wary faces of "Bobby's" Fellow comrades...


Originally Posted by Mysterious man #1
Don't worry my friends... this just speeds up our timetable...

royals19 08-04-2013 07:48 PM

Re: The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2

So with the PS3 back in action, it's down to business. This is my favorite time of the regular season... It's almost like Christmas in July. I've always liked making a splash or two at the deadline but I've noticed that it quickly gets out of hand if you stay here too long so it's best to get this done quickly.


Originally Posted by McGovern
We're one big piece away from making things interesting here down the stretch

Couldn't have said it better myself George. We're 9.5 outta the division and we're 5 games back in the Wild Card and there are so many questions to answer. This is one of those times where you can't stay pat if you want to be a legit contender. We might have to make a move just to make one to show the league that we're in...

Here's the thing though, we don't have to go all in this season, we're still young enough that we will be competing in future years. However, we won the Wild Card last year and anything less than a playoff berth is a step backwards.

This year's trade market has to have been one of the best I've seen. A lot of teams that thought they were going to be contending aren't and are selling off their talent in groves. We've got a log jammed farm system so everything is ripe for the pickins'.

We're also at a cross roads... Billy Butler is going to be a free agent at the end of this season. Alex Gordon will be a free agent next season. We're essentially facing the same dilemma that the Cardinals did with Albert Pujols. We could resign Butler who's asking price is going to be 13M + or we could invest that money into Alex Gordon and others. Billy Butler is big here but he's replaceable... designated hitters come a dime a dozen. Outfielders like Alex Gordon though, they just don't grow on trees.

So theoretically, we could trade Billy Butler and some others for another impact player that's more controllable and is at a premium position.

On top of that, we'd also like to part with Bonifacio and Cashner, each making 2 million. Cashner is probably worth that 2 million but Bonifacio... no freakin way. If we can trade them and free up that money then we could put it towards a player we get in a trade.

We'd ideally like to add a pitcher to go with Shields and Lester to give us something of a Maddux/Glavine/Smoltz of our own because of our inability to get any production from our 3-5 starters, of which we have seen 7 different pitchers start in that roll according to my notes.

Maybe we go after David Price since Tampa's out of it by a long shot or... Maybe we go after reigning Cy Young Tommy Milone since he's having a down to earth year. I don't really know at this point but we're willing to go big or go home this deadline with 1 move.

Bluejaysfan65 08-04-2013 08:50 PM

Re: The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2
Nice to see you back Royals! An interesting start. It'd be so sick to have a rotation of Price, Shields and Lester.

WaitTilNextYear 08-05-2013 02:16 AM

Re: The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2
I like Price and Milone in theory, but if you are dumping salary (Butler), you can kiss that idea goodbye.

However, you could probably use Cashner to get Milone.

If you want Country Breakfast to be the main course in your deal, you'd want to look at some high rolling [AL] teams who are competing, but maybe have a need at DH and an intriguing pitcher (or 3) on the outside of the 5-man rotation looking in. Ahem...Baltimore Orioles...ahem.

royals19 08-05-2013 11:01 AM

Re: The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2

Originally Posted by Bluejaysfan65 (Post 2045318857)
Nice to see you back Royals! An interesting start. It'd be so sick to have a rotation of Price, Shields and Lester.

Yeah that would give me a clear edge against Detroit but trying to find the money to pay for Price is another thing. I've got to trade Billy Butler if I want to make that happen. I'm not sure if trading a .300 hitter with 30+ homeruns for David Price is really an upgrade though.


Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear (Post 2045319688)
I like Price and Milone in theory, but if you are dumping salary (Butler), you can kiss that idea goodbye.

However, you could probably use Cashner to get Milone.

If you want Country Breakfast to be the main course in your deal, you'd want to look at some high rolling [AL] teams who are competing, but maybe have a need at DH and an intriguing pitcher (or 3) on the outside of the 5-man rotation looking in. Ahem...Baltimore Orioles...ahem.

I like the idea. Oakland could capitalize on Milone's value and get Cashner back.

As for trading Butler, I like that as well. But wait, what team am I supposed to look at again? :wink:

royals19 08-08-2013 04:43 PM

Re: The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2

Alright... My bad folks for leavin' you hanging like that... I should've known better. If you've ever played any of the "Uncharted" games then you'll understand why I was away for so long. That's probably the second best game on PS3 (aside from the Show)...

But enough of my treasure hunting escapades, let's head on out to BP and listen in on a conversation between Billy Butler and George Brett.


Originally Posted by George Brett
What the hell Billy? You couldn't even get the ball outta the infield.


Originally Posted by Butler
Don't push me George... I'm sick of this crap...


Originally Posted by George
What crap?


Originally Posted by Butler
This... Billy beckons to the stadium... What are we really trying to do here? I think Dayton and McGovern are lying through their teeth. We can't win with these fools... they've got no talent... heck just about everybody's been in AAA at some point this season. What are they even doing here?


Originally Posted by George
Why are they here? Why are they here!? You look at each and everyone of them... They understand they can't get by talent alone! They're here because they're on their grind everyday. Every. Single. Day. Moose showed up to the ball park today at 7 ready to get his work in at the cage. I saw Escobar here at 4 A.M. on the field taking groundballs. Hell, I even saw the bullpen guys hitting the weights before I left last night at 2 A.M. They're here because they want this bad and will buy into what we're doing here.


Originally Posted by Butler
Look, I'm sick of this... we're 5 games back in the Wild Card. 9.5 in the division. With this rag tag band of "ball players" we're kidding ourselves if we think we can make the playoffs. Especially with teams like Detroit and Cleveland in the division.


Originally Posted by George
... If Bo Jackson was here, he'd be ashamed that you've ever put on the number 16.


Originally Posted by Butler
Man whatever, man... I'm out.

Butler stormed off the field and down the dugout stairs towards the clubhouse. George was angry... no... he was p*****. Billy Butler was the original Royal, a legit MVP threat and now he had officially worn out his welcome with the Royals.

George Brett stood at the back of the cage and watched Chris Denorfia get his hacks in. However, something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. An elderly gentleman wearing a white suit sat in the seats behind the Royals dugout. When George looked back no more than 30 seconds later, he was gone...

royals19 08-08-2013 05:10 PM

Re: The McGovern Manifesto- Restoration, Reformation and Retaliation- Part 2

George McGovern sat in the Manager's office with Joe Maddon, Dayton Moore and Andrew Friedman. They were all going over what to do at this year's deadline. Detroit was nearly untouchable at this point... The Wild Card was however, within reach


Originally Posted by Dayton
We can't just sit here and do nothing guys... We've got to make a move.


Originally Posted by Maddon
I agree... I need arms bad. Shieldsy and big Jon have been my only legit rotation guys this year.


Originally Posted by McGovern
... Let's trade for Stanton!


Originally Posted by Frieddman
Umm.... How about no. Before we get stupid crazy with the trades, Joe you said you need arms. I think we could get a front of the rotation type arm for either Billy Butler or Alex Gordon.


Originally Posted by McGovern
So we're at a cross roads... aren't we? There's only room for one face of the franchise. I figured this day would come.


Originally Posted by Friedman
Exactly... but here's the thing. We're in a double bind. We trade Butler, we lose his bat which will be hard to replace at this stage of the season. We trade Gordo then we run the risk of losing both players, you know with Butler leaving at the end of the season.

If we stand pat, then it doesn't look good going into the rest of the season.


Originally Posted by Maddon
Drew, if I may add. I would rather you trade Billy Butler instead of Gordo. Butler is becoming a pain in the *** down here. Just today I had to break up a fight between him and Tim Collins. He isn't a ball player, he's just a talented guy.

You know baseball players are gritty, play hard and make things happen. Look at what Boston did in 2012, they tore down their ball club and got guys the will compete and live for this... That's what we need.

In my own opinion, Gordon is the model Royals player. He's smart, he plays hard, works hard... he's a grinder and that's what we need. We need guys that'll grind and Billy Butler, despite his talent simply refuses to grind.


Originally Posted by Dayton
I agree. Billy is becoming extremely expensive and our projections have him at like 15 million annually... we don't have that type of cash. Gordon is under contract for one more year and guys like him don't just come along every draft...


Originally Posted by Freidman
What do you think Mr. McGovern?

McGovern sat in his chair. This was the biggest move of his Presidential career... he was going to alter the course of this franchise for potentially years... This crossroads will easily define the franchise for the next 5 years.


Originally Posted by McGovern
Make it happen...

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