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Old 07-27-2010, 02:25 PM   #21
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

I feel like there used to be a time on these forums when people would complain about an issue (even a major issue) and there could be some discussion, but eventually there was always an acknowledgment that "EA has to consider its entire fan base, and not just the OS-type sim-diehards, so what can you really expect?" Even now that we have developers or their sentries interacting with our community, which is fantastic,

IT'S STILL A VIDEO GAME. EA's bottom line can only be so concerned about tweaking recruits and progression until it's perfect. And that definitely bothers me as much as the next guy, trust me I hate the MonopolEA, and I really hope that they will release a patch to improve this issue.

But a "revolution?" I mean c'mon now. Exactly how is that going to happen, and more importantly, how is Operation Sports going to make it happen. If there is something I can do for this cause then I will stand alongside the rest of y'all. But otherwise the only type of revolution I can think of is for people in this community to not buy this game immediately when it comes out. And I think that the threads convincing people that this game is not worth the price tag pale in comparision to the hype that these forums drum up for these games year in and year out.

The best thing I could suggest for an alternative is to go try Bowl Bound College Football for PC, a text sim that has a really good system for recruits and progression. But then again, believe it or not, that GAME has its own issues as well (aside from being a text sim that will turn most people off anyways).

I just want the kids out there reading this to know that this ALWAYS happens, and if you want to just enjoy a game that you think is pretty great, then don't pay much attention to these threads and just get back to recruiting. And this is coming from someone who HAS been turned off of my favorite game by these forums on multiple occasions.
EA FC, MLB The Show, had a blast with last year's Madden, been off of NBA 2K for a couple years, eagerly awaiting new NCAA Football. Still thinking about buying the WWE game 🤣
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