View Full Version : Movie experience - Baraka

06-18-2003, 04:33 PM
On our trip last week, my brother introduced me to Baraka (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005M91K/qid=1055971743/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-9436606-2915369?v=glance&s=dvd#product-details)

It is hard to explain this view experience but here's the blurb from Amazon The word Baraka means "blessing" in several languages; watching this film, the viewer is blessed with a dazzling barrage of images that transcend language. Filmed in 24 countries and set to an ever-changing global soundtrack, the movie draws some surprising connections between various peoples and the spaces they inhabit, whether that space is a lonely mountaintop or a crowded cigarette factory. Some of these attempts at connection are more successful than others: for instance, an early sequence segues between the daily devotions of Tibetan monks, Orthodox Jews, and whirling dervishes, finding more similarity among these rituals than one might expect. And there are other amazing moments, as when sped-up footage of a busy Hong Kong intersection reveals a beautiful symmetry to urban life that could only be appreciated from the perspective of film. The lack of context is occasionally frustrating--not knowing where a section was filmed, or the meaning of the ritual taking place--and some of the transitions are puzzling. However, the DVD includes a short behind-the-scenes featurette in which cinematographer Ron Fricke (Koyaanisqatsi) explains that the effect was intentional: "It's not where you are that's important, it's what's there." And what's here, in Baraka, is a whole world summed up in 104 minutes.

If you have not seen this and don't have the attention span of a gnat's fart, then I highly recommend this.

(you see, QS, I can be cultured once in a while)

06-18-2003, 04:55 PM
I watched Koyaanisqatsi and I must say that it's meant for those who 'want' to watch something like that, not made to.

06-18-2003, 05:24 PM
Am I the only one who saw the title of this thread and thought perhaps that Onry-doo-doo had misspelled the surname of Bosco Albert Baracas?


06-18-2003, 05:33 PM
I ain't gettin' on no plane, Hannibal!!!!!

06-18-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Qwikshot
I watched Koyaanisqatsi and I must say that it's meant for those who 'want' to watch something like that, not made to.

I've seen both of these movies and that was a perfect way to describe them. In a way, I'm glad I saw them but I have no desire to see them again.