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Old 04-05-2017, 02:10 PM   #363
Lett0407's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Re: Armor & Sword & Marino's MLB The Show 17 Timed/Classic Simulation All-Star Slider

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
Yeah...that is the toughest part of the game for me. I don't issue nearly as many walks as I draw. Josh1977 came up with a great suggestion in turning off the controller "vibration" and that combined with no ball marker will yield you a much better balls to strike ratio and also amp up the challenge.

I am going to try that as I play my 2017 Yankees spring training (oh yes we are playing Spring Training to get acquainted with that wonderful haul of prospects the Yankees took in last season) which will begin this weekend!

So I will report back how that goes (I am prepared to get lit up too LOL)
Lol! Well, there is a lot to like as a Yankee fan! They may be a year or even two away, but that can change quickly with a good first half and the trade deadline. As a Sox fan, they are not a team I like playing right now. Well, of course I like playing them, but you know what I mean.

Should be an exciting few years for the Sox & Yanks! A lot of young talent on both sides and is starting to feel a little bit like the early 2000s when both organizations saw the clashes that laid ahead. You have to love it!

And good luck in spring training, and thanks again! I will take the advice of yourself and Josh1977 and see how turning off the vibration helps. (No girl I know has ever said that, lol!) It's a bit of a tough spot, because I want to have a feel for where I am attempting to throw, but not to the degree I only walk one guy every 12-13 innings!
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