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2k10Fonzarelli's Blog
Random Thoughts For My Arena - a bit about 2KFonzie 
Posted on September 16, 2012 at 12:12 AM.
welcome to my arena Gents. Im sorry if theres not much to see around here but I do appreciate you taking the time to come n have a look.

This site is my absolute favorite forum on the net. Not solely because of the content but because of the culture it breeds.

And while the strict mods and forums rule may prove controversial for some they do keep this place from becoming saturated with internet horse crap.

Im pretty hard to offend so Challenge my opinions with resolve and we might learn something from each other. I try to approach even the most stubborn and misguided posters with humility and the benefit of the doubt.

My Signature reads " Ignorance of evidence is evidence of ignorance "
This is a phrase I take pride in creating. But i wanted to make it crystal clear that I differentiate between 2 kinds of ignorance.
1)Helpless Ignorace ; Ignorance as a result of lack of understanding or relevance.
2)Chosen Ignorance : Ignorance as a result of a choice due to conflicting beliefs, embarrassment or pride.
I have what George Carlin would call a "Major Psycotic ******g hatred" of that kind of ignorance. Im not going to sit here and act as if i've never been guilty of this. But today, im 30 years old. There simply no time for that especially considering my late launch into independent life. It (chosen ignorance) is prevalent in our world, and its shows its ugly head mostly in politics and religion(2 of my favorite talking points).

2K basketball is a videogame that offers Limitless replay value as do most other sports games, RPGs and online shooters.
With rare exception(BioShock) no retail game is worth $60.
I am adamant against the way the games industry is going, how publishers treat customers like ******g money trees, day 1 DLC, pre-order incentives, always on DRM, ONLINE PASSES! These 'features' or 'bonuses' serve only to say "we trust you with our games as far as we can throw you"
Its high time gamers took a stand against controlling publishers wearing Louie Vuitton suits who haven't played an game in their lives telling us gamers(the ones who funded those suits) what we want in a video game.
So with all due respect, if your of the opinion that all this stuff is ineffably good you are the biggest part of the problem.

In the future I will add more to this as i had no idea that over 2,000 times my arena has been visited with nothing to show on it. I've seen some cool cats on here and wanted to suggest that I am one too :P.

I used to play Basketball daily. I moved to Canada from England in '89 and almost immediate became a fan of basketball. As that love of the game grew, I took a particular interest in dunking. IMHO, it IS the most highlight reel worth play in all of sports. Vince Carter Dunking over Frederic Weiss manifested more emotion in me than Joe Carter hitting a Walk-off homerun to win the world series. I quickly started to work myself toward being able to dunk. Then finally, at 18 years old, 11 years after moving to canada, I threw down my first rimgrazer on 10'.

Perhaps this following opinion is not so relevant anymore as basketball doesn't fit as well into my schedule(plus suffering from exercise induced headaches really deters me from going anything over 75%) but there was one point between 18 and 25 where I knew Dunking > Sex.

So yeah. Hope that kills some time for y'all and sheds a little light on ol 2kfonzie

P.E.A.C.E. (if you tell me what the accronym means, you'll prove to me that you are a 90's hip-hop cat like myself)

PS. dependent on the state of 'Crew' or any 'my player' online mode, keep an eye out for a blog I plan to write. I'd would value your opinions on it as I am taking a hardnosed no-nonsense approach that the ideas put forth are superior in every way to 2K/VC idea on Crew (no offense guys, im not a game programmer(yet)so forgive my ignorance of what it takes to make a mode like crew function at all. Rest assured I do appreciate that you gave us something).
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