Dynasty League Baseball News Post

Dynasty League Baseball Online is seeing some new updates for the 2014 baseball season. Here's some highlights:

NEW! 2013 season player cards: You can view any player card by mousing over it in the Roster menu either in a league or playing a "Series" solitaire or with a friend. For more than 25 years, discerning fans looking for the most realistic baseball simulation experience have played this landmark strategy game that originated as the Pursue the Pennant board version game.

NEW! Transparency of your Private Draft League for anyone to view: To see what a DYNASTY League Baseball Online league looks like, you can click on the league home page for the SNBL http://www.dynastyleaguebaseball.com...px?OrgID=53182 and also on any team on the league home page to view their team page. Right now the new SNBL 2014 season has not started, but you can see the 16 teams in the SNBL and their pre-draft rosters. At the bottom right on the team page is the PAST SEASONS league history. By clicking on either the 2011 or 2012 Player Season you can see the historical stats, standings and leaders for the league and each team (again by clicking on the team page). Stats can easily be sorted on the team page by clicking on the stat header category or the pull down splits menu.

NEW! Commissioner Tools now include automated playoffs, custom playoffs and the new MLB play-in wild card format: Commissioner Tools include new playoff setup options in the League Settings in addition to the Edit roster and schedule builder tools.

NEW! Private Draft League migration for "keeper" leagues: Allows you to migrate your multi-player Private Draft league to the next season. As the Commissioner you can start with the most current season (2013 season player cards) and migrate forward each year or start with any season from 1996-2013 and migrate forward at your own pace.

NEW! Wide angle high resolution ball park images for Fenway Park, New Yankee Stadium and Camden Yards: The new ball park images include views from both outside and inside the ball park as well as day and night. New images for Wrigley Field are coming soon.

NEW! Season replay multi-player private stock team leagues: The first ever multi-player season replay leagues are currently ongoing where 30 team multi-player leagues are replaying the 2013 season or any season from 1996 - 2013.

NEW! DYNASTY League Baseball Facebook Group: Private Draft "keeper" League formation continues to grow in the Facebook group where Commissioners and league member are able to form and join leagues. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DYNASTYLeagueBaseball/

Future Feature! Private Draft League Directory: Allows you to view all Private Leagues including their league home page. League Commissioners can highlight their league from the Commissioner Tools interface if they are looking for new league members.

Future Feature! Solitaire season replays:
Allows you to build your own schedule and play a 162 game season replay solitaire or with a friend(s).

If you are curious about our thoughts of Dynasty League Baseball Online, check out our review here. In our review, we gave the game an 8.5 (Great) rating. If you'd like more information on the game, including how to sign up for a league, check out Dynasty League Baseball Online's website.

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Game: Dynasty League Baseball OnlineReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: Mac / PCVotes for game: 12 - View All
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