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Old 03-08-2011, 02:17 AM   #77
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Re: Top Spin 4 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Dudd
Feels way, way too much like TS3. I played a decent amount of TS3 a year or so ago, and it just feels like the same game, just a bit quicker. Serving is still too easy, just hit a button and let go, you don't really have to worry too much about power or aiming, the return will generally be the same no matter what. Then just keep hitting slice shots back, eventually you'll open up an opportunity for a winner, which of course requires no finesse at all to make since you have virtually no chance of making an error on any shot. This was fun for a while back when I first bought TS3, but I got tired of it back then. It just feels so mechanical, I always know where I am in a point. There should be shots where I know I'm most likely going to make an error, but the only chance I have to get back in the point is to go for a low percentage winner down the line. There should be times in a rally where I have to risk hitting a ground stroke long to get back the upper hand, but to do it anyways because to do other wise is to eventually give my opponent the point. Instead I'm just slicing the ball constantly back over and over until my opponent gets tired and slows down enough to leave half the court open. Maybe the higher difficulty levels will fix this, but they didn't in TS3, and I'm not paying to find out if they do this time.

On a positive note, they did slightly improve the presentation. I don't know what reason they possibly could have for putting a giant CPU and 1P icon over each player before every point in TS3, but it's nice that they came to their senses and realized that it was ugly and we're smart enough to remember which player is ours. Crowds are better too.
I went back and played TS3 today and I have to say TS4 has improved a lot. The shots feel more natural, movement improved a lot.

If you're only going to use one button to play the game, on a low difficulty level it seems, then of course you're not going to get the most out of it. This game has a lot more depth than you give it credit for, but to each his own.
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