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Old 05-20-2019, 06:27 PM   #17
bep713's Arena
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Re: Franchise Hex Editing Progress

This is an older release. Go to the first post for the most current release notes!

What's up everybody?! We've made a ton of progress on the franchise saves. Basically, to read/write them properly, we need to convert the hex data to binary. I was only seeing part of the picture earlier.

With that, I'm going to release the first version of my schedule editor here. Please make a copy of your franchise in case something goes wrong and you have to lose everything. I haven't tested this too thoroughly so I can't really comment on how it plays out down the line. I made this with the primary goal of importing the new 2019 NFL schedule into Madden 19.

Along with that, we can use this for historical schedules...but anything prior to 2002 will not work well because there weren't 32 teams back then. The editor comes with historical seasons from 1970-2019.

Let me know if the app doesn't work for you or what you'd like to see in the future. This is all open source too so please check it out if you'd like to contribute further! This is a work in progress and is pretty time consuming, so the more the merrier!


To download editor:
  1. Click link above for Editor
  2. Scroll down all the way and click 'Assets'
  3. Click the first item
  4. Unzip contents and run madden-schedule.exe
  5. Read instructions on the download page for how to use

It may take some time to unzip all the files.

Last edited by bep713; 07-28-2019 at 02:15 AM.
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