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Old 05-20-2012, 11:17 PM   #41
actionhank's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Re: NHL 13 Teaser - The Next Gameplay Revolution is Coming: Part 2

Originally Posted by savoie2006
Well, there are ALOT of diehard hockey fans here.There are aspects of the game that have gotten way stale over the years. The largely the same Presentation and commentary. The boring Offensive Cpu AI. The lack of capable AI defensemen. The unrealistic skating. Yes, the game is fun at first, but as is, it gets old quicker than it did back when NHL 10 came out.

I commend the development team for adding all the small things they have added to the game over the years. This year though, major changes are gonna be needed in order to keep people interested. You can only do so many years of small changes.
Don't get me wrong, i really like the game, and it is fun, and i wouldn't hesitate to call it hands down, the best hockey game (not that it has much competition anymore, but even when 2K sports was out, i liked it more.)
That being said, the game still needs a lot of work.
Be A GM mode could use a lot more love, to make it feel more alive, instead of just your team, playing against a team who plays the same, but has different player names and jerseys.
And while the offense is fun, the defense is sometimes miserable to play as. For all the improvements the skill stick has brought to the table for offense, the defense is left with a single button to do most of the work, and a stick that could easily be replaced by a button for checking. The goalies let in terrible goals, and stop ones they normally shouldn't, which wouldn't be so bad if the defense had a chance to actually do something to help with the situation.
I'm not saying it's a bad game, and i will most likely buy it again this year, for the 5th straight year, but that doesn't mean i want to see a lot of things fixed, and improved before i decide that it's a sure deal.
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