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Old 11-05-2015, 03:23 PM   #26
OVR: 0
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Phoenix, AZ by way of Washington D.C.
Hopefully they address the excessive player clipping/morphing with players passing & dribbling balls through players bodies, arms & limbs constantly clipping through players, hands morphing through the ball on steal attempts, etc... This is the biggest issue I have with the game & it's unplayable at times because of it.

Also they need to make CPU ball handlers protect the ball when in the proximity of a defender. This would eliminate the need for them to allow all of this morphing to happen. 2K is so worried about there being a high rate of turnovers in the game that they would rather just cheat you & have a players hand morph through the ball rather than addressing the real issue which is ball avoidance & players protecting the ball. This is the only thing holding the game back from being great. Please fix this 2K!
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