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Old 02-22-2012, 04:04 PM   #39
OVR: 5
Join Date: Oct 2007
Re: MLB 12 The Show Gameplay Video - Cubs vs. Cardinals (OS Exclusive) - Part 3

Originally Posted by nomo17k
This just shows you haven't studied physics at a level higher than high school.
I don't really see how this insult is adding anything constructive to the discussion. Vashyron makes a good point, and all he meant was that replicating the physics of baseball isn't as complex as replicating the physics of -- to cite other videogame examples -- space travel or warfare. It is disappointing, to some of us, that The Show didn't start of with a strong foundation of physics, which is arguably the most important aspect of the game of baseball. Just because you, and many other members of this forum, aren't as concerned about it as some of us, and think that things like batting stances and accurate stadium details and which pocket a player keeps his batting gloves in when he's not wearing them, are more crucial to creating a realistic game of baseball, doesn't mean that everyone feels that way. And I'm not knocking you for being of that opinion, I'm just saying that we all have different ideas about what constitutes an authentic baseball video game.

Don't get me wrong, I love The Show, and I believe the team at San Diego are passionate and sincere about making the best possible MLB baseball simulation that they can. But over the past couple of years, I've found myself playing The Show less, and Pro Yakyu Spirits (a Japanese baseball title, for those of you not aware of it) more, for the very reason that Vashyron brings up. Even though I know very little about the players and teams in Japanese baseball, and can't read or understand a word of Japanese, and even though the graphics aren't as polished or detailed as The Show, I still consistently have more fun and more unpredictable and exciting outcomes in PYS, because that game is built on a very strong foundation of realistic ball to bat physics. That's why the new feature that I'm most excited about in this year's version of The Show is the revamped physics, and I really do hope it will make the game more enjoyable. I'm not expecting it to be as refined as the physics in PYS, considering Konami have had a lot more time to perfect their version, and also the fact that PYS uses a cursor-based batting system, but I'm hopeful at least that Sony is heading in the right direction.

Still, it is valid to wonder why they didn't incoroporate a realistic physics engine from the get go.
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