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Old 12-02-2010, 09:23 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Blzer
In some ways I agree. Don't get me wrong, Skate 3 is the greatest skateboarding game ever made... but why did they have to pound out three of them in under three years of time? What's their driving force besides money? They would have earned so much more if they spent two - three years in between these games and released them then.

I don't know what more they can do to be honest, but I trust them to do the right thing. The best thing IMO is for them to release Skate 4 no earlier than Q3 2012, maybe even later. There's no need for a new one right now.

Oh, and the best thing for these games is to stay on the classic controllers. No big boards, no motion controls. That's just moving to a new parallel, not "improving" IMO.
totally agree...oversaturation is the main problem...visually skate 3 was not improved over skate 2...and in all honestly, it felt more like dlc. Dont get me wrong, I loved the new "create a brand" feature, but it was little small things like the online creator that really didnt show any innovation to a game that rightfully deserves it.

Im not a skateboard purist by any stretch of the imagination, but even as a casual gamer, Skate 3 just felt rushed. Some of the major glitches still carried over from Skate 2, but thats what happens when you money grab. If by some chance they release a skate in 2011, i will not buy it, just like i didnt buy 3. Take a year off and get back to the basics. Thats what got you there.

Skateboarding should not follow the same path as the Rock Bands and Guitar Heros of the dont need bi annual or annual releases and shove people with so much that eventually, they wont buy it at all.
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