Thread: Framerate?
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Old 03-31-2015, 03:47 PM   #26
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Re: Framerate?

Unfortunately I've found the framrate issues to be quite noticeable. It is pretty much in all the cutscenes and can't be ignored. It is not awful but it is definitely a problem and detracts from the game. In gameplay it isn't really very noticeable but I don't think it is running at 60fps even then. This feels like somewhat of a backward step as I've been playing MLB 13 on the PS3 up until present, having skipped MLB 14. MLB 15 was one of the main reasons I bought a PS4 and whilst the graphical fidelity is obviously improved overall, the framerate drops make it feel like it is a less polished game than MLB 13 and not as pleasant an experience to play.

The game as a whole is impressive and well designed but the framerate issues feel like a major minus point to me. It has dampened my enthusiasm for this game quite alot. I feel like a locked, smooth framerate is more important than flags blowing in the breeze, realistic sun position and the crowd catching fly balls. I'm not sure they have got their priorities right for this one.
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