View Full Version : OSD-last days of a job

03-02-2004, 11:54 AM
Since I have most of my clean up duties completed, I am preparing for some major Operation Shut Down. Other than the obvious, is there a better feeling than knowing you are getting better pay, better work, better coworkers, better management, better benefits, and better growth potential?

And a manager just stopped by to tell me I'm making a mistake. . . :rolleyes:

<insert thrusting middle finger here>

03-02-2004, 10:30 PM
tell him to go shit in his hat....

03-03-2004, 07:36 AM
We were told in November that for the second year in a row we will not be receiving raises or a bonus due to financial situations. Then we were told we all had a choice, we can stick it out or we can find new jobs, but better days are ahead. "And everyone who leaves, always calls back wanting their job back." Last month we had a meeting again, pretty much saying that for the third year in a row we will not be getting a raise or bonus barring a miracle. Yesterday the company announced that we just purchased two companies. And I heard from a reliable source at corporate that our CEO/President will be receiving a $4m bonus in addition to her $6m salary.

On the flip side one of my best friends left a job he was at for 10 years for the same reasons you mentioned and it has turned out not to be what he thought it was going to be. Basically one of those too good to be true stories, where he was supposed to be working out of his home 4 days a week then at the office 1 but instead is flying all over the country every week.

03-03-2004, 09:13 AM
It always sucks when a company shits on its employee's for the sake of making more money...

03-05-2004, 12:38 PM
Word. When companies try to make you feel like you can't get a job somewhere else, they're trying to engender an environment where they can treat their employees like crap and get away with it.

03-05-2004, 12:48 PM
It always sucks when a company shits on its employee's for the sake of making more money...

Not to sound too much like the capitalist pig that I am, but you can always walk away. I realize that everyone's situation is different, but ultimately the blame lies with you. You are never absolutely forced to work somewhere. It may seem that way, but it really depends on your perception of material needs weighed against your own happiness. This isn't China building damns you know? :D

03-05-2004, 01:09 PM
Word. When companies try to make you feel like you can't get a job somewhere else, they're trying to engender an environment where they can treat their employees like crap and get away with it.

So true. I can't figure out why the DJIA goes DOWN when they announce that there are fewer new jobs because of increased productivity. Companies LOVE this $hit. With the economy picking up, but weak job markets still being reported, they can continue to defacate all over their employees and reap huge profit margins.