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Technology Doesn't Matter
On paper the Playstation 3 has superior technology compared to the Xbox 360. This includes a better graphics chip, processor, media storage, and connectivity (before 360 released an HDMI version). By all accounts we were led to believe that this would mean that releases on the PS3 would be truly "next-gen". Unfortunately, outside of Sony exclusives we have yet to see any multi-platform release raise the bar on the PS3 over the 360. All releases so far have been identical except for a few games where they require one disc on the Playstation 3 as opposed to the Xbox 360 which requires two or more. The fact of the matter is that games are first developed with the lower technology (360) and are simply ported to the PS3, rendering the advanced technology moot.
Playstation 3 specific problems
Porting games from the Xbox 360 is never a simple process. In fact, the technologies differ in such a degree that doing so without the proper development can cause a string of issues. In a single year we've already seen too many to count. There have been numerous freezing issues in NBA 2K12 and NHL 12 as well as graphical rendering issues in Madden 12 and NCAA 12. All of which are exclusive to the Playstation 3.
(For reference: NHL 12, Madden 12 (1), Madden 12 (2))
In fact, graphically, the Playstation 3 tends to fall short almost always in terms of sports gaming. Blogs such as Head2Head from LensofTruth show this in their graphical comparisons. Remember, the Playstation 3 on paper is supposed to be superior in technology to the Xbox 360 but seems to always fall short. As mentioned earlier, this is a by product of porting to the PS3. But why does this happen?
Stubbornness across the pond
It's been no secret for years that East Asian companies such as Sony, Nintendo, and Sega, have had an iron fist when it comes to developing games on their console. Outside of exclusives like MLB the Show, to develop for any amount of time on these companies systems costs too much money and too much time. If you need an example of the struggles between these companies and developers see EA's struggle developing their first madden game on the Sega Genesis(Here).
Due to these circumstances, Microsoft jumped at the opportunity to give developers every tool imaginable to develop games first on the 360. What gives Microsoft even more incentive to do so is their pay-to-play online service Xbox Live. If developers can put out solid games on the 360 that work seamlessly online, then they can rake in a fortune on Xbox Live sales. If the 360 had the same issues as the PS3 mentioned in this article, it's likely that Xbox Live sales would drop significantly. Let's also remember that this isn't a majority issue. According to the latest sales reports (Here) the PS3 is actually outselling the 360. Thus, wouldn't developers want to develop on the majority system? As you can see that's not the case. Developers are even jumping ship on releasing simple patches on the Playstation 3. When 2K hockey was going under in 2009 with NHL 2K10, they released a patch on the 360 but not the PS3.
A one console market
It's only logical to assume that we're dealing with a one console market in terms of multi-platform releases. When specifically dealing with sports gaming you can see the negative effects it has on Playstation 3 owners. If you peruse the forums here at OS you can see many users exclaim that they will be purchasing "x" game on 360 but not PS3. So for those of us who dedicate ourselves to sports gaming, we might have to put away that PS3 and convert to the Xbox 360.
# 2
Kentucky_Wildcat23 @ Feb 17
Having owned both I would have to say that XBOX 360 is the best overall. I would much rather pay to play on XBOX Live and have a great gaming experience than to deal with the problems of a PS3.
# 3
NYJin2009tm @ Feb 17
I will never put the PS3 away because of...MLB The Show & Twisted Metal. Also I prefer the PS3 controller.
# 4
barkleycb34 @ Feb 17
Gotta disagree with you brother. I currently play my 360 more but if I had to pick one, it would be the PS3. Controller, blu-ray, internet browser(streaming movies/shows) and if your a baseball fan MLB The Show is a must!!!
# 5
DetroitStyle @ Feb 17
interesting comments so far guys. I don't doubt the potential of the PS3 as well as it's extra features, but like I said in my blog it seems almost every game that comes out for both PS3 and 360 has a slew of issues exclusive to the PS3. Going outside sports gaming check out Skyrim which has been having numerous issues on the PS3 not found on 360.
# 6
Jamake1005 @ Feb 18
The PS3 to me is the better systems way better games and contrary to what everyone thinks and believes I have no problems with PSN. I totally agree with when it comes to Multiplat games PS3 always gets the shaft always. Gets a annoying when most multiplat game something is wrong and missing and just not up to par with the 360 version. To me besides that tho PS3 is still better system. Way more exclusives that look great and better than almost all games on the 360. I had a 360 and do not miss it one bit. PS3 all the way for me.
# 7
mirrored32 @ Feb 19
ps3 = no red circle death issues. xbox simply didn't cut it. i had one and sold it. still have my ps3.
# 8
maddguuns @ Feb 19
I think you don't have enough cross-platform data to support your theory. A couple items, such as the Skyrim issues and the fact that "some" cross-platform games are developed on the lower technology first, are accurate; however, when taking the time to play cross-platform games, (personally) I find that PS3 games are generally superior in almost every way. Some games the XBox doesn't hold a candle to are BF3 and BFBC2, Arkham City, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1 and 2, CoD: MW2 and 3.
The Kinect beats either the Wii or PSMove hands down, no questions asked. It's a hell of a product.
But, when it comes to exclusive content, the PS3 wins hands down: The Show, MGS 4, and Hard Rain come to mind.
I give you props for having an opinion and arguing it; but this is an argument that can't be won by either side. Each person's opinion will be biased too much on their individual experience (i.e. - game issues - Skyrim vs. exclusive content - The Show).
The Kinect beats either the Wii or PSMove hands down, no questions asked. It's a hell of a product.
But, when it comes to exclusive content, the PS3 wins hands down: The Show, MGS 4, and Hard Rain come to mind.
I give you props for having an opinion and arguing it; but this is an argument that can't be won by either side. Each person's opinion will be biased too much on their individual experience (i.e. - game issues - Skyrim vs. exclusive content - The Show).
# 9
tril @ Feb 19
wait untile Smasung releases their console, then what!!!. they teake the ebst of both consoles, and add some apple fetaures and voila.
# 10
supermanemblem @ Feb 20
You're whole premise is flawed. Xbox gets live from the developers for three reasons: large install base (even though there are 5 million different system configurations), PC-like design, M$ money. However, many devs are using the PS3 as lead system.
# 11
Eski33 @ Feb 20
I own both. I enjoy XBL and you get what you pay for. Also Microsoft has done a great job updating the 360 through adding content and dashboard changes. The 360 today has evolved since its launch which is underrated. To basically buy a console and to have updates that change what it can do is incredble.
The PS3 is basically the same since launch. Same menus and lack of extras hurt. Not to mention Home is a waste. However, the exclusives are outstanding. The Show, Heavy Rain, Killzone and Uncharted are awesome to name a few. Microsoft has some solid exclusives with Gears, Halo, and Forz.
I think Sont shot themselves at launch with a ridiculous price point and claiming the next-gen starts with them yet we didnt even get HD component cables packed in with the console. At the time I had to go buy a HDMI cable that ran $60 at the time.
The PS3 is basically the same since launch. Same menus and lack of extras hurt. Not to mention Home is a waste. However, the exclusives are outstanding. The Show, Heavy Rain, Killzone and Uncharted are awesome to name a few. Microsoft has some solid exclusives with Gears, Halo, and Forz.
I think Sont shot themselves at launch with a ridiculous price point and claiming the next-gen starts with them yet we didnt even get HD component cables packed in with the console. At the time I had to go buy a HDMI cable that ran $60 at the time.
# 12
statum71 @ Feb 20
I had four X360's. And each one had a different problem. Went back to Playstaton and never looked back.
Besides that......The Show: enough said.
Besides that......The Show: enough said.
# 13
DetroitStyle @ Feb 20
I enjoy my PS3 as well. I have a launch version, the backwards compatible 60 GB one. Never had a single issue. I see a lot of you have been mentioning hardware which never really was one of my points. I just mentioned hardware from a gaming power perspective. Seeing as the PS3 has blu-ray it can pack tons of extra content that the 360 can't. But outside of exclusives we haven't really seen any developers take advantage of that extra space (except for multi disc Xbox games).
When we look directly at sports games though that are multi platform we see the PS3 basically take the shaft more often than not. Buggy performance, strange graphical artifacts, and even less content (missing custom sounds in all of the 2K series). As well as missing patches that were exclusive to the 360 (see article above).
I love my PS3, but from a practical standpoint it seems the 360 dominates development making it a one console market. If you want the best quality and best performance, when it comes to sports gaming, for $59.99 go with the 360 version. Which is what I think makes this a one console market.
When we look directly at sports games though that are multi platform we see the PS3 basically take the shaft more often than not. Buggy performance, strange graphical artifacts, and even less content (missing custom sounds in all of the 2K series). As well as missing patches that were exclusive to the 360 (see article above).
I love my PS3, but from a practical standpoint it seems the 360 dominates development making it a one console market. If you want the best quality and best performance, when it comes to sports gaming, for $59.99 go with the 360 version. Which is what I think makes this a one console market.
# 14
Eski33 @ Feb 21
I agree that the 360 had hardware issues. I have had three 360s, two currently in use and one that died.
As I stated before I enjoy both for different reasons but Sony hasnt escaped its Own issues with getting hacked. Not so much that they were hacked but how the situation was handled. Two free games that we couldnt keep unless you bought PS Plus. At least when my 360 died MS replaced it at no cost.
As I stated before I enjoy both for different reasons but Sony hasnt escaped its Own issues with getting hacked. Not so much that they were hacked but how the situation was handled. Two free games that we couldnt keep unless you bought PS Plus. At least when my 360 died MS replaced it at no cost.
# 15
disguyman @ Feb 21
I have 2 360's and 1 Wii that are eating up my dust, 1 original ps3 that I use daily for The Show, crap madden, and NBA 2k11, and a brand new ps3 just for blu ray and games in the game room. As you can see, 2k wont be making anymore baseball and hockey games. So for a baseball fan with a 360 with no baseball game, where do you turn to? Most dominating gaming system now is the pc, lets gooooo Diablo 3!!
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