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Old 09-26-2014, 08:55 PM   #401
Schoene503's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: OREGON
Re: Schoene503 NBA 2K15 Roster ( 2K14 for PS3)

Originally Posted by dbcaler
I have a weird bug with your roster I'm hoping you can help me with. For some reason in Season or Association mode (82 games), the Hawks have a Western Conference schedule. In other words they are playing each Eastern Conference team 2 times, and each West 3 to 4. I don't see this with any other East teams, but I suspect there is a Western team (Edit:Clippers have an Eastern Conference schedule, so maybe they are switched somehow) that is playing an Eastern schedule. Also, if I go to customize teams before starting the association, whatever team I put in the Hawks place gets the weird schedule. Continued...
Its because I'm not using the actual 2014-15 schedule. I just updated the years for now. The Hawks issue is because the Hornets use to be the Bobcats and that threw teams off. I will probably update the schedule sometime in the future. You gotta realize I'm going to have to set every Home team, Away team, date, and time for all 30 teams 82 games. Its going to take some time.
PlayStation Network: Schoene503
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