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Old 08-18-2015, 12:16 PM   #6
zrohman's Arena
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Re: NBA Live 16 Editing PATCH

But if they spend all of those resources improving gameplay and adding new modes don't you think that would attract much more than 1,000 buyers? Live on a great year should sell 1 Million copies.... Even if it's great they will probably only sell like 750,000 but my point is gameplay, live keeping up with rosters, different modes, etc.. I think all of those have a far greater effect. With how far behind they were they chose to use those resources to go towards these things.

I think if the game plays great and is balanced, and the modes are where they need to be, it's well worth patching in. I just don't think they have the ability to do both with how far behind they've been
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