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Old 05-01-2013, 07:15 PM   #29
hanzsomehanz's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Oct 2009
Originally Posted by KBLover
I think what I don't understand is why isn't this just captured in the SPD/ACC/STA ratings?

Why do we need a "speed burst" if the player is already accelerating to his ability? Why do we need a way to a make player accelerate beyond his ability or even at the max of his ability? If I don't want my guy to go full speed - shouldn't that already be dictated by how I use the stick to move him?
If we treat these players like cars, as we are here, then the speed and accel become potentials and the stamina remains gas and gas effeciency. On speed burst, the burst would be liken to nitro.

I like the concept but stereotypically, this brake/accelerate function should have a negative concequence for accelerating and braking at the same time as well as for poor steering or ill advised accelerates.

We are playing in the body of the player so these movements should play out like the body of a vehicle.

*Hitting a corner too hard could tilt you
*Being upended should flip you
*Bursting forward too hard (when fatigued) could cause you to stumble and fall like a fatigued (put-put) engine

I see this as missed target if the player vehicles lack their proper physio dynamics. It is the engine of IE that is supoosed to cater these outcomes on their own. Objects do not need to make physical contact with other moving (or stationary) objects to fall or to be shifted - there are infinite possibilities.

I am all for a racecar cockpit dynamic but EA is only half there if they skim the succulents of physics.

I hope nXGen the engine can live up to its title standards and deliver beyond just contact:contact physics but phyics also imposed by the object itself and from forces outside the object that are unable to be objectified.

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..

Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 05-01-2013 at 07:18 PM.
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