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Old 10-18-2009, 07:25 PM   #4
OVR: 3
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Washington DC

OK, I’m playing 2k10, I like the game ok but I start to wonder how far this series really has come. So I look at my shelf, the shelf which holds all of the 2k series, both Basketball and football. I then grab the 2k6 basketball and pop it into my 360.

To my surprise after the jump, the game play is quite smooth, after playing for 1 quarter, I seriously start to wonder besides pretty graphics and all the cute little bells and whistles has the game really changed much. So instead of jumping to conclusions I pop in 2k7, same thing, it seems I’m more into the game, I have a realistic control of my players, less auto control, but we know that already.

But this game still has a better feel. Seriously I was surprised because after the new series come out I never play the older versions again; I just retire them to my shelf. Don’t get me wrong they have addressed some issues but it seems the game has gone more lateral than forward.

I almost FORGOT that the guards used to get low when going to the rack until I played 2k6. This is one of the first things that you learn when playing real basketball, get as low to the ground as you can.

Pop in 2k8, 2k9 same deal. Combined all of those games are better than 2k10; I just wonder with all of the technology and smarts that we have why can’t we make this a better game. I’m not knocking 2k10 I’m just wondering why they can’t just “tweak” the small issues without having to revamp the entire game. It’s like it’s over kill every year.

Don’t get me wrong I’ll continue to stack my shelf every year, for I am addicted to the series it’s just FOR ONCE I want them to address the small issues without changing the entire game.

ALL THAT TO SAY I AGREE.........i posted this a few days
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