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Grover 04-14-2015 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 3019227)
But nobody has a solid day 1 read.

And it wasn't like things were switching all over, the last vote before your post #204 was at 12:58 Pacific (mine on Brit). Post 204 was at 1:37 Pacific. The vote contenders were taking shape and you just decided not to, and that raises an eyebrow for me.

Or, I can jump on and vote for someone else during the day and perhaps get labeled as "piggybacking" my vote like someone else apparently did and raise an eyebrow.

*Shrug* Sorry for my inactivity.

path12 04-14-2015 12:03 PM

Passive aggressiveness is always an attractive look.

Grover 04-14-2015 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 3019231)
Passive aggressiveness is always an attractive look.

Okay, then let me ask you this. How exactly was "voting consolidating"

Anybody could have flipped to Jackal and made him a possible front runner to brit.

Just because in hindsight people had made their final choices at that time, it doesn't mean that we knew it was consolidating, as you say it was. It still could have gone any number of possible ways.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3019232)
Okay, then let me ask you this. How exactly was "voting consolidating"

Anybody could have flipped to Jackal and made him a possible front runner to brit.

Just because in hindsight people had made their final choices at that time, it doesn't mean that we knew it was consolidating, as you say it was. It still could have gone any number of possible ways.

The Jackal didn't have even one vote when you voted for him. Assuming path's count is correct, there was a 4 vote candidate and several 2 vote candidates to go with. You could have even pushed up one of the one vote candidates to create another 2 vote candidate.

path is correct that your vote has the look of someone trying to avoid making a vote he can be judged for after the lynch.

Narcizo 04-14-2015 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 3019217)
This thought came to me too, but only after I realized it was his own theory. When I originally read it, and without knowing whose theory it was, it sounded like he was pinning it on me since it was all lumped together in one paragraph. Regardless, I am glad I clarified, because others may read it the way I originally did.

Yeah, sorry about that. What path said. I tend not to be at my clearest after the better part of the day talking to myself.

I don't think we'll get much explanation into Brit being killed until after the game but at the moment I'm leaning towards inexperienced wolf/ves around at the time possibly with experienced wolf/ves not available. Of course I fit that profile as well but hey ho.

Raven 04-14-2015 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Narcizo (Post 3019115)
Day One

#57 Vaimes votes Grover (1)
#58 EagleFan votes Vaimes (1)
#59 Jag votes Britrock (1)
#61 Font votes Eagle (1)
#62 Cheeki votes timmae (1)
#63 Shoveler votes Cheeki (1)
#63 timmae votes Path (1)

#68 Autumn votes Narcizo (1)
#71 Vaimes unvotes Grover (0), votes Eagle (2)
#77 Jackal votes Vaimes (2)
#87 Narcizo votes Jag (1)
#96 Eagle unvotes Vaimes (1), votes Font (1)
#99 timmae votes Autumn (1)
#103 Autumn unvotes Narc (0), votes Shoveler (1)
#104 Grover votes Jackal (1)

#107 Autumn unvotes Shoveler (0), votes Britrock (2) / Brit 2, Eagle 2
#115 Britrock votes Vaimes (2) / Brit 2, Eagle 2, Vaimes 2
#130 Cheeki unvotes timmae (0), votes Grover (1) / Brit 2, Eagle 2, Vaimes 2
#133 Path votes Cheeki (2) / Cheek 2, Brit 2, Eagle 2, Vaimes 2
#150 Cheeki unvotes Grover (0), votes Font (2) / Cheek 2, Font 2, Brit 2, Eagle 2, Vaimes 2
#160 Jackal unvotes Vaimes (1), votes Cheeki (3) / Cheek 3, Font 2, Brit 2, Eagle 2
#171 Raven votes Autumn (2) / Cheek 3, Font 2, Brit 2, Eagle 2, Autumn 2
#179 Cheeki unvotes Font (1), votes Vaimes (2) / Cheek 3, Vaimes 2, Brit 2, Eagle 2, Autumn 2
#192 Narc unvotes Jag (0), votes Brit (3) / Cheek 3, Brit 3, Vaimes 2, Eagle 2, Autumn 2
#193 Path unvotes Cheeki (2) votes Brit (4) / Brit 4, Cheek 2, Vaimes 2, Eagle 2, Autumn 2

#205 Autumn unvotes Brit (3), votes Cheeki (3) / Brit 3, Cheek 3, Vaimes 2, Eagle 2, Autumn 2
#206 Eagle unvotes font (0), votes Vaimes (3) / Brit 3, Cheek 3, Vaimes 3, Eagle 2, Autumn 2
#210 timmae unvotes Autumn (1), votes Brit (4) / Brit 4, Cheek 3, Vaimes 3, Eagle 2
#214 Raven unvotes Autumn (0), votes Cheeki (4) / Brit 4, Cheek 4, Vaimes 3, Eagle 2
#221 Cheeki unvotes Vaimes (2), votes Brit (5) / Brit 5, Cheek 3, Vaimes 2, Eagle 2
#226 Chief votes Cheeki (5) / Brit 5, Cheek 5, Vaimes 2, Eagle 2
#237 Brit unvotes Vaimes (1), votes Cheeki (6) / Cheek 6, Brit 5, Eagle 2
#240 Path unvotes Britrock (4) / Cheek 6, Brit 4, Eagle 2

#254 Timmae unvotes Brit (3), votes Raven (1) / Cheek 6, Brit 3, Eagle 2
#260 Autumn unvotes Cheeki (5), votes Brit (4) / Cheek 5, Brit 4, Eagle 2
#262 Shoveler unvotes Cheeki (4) / Cheek 4, Brit 4, Eagle 2
#264 Shoveler votes Eagle (3) / Cheek 4, Brit 4, Eagle 3
#265 Eagle unvotes Vaimes (0), votes Cheeki (5) / Cheek 5, Brit 4, Eagle 3
#268 Cheeki unvotes Brit (3), votes Eagle (4) / Cheek 5, Eagle 4, Brit 3
#278 Eagle unvotes Cheek (4), votes Brit (4) / Cheek 4, Eagle 4, Brit 4
#287 Cheeki unvotes Eagle (3), votes Brit (5) / Brit 5, Cheeki 4, Eagle 3

#293 timmae unvotes Raven (0), votes Brit (6) / Brit 6, Cheeki 4, Eagle 3
#318 Path votes Eagle (4) / Brit 6, Cheeki 4, Eagle 4
#321 Eagle unvotes Brit (5) / Brit 5, Cheeki 4, Eagle 4
#333 Cheeki unvotes Brit (4), votes Eagle (5) / Eagle 5, Cheeki 4, Brit 4
#337 Eagle votes Cheeki (5) / Eagle 5, Cheeki 5, Brit 4


Cheekimonk 5 - The Jackal (160), Raven (214), Chief Rum (226), Britrock (237), EagleFan(337)
EagleFan 5-Fontisian (61), Vaimes (71), Shoveler (264), Path (318), Cheekimonk (333)
Britrock 4- JAG (59), Narcizo (192), Autumn (260), Timmae (293)
The Jackal 1 -Grover (104)

These numbers are wrong in some places, which makes it hard to accurately follow yesterday's action. cheeki jumped from 3 to 5 in one vote (see below). Not sure how many other errors there are. I'd fix it and repost, but I am at work and don't have the time to redo all the color coding. Anyone want to take on this task?

#221 Cheeki unvotes Vaimes (2), votes Brit (5) / Brit 5, Cheek 3, Vaimes 2, Eagle 2
#226 Chief votes Cheeki (5) / Brit 5, Cheek 5, Vaimes 2, Eagle 2

Narcizo 04-14-2015 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3019232)
Okay, then let me ask you this. How exactly was "voting consolidating"

Anybody could have flipped to Jackal and made him a possible front runner to brit.

I recognise your problem as its what I face all the time. My strategy is to always move my vote to someone who already has votes if my vote is a sole vote. Unless I feel strongly that my vote is right or all the other votes are wrong. It took me a fair few games to hone this strategy though and its far from ideal but thats the price I pay for, once upon a time, playing an American Football sim.

Grover 04-14-2015 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3019236)
The Jackal didn't have even one vote when you voted for him. Assuming path's count is correct, there was a 4 vote candidate and several 2 vote candidates to go with. You could have even pushed up one of the one vote candidates to create another 2 vote candidate.

path is correct that your vote has the look of someone trying to avoid making a vote he can be judged for after the lynch.

Again. Jackal was my original vote when we all had nothing to go on. Like everybody else making votes to make votes.

If this is how people are going to look at things when personal obligations get in the way, this is going to be my last WW game.

fontisian 04-14-2015 12:36 PM

YesterDay, EF was the best lynch candidate, because he was scummy while britrock and cheeki were blatantly town.

ToDay, he is near confirmed scum. Read these posts and tell me he isn't.

Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3019006)
Screw it...

unvote brit


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3019008)
Let the wolves run the show...


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3019026)
vote cheek

Now there are two possible explanation for that unvote and revote seconds before the deadline.
1. EF's had genuinely given up on the game, only to come back and try to help town, as he claims here:

Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3019059)
3 vanilla horse race. Analyze it based on that. I was actually hoping that we would both get killed when I switched. That way the voted could be analyzed accordingly.

This explanation doesn't make sense because both lynch targets getting killed in a tie isn't actually that common of a result. Other possible results, that EF are aware of, include a. one of the two dying, b. some random person not being lynching dying and c. a no lynch. Two of those four possibilities are really bad.

2. He is scum, he unvoted in the hopes that he would be able to revote at the last second and tie up the lynch, with any luck at least killing town!Cheeki.

"But, fonti, if EF did that, wouldn't he come into Day 2 acting like he was a dead man?"

You're right, other font. And that's exactly what he did:

Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3019055)
Was hoping we would both have been killed so it would end the questions right away.

vote Shoveler

He has piggy back voting. Thank them for going after brit, now it means that there were 3 villagers being voted for so that can be analyzed properly.

vote nightfall

Not putting myself through another day of BS so if you want to vote for me, vote for me. Kill me please.

The attempt to end Day early with the nightfall vote, and to goad me into doing the same, removing valuable time for the town to get information, was done because EF knew he outed himself.

I don't want to go into his mood, because, IMO, losing your shit like this as a scum tactic is a really shitty thing to do. It puts me into a position where if I want to push my case on someone who seems like obvious scum, I have to question the truth behind their feelings, and if I'm wrong, then I'm being a dick to them. I will say that CF did the same thing in the rebirth game to stop people from voting him.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3019241)
Again. Jackal was my original vote when we all had nothing to go on. Like everybody else making votes to make votes.

If this is how people are going to look at things when personal obligations get in the way, this is going to be my last WW game.

What path is saying is that there was enough evidence of the direction of the vote out there when you posted that you would be leaving for the day at 2 p.m. EST or whatever it was, for you to switch from an irrelevant Day One vote to a vote on a player who at that point was a candidate (many such candidates were available).

No one has more personal obligations than me. I work a second job where I can't post late and I am never on at deadline. But I still usually manage to get my vote on someone at least somewhat relevant.

I'll give you a pass that you're newer and that this isn't necessarily a wolfish move, but a newbie move, but path is entirely correct that you left your vote on a random player when better options were available.

Shoveler 04-14-2015 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3019241)
Again. Jackal was my original vote when we all had nothing to go on. Like everybody else making votes to make votes.

If this is how people are going to look at things when personal obligations get in the way, this is going to be my last WW game.

I wouldn't get to worked up over this. It's the nature of the game to review all the available information, ask questions, and what not. Just play the game to the best of your availability.

Grover 04-14-2015 12:44 PM

vote fontisian

Simply based on her aggressive, nearly ruthless attacking on EF being a wolf. I believe EF is innocent and that font is covering for herself by continually going after EF.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 12:45 PM

font, if he is playing a game to set himself up as a wolf with you as his foil, then he chose well. You allowed the hypothetical wolf EF to jump on your ardent and unwavering pursuit of him by not sitting back and making the long play and seeing what information develops. You locked on him like a Patriot missile and kept hammering that nail over and over.

You made yourself look way over the top when we ALL know you have no information but your gut. Anyone who goes in on like that, we're not going to trust you. If EF has played up the victim role, it is because of your incessant attacks on him.

So I am not buying that he is a wolf. And that's pretty much your fault.

fontisian 04-14-2015 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3019192)
It might be for meta-ish reasons, but what font said she had heard is true: villagers tend to get very irrational when targeted. And often upset and do emotional things.

I never actually said this, because it's not, strictly speaking, true.

The reaction to pressure entirely depends on the player. I've seen wolves genuinely fall apart, wolves fake falling apart, and townies lose it in equal numbers. When the mindset doesn't match up, and the reaction doesn't fit with their previous play, then I start to get suspicious.

timmae 04-14-2015 12:48 PM

As far as out of game commitments... I let it affect my thinking once in an early game and I regretted it immediately. We all have lives that get in the way. I will take any posted OOG commitments into account when analyzing. Until someone shows that they cannot be trusted (i.e. uses an OOG item to their advantage) that is. Grover's statement yesterday (and for tonight) is noted. I don't hold bowling against him (I grew up in Wisconsin after all!).

fontisian 04-14-2015 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3019246)
vote fontisian

Simply based on her aggressive, nearly ruthless attacking on EF being a wolf. I believe EF is innocent and that font is covering for herself by continually going after EF.

Aggression is not a scumtell. Ever.

Let's try this. Why do you think EF is town?

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019249)
I never actually said this, because it's not, strictly speaking, true.

The reaction to pressure entirely depends on the player. I've seen wolves genuinely fall apart, wolves fake falling apart, and townies lose it in equal numbers. When the mindset doesn't match up, and the reaction doesn't fit with their previous play, then I start to get suspicious.

Suspicious is fine. Rock solid in your conviction, on Day One, with no objective evidence and constantly posting and re-posting your opinion?

That just comes off way nutty. I'm not following crazy to the promised land, sorry.

Raven 04-14-2015 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3019243)
No one has more personal obligations than me. I work a second job where I can't post late and I am never on at deadline.

Try bouncing/feeding a (nearly) 5 month old on your knee and typing with one finger on a phone with your other hand while the baby constantly grabs for the phone! lol

The Jackal 04-14-2015 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3019146)
Very interesting theory.

I am absolutely convinced that EF is not a wolf. He would not have called for nightfall if he were.

However, I don't necessarily buy his "piggybacking" read on Shoveler.

Catching up - I don't know about EF not calling nightfall as a wolf. I wouldn't discount anyone from trying it if they felt cornered, especially with it getting attention as a villager move recently.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 3019253)
Try bouncing/feeding a (nearly) 5 month old on your knee and typing with one finger on a phone with your other hand while the baby constantly grabs for the phone! lol

Haha okay, Raven takes it. ;)

fontisian 04-14-2015 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3019247)
font, if he is playing a game to set himself up as a wolf with you as his foil, then he chose well. You allowed the hypothetical wolf EF to jump on your ardent and unwavering pursuit of him by not sitting back and making the long play and seeing what information develops. You locked on him like a Patriot missile and kept hammering that nail over and over.

You made yourself look way over the top when we ALL know you have no information but your gut. Anyone who goes in on like that, we're not going to trust you. If EF has played up the victim role, it is because of your incessant attacks on him.

So I am not buying that he is a wolf. And that's pretty much your fault.

You can't be serious. Chief, do you have any idea how often I die night one? I sat back and didn't pursue timmae last game, even though I strongly suspected he was scum, and lo and behold, I was shot night one and he coasted to endgame. What a shock.

I cannot afford to let things slip by, and I'm glad I didn't here, when my pressure on EF is the reason he was forced to out himself as scum yesterDay.

You cannot seriously decide not to follow a good case because the person making it has too much conviction. That's insane.

fontisian 04-14-2015 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3019252)
Suspicious is fine. Rock solid in your conviction, on Day One, with no objective evidence and constantly posting and re-posting your opinion?

That just comes off way nutty. I'm not following crazy to the promised land, sorry.

Surety is a form of pressure. When you attack someone with conviction, they are more likely to slip up.

YesterDay, I was almost certain that EF was a better lynch than Cheeki and brit, because he had acted in an increasingly scummy manner while Cheeki and brit had been very town. I acted on that certainty. Deal with it.

Shoveler 04-14-2015 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 3019253)
Try bouncing/feeding a (nearly) 5 month old on your knee and typing with one finger on a phone with your other hand while the baby constantly grabs for the phone! lol

Damn. We're expecting twins in a few months. I better find a mind controlled phone now.

Grover 04-14-2015 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019251)
Aggression is not a scumtell. Ever.

Says you. Everyone has a different playstyle.

Why should I immediately believe what you're saying here?

fontisian 04-14-2015 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3019259)
Says you. Everyone has a different playstyle.

Why should I immediately believe what you're saying here?

Here's a quote from a mentor chat with Voxxicus, someone who's opinion on the game I respect immensely.

[quote]I can name one thing that I do NOT think is a scum tell that I keep seeing people over here paint as one, though:


I keep being accused of being this word when I'm town. And I think it's more indicative of a town mindset than a scum one, to be honest. Scum tend to shy away from accountability when it comes to lynching people, and have more...self-awareness than to have that kind of attitude towards lynching.[quote]

Source: Prophhicus Mentor QT Thing - QuickTopic free message board hosting

Can you tell me why you think EF is town?

Raven 04-14-2015 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Shoveler (Post 3019258)
Damn. We're expecting twins in a few months. I better find a mind controlled phone now.

Awesome. Congrats! (and good luck with the phone!)

Grover 04-14-2015 01:03 PM

Because absolutely nothing EF has done has convinced me that he could be a wolf.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019256)
You can't be serious. Chief, do you have any idea how often I die night one? I sat back and didn't pursue timmae last game, even though I strongly suspected he was scum, and lo and behold, I was shot night one and he coasted to endgame. What a shock.

I cannot afford to let things slip by, and I'm glad I didn't here, when my pressure on EF is the reason he was forced to out himself as scum yesterDay.

You cannot seriously decide not to follow a good case because the person making it has too much conviction. That's insane.

If it's a good case, I will follow it. But you didn't make a good case. You went on a hunch. I don't trust your hunches. I don't find that you are right enough to follow them. You see conviction. I see a narrow and closed mind who won't consider any information which doesn't agree with your initial impression.

I have played many times with players with your approach and more often than not, it's bad to follow such players.

Rely on the evidence.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019257)
Surety is a form of pressure. When you attack someone with conviction, they are more likely to slip up.

YesterDay, I was almost certain that EF was a better lynch than Cheeki and brit, because he had acted in an increasingly scummy manner while Cheeki and brit had been very town. I acted on that certainty. Deal with it.

And that is why you will lose.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Shoveler (Post 3019258)
Damn. We're expecting twins in a few months. I better find a mind controlled phone now.

Awesome. Congrats Shoveler!

fontisian 04-14-2015 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3019264)
If it's a good case, I will follow it. But you didn't make a good case. You went on a hunch. I don't trust your hunches. I don't find that you are right enough to follow them. You see conviction. I see a narrow and closed mind who won't consider any information which doesn't agree with your initial impression.

I have played many times with players with your approach and more often than not, it's bad to follow such players.

Rely on the evidence.

I can accept you calling yesterDay a hunch, even if you are wrong. But toDay? After that last minute vote?

No. EF is scum.

fontisian 04-14-2015 01:09 PM

I'm not sure I can express how insulting it is to be told to "rely on the evidence," when I've outlined the evidence for an EF lynch and no evidence to oppose it has been offered other that that I'm "aggressive."

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019267)
I can accept you calling yesterDay a hunch, even if you are wrong. But toDay? After that last minute vote?

No. EF is scum.

He struck me as someone who was very frustrated with being attacked again on the hunch of someone who is, frankly, an aggravating player to receive attention from. He didn't strike me as someone operating on reason and rationality. That first vote was made on frustration. The second vote was an attempt to save himself.

Ties at FOFC are often no lynches, so it makes sense to me that EF was betting on that when he made that vote.

Chief Rum 04-14-2015 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019268)
I'm not sure I can express how insulting it is to be told to "rely on the evidence," when I've outlined the evidence for an EF lynch and no evidence to oppose it has been offered other that that I'm "aggressive."

Deal with it?

Autumn 04-14-2015 01:18 PM

I think the kill on Britrock most likely simply indicates someone putting in the kill earlier in the day and not being around at deadline. I'm not going to dig further than that because I don't think it's fun to catch people in that sense, but he would have been a fairly safe choice a couple hours earlier, and he's a strong villager. He also has played at the BGG site, so may be more familiar to those players than some of us who have only played here.

I am actually learning toward EF. I think he could be just as frustrated as a wolf, after getting put in the lead two Day 1s in a row. It's even more frustrating when you get picked out of a hat as a wolf. Probably a decent target for not having been scanned last night too.

path12 04-14-2015 01:20 PM

I'm very surprised you're still where you are at, fontisian.

Raven 04-14-2015 01:22 PM

[quote=fontisian;3019260]Here's a quote from a mentor chat with Voxxicus, someone who's opinion on the game I respect immensely.

[quote]I can name one thing that I do NOT think is a scum tell that I keep seeing people over here paint as one, though:


I keep being accused of being this word when I'm town. And I think it's more indicative of a town mindset than a scum one, to be honest. Scum tend to shy away from accountability when it comes to lynching people, and have more...self-awareness than to have that kind of attitude towards lynching.

Source: Prophhicus Mentor QT Thing - QuickTopic free message board hosting

Can you tell me why you think EF is town?

That play style may fit your personality, but it doesn't fit for most of us. Also, I do not think it comes across the way you think it comes across.

Also, we know that you're smart enough not to play bloodthirsty only as villager and something different when wolf. That would be completely transparent.

Zinto 04-14-2015 01:22 PM

As of Post 486

EagleFan 2-Fontisian(355), Jag(356)
Shoveler 1-EagleFan(360)
Timmae 1-Path(361)
Raven 1-Narcizo(410)
Fontisian 1-Grover(462)

Nightfall 1-EagleFan(360)

The Jackal 04-14-2015 01:22 PM

We have a vote count?

The Jackal 04-14-2015 01:23 PM

Mind reading eh

fontisian 04-14-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3019269)
He struck me as someone who was very frustrated with being attacked again on the hunch of someone who is, frankly, an aggravating player to receive attention from. He didn't strike me as someone operating on reason and rationality. That first vote was made on frustration. The second vote was an attempt to save himself.

Ties at FOFC are often no lynches, so it makes sense to me that EF was betting on that when he made that vote.

The problem with that is the word "again."

I haven't attacked EF before this game. In fact, I townread him for the past two games. We have already discussed this in this thread.

If EF was betting on a no-lynch, why did he say he was hoping for a lynch on both him and Cheeki?

fontisian 04-14-2015 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 3019275)
That play style may fit your personality, but it doesn't fit for most of us. Also, I do not think it comes across the way you think it comes across.

Also, we know that you're smart enough not to play bloodthirsty only as villager and something different when wolf. That would be completely transparent.

So, your argument is that it's not alignment indicative for me?

fontisian 04-14-2015 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 3019273)
I'm very surprised you're still where you are at, fontisian.


timmae 04-14-2015 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019256)
You can't be serious. Chief, do you have any idea how often I die night one? I sat back and didn't pursue timmae last game, even though I strongly suspected he was scum, and lo and behold, I was shot night one and he coasted to endgame. What a shock.

I cannot afford to let things slip by, and I'm glad I didn't here, when my pressure on EF is the reason he was forced to out himself as scum yesterDay.

You cannot seriously decide not to follow a good case because the person making it has too much conviction. That's insane.

I still feel bad about that font. Nothing personal. ;)

I actually think strong convictions one way or the other are fine as long as people aren't pushing their views by overriding others' thoughts.

Raven 04-14-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019280)
So, your argument is that it's not alignment indicative for me?

If you were playing every game with a different set of players, it would make sense. But, at FOFC, you're playing every game with roughly the same set of players.

I don't believe you will play bloodthirsty every time you are a villager and completely different when a wolf. If you did, you'd blow your cover every time you were wolf.

path12 04-14-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3019282)

Because you are smart enough to know that the wolves messed up on the nightkill, the EF situation resolves itself without a lynch and the better value for the village is trying to suss out who was hiding where on what could very well be a three way village vote yesterday.

So for me your motivations for pushing EF today come into question.

The Jackal 04-14-2015 01:33 PM

lots of meetings today, will chime in some later

Autumn 04-14-2015 01:34 PM

Where is Vaimes?

Grover 04-14-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Autumn (Post 3019288)
Where is Vaimes?

Lurking, it would appear.

fontisian 04-14-2015 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 3019286)
Because you are smart enough to know that the wolves messed up on the nightkill, the EF situation resolves itself without a lynch and the better value for the village is trying to suss out who was hiding where on what could very well be a three way village vote yesterday.

So for me your motivations for pushing EF today come into question.

How exactly does the EF situation get resolved without a lynch?

I suspect the britrock kill was either made because they thought he was the seer or made to make EF look good. I don't care to analyze a kill that I have relatively little information about.

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