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Old 03-07-2008, 11:38 AM   #1
jdrhammer's Arena
OVR: 19
Join Date: Feb 2008
a few things I'd like to see improved...

while I'm bored. I play on PS3 and the running motions look horrible for the most part. The strides are really short and sometimes it looks like people have something up their butt and they're rushing to the bathroom.

I'd love to see different running styles by backs. This has been said many times before by many others. Also, while on RB's, I'd like to see the bigger backs like Beanie Wells be able to run over people. They don't bounce off anyone it seems, its like the juke has taken over completely.

Different QB styles. This should not be a problem, at all, to incorporate. Different arm angles, releases and quickness of releases, hitches, pumps, etc. Also, foot work in the pocket needs to be a little quicker. QB's are way too slow moving laterally in the pocket on the game.

Uniforms- Doesn't the school's SID have some input on the uniforms. It seems like I've read in the past that they offer some info to EA. I'm gonna email ours. The blue we wear in person is a very dark, navy blue. The jerseys on the game and the team color blue, isn't nearly dark enough. Also, we wear red wrist bands and QB bands instead of blue ones. This has been wrong for 8 years.

Also, the lighting during the day games and the shiny-ness of the jerseys looks stupid. The white guys' legs look bright white and the blak guys look tan in the sunlight. This needs to be fixed.

Field conditions during extreme, or normal weather. Make it realisitic.

Make the team ratings count. Team age, or a team with many upperclassmen in the two deep should help a "Chemistry Rating" or something along those lines that causes a team to be a little better when the game gets tough.

Homefield advantage with the shaking camera. Crazy fans and outbursts on big plays would be nice as well. A big, long roar after a score is needed.

Recruiting- When teams like LSU, USC, Ohio St., Texas(ie teams with 6* prestige), etc, offer players, it should carry more weight. They shouldn't have as difficult a time signing the top players. In-state schools carry a little more weight than they are given credit for. Make Prestige mean something. My team is in the SEC, so make that carry some weight. True recruiting regions. TCU shouldn't be a power in recruiting. TX, A&M, TT, OK, and OK St., LSU, among others should be getting these TX kids.
Make the CPU manage their depthcharts better. Teams sign at least 3 or 4 OL yearly. Make everyone have a two deep.
Oversigning and over-recruiting should mean something and count against integrity. UF is a great team, but in my Dynasty in 2015 they had over 10 QB's on the roster. This isn't realistic. That's just one example.

Even out the attributes on Defense. DE's and DT's are weaker than many LB's. Make the players interchangeable in some cases where they can switch positions.

Position switches shouldn't be so difficult. SS to FS and CB shouldn't be such a hit to ratings. Same with FB's.

CPU AI is awful on both sides of the ball. They're down two TD's with under a minute to go and the line up in the Shotgun and run it. Then they wait til they get lined up and call a TO after killing 20 seconds. Surely they will get someone with a Football IQ to revamp the AI.

I guess I can dream.
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