Thread: R.I.P Al Davis
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Old 10-08-2011, 07:49 PM   #3
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Re: R.I.P Al Davis

Here, I'll save it for you; Bringing it back to Madden...
Funny, I was just thinking about starting a Raiders Franchise, pretending that Al Davis would step down, and hand me the reins. That was just last night. Imagine how I felt today upon hearing the news.
So, having never done a single team Franchise, I'd like to start a Raiders Franchise now.
I still have the default rosters just out of the box, so any suggestions involving the 2012 rosters are probably moot.
If I am correct, following the Davis philosophy... I should build my offensive line first. Try to draft an Upshaw and/or Shell immediately.
What is the best criteria for drafting linemen? Size? Awareness? Strength?
Secondly I want big defensive linemen and linebackers... I assume the same answers to the Offensive Linemen, with perhaps speed being a factor.
Then I want Cornerbacks who can play one-on-one. What criteria determines one-on-one coverage? Speed? Awareness?
After that I want a strong armed QB and a Wes Welker type WR, along with a Cliff Branch type.
Lastly, I want Safeties who can knock opposing WRs out of their shoes ala Jack Tatum... Any suggestions?
And just to add a bit of Raider Nation to the whole thing, I'm going to try picking up Michael Vick, Plaxico, and Wes Welker as FAs. Any suggestions of Defensive players I should covet?
I hope to get a response or two... Thank You...
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