View Poll Results: In one hundred years, the sports league most watched by Americans will be:
Abe Sargent, AnalBumCover, aston217, chinaski, Danny, Desnudo, digamma, Edward64, Grammaticus, jbergey22, Kodos, Maple Leafs, Mota, Radii, sabotai, Schmidty, SegRat, SlyBelle1, sooner333, SplitPersonality1, Thomkal, Tigercat
22 |
24.44% |
3 |
3.33% |
0 |
0% |
7 |
7.78% |
English Premier League
1 |
1.11% |
MLS (or successor)
britrock88, cody8200, cthomer5000, Dutch, Fonzie, hoosierdude, jaygr, laser, Lathum, Scoobz0202, SteveMax58, StLee, vex
13 |
14.44% |
A European Soccer League
3 |
3.33% |
20/20 Cricket
0 |
0% |
MMA (UFC or other)
2 |
2.22% |
Some sport we haven't heard of yet
Barkeep49, BishopMVP, booradley, CAsterling, chesapeake, Chief Rum, claphamsa, EagleFan, Fidatelo, Flasch186, JAG, JeeberD, kingfc22, LloydLungs, MIJB#19, Mike Lowe, PackerFanatic, path12, SackAttack, Shkspr, thealmighty, TLK, Travis, TRO, Umbrella, Vince, Pt. II
26 |
28.89% |
10 |
11.11% |
Uncle Bob's Trout Fishing Pro League
3 |
3.33% |