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Old 10-02-2015, 06:23 AM   #1
OVR: 3
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Is Pass Assist too strong this year?

Has anyone else noticed that Pass Assist Level 1 is much, much easier this year? I've already switched to Pass Assist Off (Manual Passing) even though I'm really not quite good enough for it yet, because pass assist Level 1 was just too perfect even for me--I could make 20,30 or even more near perfect consecutive passes. Including passes that should be quite difficult.

I'd have thought that Pass Assist 1, as the lowest setting with "mild" assistance shouldn't be that easy, and that perfect. Because when I switch to manual, I can see my passing for what it is, and that's not great--I definitely need major practice. Yet at the minimum level of assistance, all my players become Iniesta-like. I know they changed the number of levels of passing assist, so maybe that's where they made it too easy (I can't imagine what the higher assist levels could be like--though they can't be any easier!)

Anyone else finding this to be true. Do you think there's a chance Konami knows of this and would correct it in the end of October patch? The game is otherwise really good, but if I can't find the right level for playing a realistic offense--one that is neither too easy or too hard to complete passes--it will make the game rather disappointing to me.
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