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Old 11-03-2015, 04:13 PM   #1
Robo COP
Robo COP's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2012
Zero week/injured reserve issue

So clearly this was an issue last season that EA seemed to ignore and from what I am hearing out of people, including well respected members of this board, is that it once again exists this year.

For those who are unaware, if you start a CFM with preexisting injuries on some players will never come off of IR even after season 1. They will stay on your roster and eat up cap space until their contract is up. If you follow that link many people said they even signed FAs who still stayed injured with a "0 week" injury in last years madden. It is unclear if that is the case this year.

The biggest question for us to answer at this point though is, can this happen for any player who is put on IR, or just players who started the franchise itself on IR? So we know this can happen to a player like Jordy Nelson who is already on IR at the beginning of the game.

But let's say you turn preexisting injuries off and in week 4 Jordy Nelson goes down with a season ending injury and you put him on IR. Do we know if he will in fact come off of IR at the end of the season or can he also be subject to this 0 week injury problem?

Just looking to build up a dialogue on this issue and potential workarounds. Obviously turning off preexisting injuries is a start, but what we need to figure out is if injuries need to be turned off entirely to avoid this problem or if it is only a "preexisting injury" problem
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