EA Sports FIFA Street Preview

In what seems to be an overwhelming, yet amazing, return of arcade style games, FIFA Street is sitting right in the middle.

With the FIFA series being arguably the best EA Sports title the past few years, the Street team is ready to live up to the challenge and the hype.

The build I played was still a little early, with a few shotty areas of gameplay, but I could sense the style of the old FIFA Streets from the PS2 and XBOX. As mentioned earlier, arcade games are coming back in full force, and they’re all sticking with the original gameplay we all grew to love. FIFA Street is no different; it still is reminiscent of the countless dorm room tournaments I had in college.

However, one exciting detail of the game is the amount of realism EA wants to keep alive. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is played in countless way across the globe, and FIFA Street is set out to do their best to match that on a gaming console.

“We’re trying to create the first true quality street football experience,” said Sid Misra, FIFA Street developer. “People need another way to play football. In London, it means playing in a gym; in Rio, it’s stylized, doing tricks with the ball; it’s about having fun. What we wanted to do was bring things to life and make learning easier. We want people to be able and pick up and play.”

New to this version is the addition of MLS teams. I know a lot of gamers prefer the premier league over the state-side teams, but running with the Seattle Sounders is quite fulfilling.

The game modes are similar to past versions, but there is one new mode that stood out. Last Man Standing pits you against another team, but each time someone scores they lose a teammate. You could end up going 4-on-1 if you’re good enough. The mode adds a new type of tension I haven’t felt in a little while playing a sports game like this.

The essence of FIFA Street hasn’t changed one bit. This reboot should bring plenty of pleasure to the football fanatics out there.

EA Sports FIFA Street Videos
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