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Vince 08-12-2005 06:50 AM

Ardent passed Jeff a silver piece on the first day -- but I think it was randomly distributed, not given to the wolves.

Poli 08-12-2005 06:54 AM

I had passed Jeff silver since he was the first to unvote me on day 1. I also figured the king was a villager.

I'm still suspicious of Kingfc22. Because of that, and due to having a compressed schedule today:

Vote kingfc22.

My circle of trust includes eagles and RA. The Hammer man is out.

Poli 08-12-2005 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy
Wolves now have the Robe with Henry dying.

Negative. He passed it. And I know to who.

Vince 08-12-2005 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Negative. He passed it. And I know to who.

So you are the notebook man? Between you and Bug, we've got an awful lot of "I know xxx" going around.

Poli 08-12-2005 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Vince
So you are the notebook man? Between you and Bug, we've got an awful lot of "I know xxx" going around.

No. Henry was talking to me yesterday. He told me who he was passing it to.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 06:59 AM

Here are some of the areas where Raiders has shown up on my radar - have post numbers for some of them.

During the Fouts/Lathum Day 2 saga he came out early saying something didn't feel right. If he is a wolf then he knows both are villagers and this is an opportunity for him to build credibility by appearing to want to gather all the facts. He originally votes for Lathum, but then flip-flops to Fouts in Post #423.

He then states again, in post #449, that something doesn't seem right. Soothsayer or wolf?

Post #502 - throws out RealDeal/Fouts as suspects. We now know that Fouts was a villager.

Post #503 - Adds SunDvls as another suspect. SunDvls was identified by Mr. Wednesday this morning as a villager

Post #552 - Says Digamma's responses seem strange, but not casting an early vote for the wolf. If a wolf, nice job hedging bets here

Post #632 - Sees that I'm on an island trying to defend Digamma, starts smear campaign on me by asking me as a friend to back away. Knows that Digamma is dead at this point

Post #634 - Votes for Digamma, 10th man on

Post #638 - Points out Kingfc as bandwagon guy when King is 11th man on

Post #641 - Says I'm looking like wolf because I won't let the Digamma thing go, just like X-Com when I was converted

Post #678 - Is Henry a wolf? Nope, another dead villager

Post #685 - Responds to my PM conversations, suggesting that since Henry was talking with both Digamma and him with Robe that perhaps he is a wolf?

Post #737 - Highlights 3 people as more frequent posters on Digamma day: me, Vince, and Eagles. Eagles cast early vote for Digamma (when it mattered) and I have tended to trust Vince early in the game.

Those are some of the posts in the first 1,000 that got me suspicious of Raiders. I recognize that a similar case can be built for several people who have posted regularly in this thread. But I did want to supply some rationale for why I suspected Raiders yesterday (and still do today).

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 07:00 AM

For the record:

Vince, I never claimed I had the robe. I guess I was a little misleading when I said I used the robe to communicate. Actually, henry used the robe to communicate with me.

Hoops, I didn't get digamma's silver. I thought if I posted first I would get it. :)

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 07:03 AM

Ardent, if the Hammer guy is not in your circle then I would ask you to reveal him. Force him to pass the hammer to someone tonight. Make him respond why he did not destroy an item last night that you thought deserved to be destroyed.

I understand that if we were to lynch him we would lose the hammer - the villagers would have to factor this into any decision process with voting today.

He would have to pass the hammer tonight if he is a villager in order to keep the item in the game. If the item you passed last night should have been destoyed then I don't want this guy continuing to hold this item anyways.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 07:06 AM

Actually hoops, I think it was post #737 that made you suspicious of me because I put your name in red. Heh heh.

To repeat once again, I think that it could've been an indicator, not that an increase in posts was damning. (BTW, counting up those posts wasn't fun)

Some analysis: RealDeal just seems too....arrogant and loud to be a wolf. Let's make the hypothesis that he's a human, which certainly seems plausible. Then, we know for a fact that Blade was a human. That means the wolves yesterday could vote for anyone they wanted to and probably spread out their votes. Also, the wolves could use the strategy of lying low and let us take each other out.

My short list of candidates are the ones who have "flown under the radar" the past couple of days. Again, this is all predicated on RealDeal being human.

Poli 08-12-2005 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy
Ardent, if the Hammer guy is not in your circle then I would ask you to reveal him. Force him to pass the hammer to someone tonight. Make him respond why he did not destroy an item last night that you thought deserved to be destroyed.

I understand that if we were to lynch him we would lose the hammer - the villagers would have to factor this into any decision process with voting today.

He would have to pass the hammer tonight if he is a villager in order to keep the item in the game. If the item you passed last night should have been destoyed then I don't want this guy continuing to hold this item anyways.

I like this idea, but I need to think it over first. I want to look over all the items and try to figure out what possibilities are out there for him not to destroy it.

Poli 08-12-2005 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army

My short list of candidates are the ones who have "flown under the radar" the past couple of days. Again, this is all predicated on RealDeal being human.

That's one reason I suspect kingfc22.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 07:21 AM

The "money trail" posts also indicate that for the wolves to have accumulated the six silver that the other two wolves must not have held items. Which means that the person who stole the amulet from Fouts was not a wolf. Or that I'm missing some revenues in the "money trail" post.

Was anyone passing silver to other players in the first two nights?

If a villager has been holding the amulet then it would be really helpful if they would chime in and clear the people they have looked at earlier. Yes that means you have to pass the amulet. Yes, I understand that one of the people viewed earlier could have been converted into a sorcerer last night. But we don't have much info to work with right now. Without more information bubbling up I think RealDeal is going to be lynched today and I want to have better reasons for voting for someone than those I have for him right now.

henry296 08-12-2005 08:12 AM

Good luck to fellow villagers. I am a little surprised that I was targeted last night but it might be ok since I was not going to be able to be active on Saturday.

I want to add something on the silver debate, but I know I can't.

Coffee Warlord 08-12-2005 08:22 AM

Alright, I'll out myself. I've had the Hammer every night but the first night. It was passed to me, and I've hung onto it the entire game. AE can easily corroborate this fact.

Anyway, there's a very simple reason I didn't destroy anything last night. The item I was passed was the Potion. I saw no need to destroy that, so I passed it off to someone I trust. Plain and simple.

I've been waiting to out myself as the Hammer-bearer until I didn't have any items that would make me a wolf target. I'll be passing the Hammer off tonight to keep it hidden, in case there's anything else we want to destroy.

RealDeal 08-12-2005 08:38 AM

Last night I passed the coat and one silver piece to Henry. He was one guy I knew was safe. So now it appears the wolves have the coat.

Poli 08-12-2005 08:51 AM

Warlord is the Hammer. I was hoping to keep this hidden. Quite honestly, I didn't send him anything yesterday. I was not sent anything to send him. Since Warlord is coming clean, I will as well.

In fact, I wasn't sent anything last night, either. Hard to send the Hammer things when I'm not sent anything myself.

Now the Hammer has come clean. I won't be able to send him anything tomorrow. :(

Poli 08-12-2005 08:51 AM

Ahem, excuse me? I wasn't safe?

Poli 08-12-2005 08:53 AM

Add on: Sorry to deceive my fellow villagers, but I didn't want the wolves to think the pipeline to the Hammer was broken. I can't send the Hammer stuff if I don't have it.


Eaglesfan27 08-12-2005 09:13 AM

Is there any evidence that exonerates RealDeal? He was loud and arrogant. I don't think that should exonerate him. He was the most vocal proponent of lynching a villager. I'm willing to listen to evidence and change my vote, but right now:

I vote RealDeal.

Poli 08-12-2005 09:16 AM

I'm curious as to why RealDeal doesn't think I was safe, when it's been a near consensus that I am a villager.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 09:28 AM

Ardent, I think you're safe as anyone else out there at this point, considering there's a sorceror running around out there now.

Eaglesfan, I don't think there's any hard evidence that would exonerates RealDeal. But then again, there is no "hard evidence" that damns or exonerates anyone, unless someone comes forth and says, "I know for a fact, so-and-so is a wolf." Even then, that's debateable.

Eaglesfan27 08-12-2005 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Ardent, I think you're safe as anyone else out there at this point, considering there's a sorceror running around out there now.

Eaglesfan, I don't think there's any hard evidence that would exonerates RealDeal. But then again, there is no "hard evidence" that damns or exonerates anyone, unless someone comes forth and says, "I know for a fact, so-and-so is a wolf." Even then, that's debateable.

Fair enough. I agree with your point. If some other information comes to light that indicates someone else is a wolf, I'll switch my vote.

Poli 08-12-2005 09:38 AM

Can one of my excel buddies out there give me a rundown on who voted who and who's still in the game?

Poli 08-12-2005 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Ardent, I think you're safe as anyone else out there at this point, considering there's a sorceror running around out there now.

Yeah, a new sorcerer does change things up.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy

I don't think it makes sense to post your silver count - only makes you more attractive to the wolves.

that was in case I got killed so you had an idea of what I had, since I didn't I was able to make a purchase.

the wolves started with 3 silver total.
Jeff w/ 1
Ardent said he passed his to jeff so by night 1 they had a minimum 5.

Now if wolf #1 & #2 passed their items to wolf #3 that would give them 7 total silver at the end of night 1. Did jeff pick up qwik's silver? that's 8

It is very conceviable that 1 wolf had all the silver and on night 2 bought the book. and they could just pass things back and forth to continue to collect silver. and at this point have 2 books. just my thoughts. I'll continue to read all the posts from last night to this morning now.

Mr. Wednesday 08-12-2005 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Vince
SnDvls -- ??? -- Villager. Mr. Wednesday is someone I believe to be a villager. If he vouches for SnDvls, that's enough for me.

He appeared to me to be a villager. I think it's highly unlikely that he would have a mask, at this point, with one used and one destroyed. It's not completely out of the question, but I think we can neglect that possibility for now.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 09:46 AM

Did I miss somewhere where the wolves started with one silver? I thought everyone started with zero.

Poli 08-12-2005 09:47 AM

I started with 1 silver.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 09:52 AM

I started w/ 1

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Can one of my excel buddies out there give me a rundown on who voted who and who's still in the game?

I'd like to do this, but I still have six more reports to write before I go home today. Yay Friday. I don't think that the voting patterns will help much other than when we lynched digamma and blade (even that one won't help much if RealDeal turns out to be a villager).

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 09:57 AM

The other thing with voting patterns is that every other time I've done it and tried to pick out the wolves, the analysis was wrong. Maybe it was the person doing the analysis. :)

Poli 08-12-2005 09:58 AM

Good luck, Warlord. I don't know what you plan to do with the Hammer. Really screws my plans. I was going to dodge the issue today...which easily would have worked since I'm driving home this afternoon.

Coffee Warlord 08-12-2005 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
I started with 1 silver.


SnDvls 08-12-2005 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Can one of my excel buddies out there give me a rundown on who voted who and who's still in the game?

working on it now

Coffee Warlord 08-12-2005 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
Good luck, Warlord. I don't know what you plan to do with the Hammer. Really screws my plans. I was going to dodge the issue today...which easily would have worked since I'm driving home this afternoon.

We'll see. I was hoping to keep it quiet, but your early posts made me feel like I had to defend myself. Besides, the major item that needed to be destroyed (the mask) has been destroyed, so it's not a big deal.

I trust the person I'm passing the Hammer off to, so we should be alright, unless I'm just a terrible judge of roles.

RealDeal 08-12-2005 10:03 AM

vote RealDeal

let's do this.

Coffee Warlord 08-12-2005 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by RealDeal
vote RealDeal

let's do this.


RealDeal 08-12-2005 10:06 AM

Ardent, when I said Henry one guy I knew was safe, it didn't mean he was the only guy. I thought about you, but I felt like you had been too public with your role and were a likely candidate to die. Unfrotunately, I made the wrong choice and passed it to a guy who was alive all of 30 seconds before the wolves killed him.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 10:22 AM

(name) (day1), (day2), (day3), (day4)

sundvls - (Mr. W),(Lathum),(Dig),(Sup., unvoted, RealDeal, unvoted, NO VOTE)
kingfc22 - (hoops),(NO VOTE),(Dig),(NO VOTE)
Coffee Warlord - (AE),(Lathum),(Dig.),(NO VOTE)
Eaglesfan27 - (Qwik),(Lathum),(BrianD),(RealDeal)
hoopsguy - (Qwik),(Lathum),(BrianD),(Raiders)
schmidty - (AE),(Lathum),(Dig),(Blade, unvoted, RealDeal, unvoted, Blade)
vince - (Eaglesfan),(Lathum),(Dig),(Blade, unvoted, RealDeal)
RealDeal (Qwik),(Lathum),(Dig),(Blade)
Raiders - (fouts),(Lathum, unvoted, fouts),(Dig),(Sup., unvoted, RealDeal, unvoted, Blade)
Mr. Wednesday - (SnDvls),(Lathum, unvoted, SnDlvs),(Dig),(NO VOTE)
MrBug708 - (Sup.),(Lathum),(Dig.),(SnDvls, unvoted, hoops, unvoted, RealDeal, unvoted, Blade)
Superman=#54 - (AE),(fouts),(NO VOTE),(RealDeal)
ardent enthusiast - (schmidty, unvoted, Qwik),(Lathum),(Dig),(King)

Mr. Wednesday 08-12-2005 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
The other thing with voting patterns is that every other time I've done it and tried to pick out the wolves, the analysis was wrong. Maybe it was the person doing the analysis. :)

In Neon_Chaos' mafia game, voting analysis worked out spectacularly well for me, even though I never figured out how to leverage the knowledge toward winning the game. Of course, I wasn't a villager, so I had a little more knowledge than usual.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 10:23 AM

with that being said

vote Raiders Army

Mr. Wednesday 08-12-2005 10:28 AM

This is a shot in the dark, based only on a suspicious voting record.

Vote EaglesFan27

SnDvls 08-12-2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy
The "money trail" posts also indicate that for the wolves to have accumulated the six silver that the other two wolves must not have held items. Which means that the person who stole the amulet from Fouts was not a wolf. Or that I'm missing some revenues in the "money trail" post.

not totally true. if they kept doing a pass and keep between them w/ one of them alway without an item they'd be able to keep the items for the day and still get silver at night.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by SnDvls
with that being said

vote Raiders Army hard feelings, but a little reasoning? Just because I said a vote analysis wouldn't do much at this point?

Poli 08-12-2005 10:39 AM

Looks like we're going to be spreading our votes out today. With no solid leads, I suppose we're back at square one.

Darn Warlord. Darn friggin Warlord. You were in the circle...I just had to make it appear you weren't. Darn Warlord.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
In Neon_Chaos' mafia game, voting analysis worked out spectacularly well for me, even though I never figured out how to leverage the knowledge toward winning the game. Of course, I wasn't a villager, so I had a little more knowledge than usual.

I think it depends on what has happened in the game. I didn't follow that thread, but it seems as if there's little to derive from the way voting went in this game due to the fact that digamma was the only wolf lynched that we know for sure.

That's why I went with post counts the day before he was lynched and the day of to see if there were any indicators there.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 10:41 AM

Sigh....back to report #3.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army hard feelings, but a little reasoning? Just because I said a vote analysis wouldn't do much at this point?

that's really all I'm basing it on. I see how you voted and when you unvoted, makes me wonder...not just you though either. Superman is still up there along with Bug too. I had to pick one of you three.

Poli 08-12-2005 10:45 AM

With Warlord out, I can now say I've been suspicious of Superman. I still for the life of me can't figure out why they didn't go after CW, Schmidty, Superman, or myself.

Of course, I can't figure out why items haven't been fed to me, either. Now that pipeline is done. Sigh.

Poli 08-12-2005 10:46 AM

Wow. RA used the word sigh as well. That' interesting coincidence.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast
With Warlord out, I can now say I've been suspicious of Superman. I still for the life of me can't figure out why they didn't go after CW, Schmidty, Superman, or myself.

Of course, I can't figure out why items haven't been fed to me, either. Now that pipeline is done. Sigh.

well I haven't gotten anything either. Earlier I can see it's because I'm not really in the "fofc crowd" and lately it's because a few (bug and Sup) pointed fingers at me as a wolf. Now if I don't get something tonight (assuming I live) I think it's because you all have smell-o-vision or somthing :D

Mr. Wednesday 08-12-2005 11:32 AM

SnDvls, FWIW, you're currently in my circle of trust (that term being in vogue of late). I think Vince believes me about you as well.

MrBug708 08-12-2005 12:37 PM

I dont have too mcuh to go on eirght now either but

vote - Raiders Army

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 12:41 PM

If we do not have any seer revelations today then I'm looking at two candidates:
RealDeal - fallout from yesterday
RaidersArmy - based on my suspicions I have outlined earlier

I'm really looking for a better reason to vote for someone than I have for either of these two but I don't know how long it serves our collective purposes to wait for information that may not emerge. Sometime soon we need to get the conversation going ...

SnDvls 08-12-2005 12:48 PM

I think RealDeal is ok...right now

Raiders and Bug have big question marks for me. With both when the vote/unvote and how.
Superman falls in that category too, but I'm getting a stronger vibe from the first two

don't know if that helps anyone, but it's my 2 cents

Poli 08-12-2005 01:10 PM

About 1 more hour till I leave. I certainly hope we get the right guy this time.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708
I dont have too mcuh to go on eirght now either but

vote - Raiders Army

Okay...this is a little maddening. Why me? I'd like to think I've helped more than I've (unintentionally) hurt. I guess you guys don't see it that way.

Then again, judging on your spelling (or typing skills) I would guess that you're drunk. Heh heh.

No, seriously, why me? I don't think RealDeal is the one, but in case it comes down to it, I'll vote for him because of self-preservation. I'd also like you to think about the question I asked of him last night: Why vote for yourself?

If he's an innocent villager, he's only helping the wolves, and that's somewhat odd.

If he's a wolf, it's a brilliant ploy to deflect it on someone else.

2 more reports to go in real life.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 01:23 PM

yeah, and if I forgot

Vote RealDeal

Vince 08-12-2005 01:53 PM

Raiders Army -- Well Other Leads Fail me.

I've been trying to follow up on any sort of lead possible, and I keep coming up with question marks. I still don't know if subtlety or brazen revealing is the way to go -- I think I'm leaning towards subtlety right now.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 01:54 PM

[quote=Raiders Army]Okay...this is a little maddening. Why me? I'd like to think I've helped more than I've (unintentionally) hurt. I guess you guys don't see it that way.

Then again, judging on your spelling (or typing skills) I would guess that you're drunk. Heh heh.

No, seriously, why me? I don't think RealDeal is the one, but in case it comes down to it, I'll vote for him because of self-preservation. I'd also like you to think about the question I asked of him last night: Why vote for yourself?


ya I'm a little type happy today, not drunk just trying to do too many things at once. Raiders it sucks knowing your innocent and no one believes you, well take this for what it's worth. unvote Raiders Army

vote Superman

I had him a couple of times on my radar.

Superman=#54 08-12-2005 02:53 PM

Any real reasons as to why am worthy of a vote?

I have been quiet. Sndvls I have never accused you alone. In my post I listed several people that were suspect of being wolves. I never gave a direct accusation. I was just analyzing what I have read. I'm just a villager, nothing more and nothing less.

Coffee Warlord 08-12-2005 03:01 PM

Folks are on their way up to visit, and I will thusly be gone and inaccesible from 5pm till late this evening, so...

Vote RealDeal

He was a huge proponent of offing a villager, and, to be perfectly honest, I'm not altogether thrilled about the pissing contest that went on last night.

Vince 08-12-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Okay...this is a little maddening. Why me? I'd like to think I've helped more than I've (unintentionally) hurt. I guess you guys don't see it that way.

I re-read everything RA, and I can't come up with anything concrete about you. That being said, it didn't alleviate my suspicion of you. I've got a few leads on what is going on, but there are a few glaring holes in my analysis because I don't know who has what. If I knew what you had yesterday/have today, I could probably clear your name completely -- but that's unlikely to happen.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
I re-read everything RA, and I can't come up with anything concrete about you. That being said, it didn't alleviate my suspicion of you. I've got a few leads on what is going on, but there are a few glaring holes in my analysis because I don't know who has what. If I knew what you had yesterday/have today, I could probably clear your name completely -- but that's unlikely to happen.

*Whew, just got done with my inspection reports...8 in total*

Alrighty, now my full attention can be on the least for the next 20 minutes until I go home. I am leery of letting people know what I had/have yesterday and today, simply because that makes me a target. I'd like to clear myself, but I'm not willing to risk it.

One thing that came to my mind while I was working is that maybe RealDeal is the sorceror? But then that doesn't jive with what happened last night, since he said that he was going to vote for himself before someone was converted.

I think if we get a wolf or a sorceror at least by tomorrow night that would be great.

Also, can I put in a vote to put this game on hiatus over the weekend with the next lynch vote on Monday night? There are some preseason games I'd like to watch on the NFL Network as well as Kung Fu Hustle and I'm going to get Madden.

Vince 08-12-2005 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
I am leery of letting people know what I had/have yesterday and today, simply because that makes me a target. I'd like to clear myself, but I'm not willing to risk it.

I hate to break it to you my friend, but you're already a target on a few people's minds.


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
One thing that came to my mind while I was working is that maybe RealDeal is the sorceror? But then that doesn't jive with what happened last night, since he said that he was going to vote for himself before someone was converted.

There was no sorceror until AFTER the night actions, so that can't be. I myself am very suspicious of RealDeal's actions...I don't know how/where to place him. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if he still has the Coat of Arms.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 03:21 PM

I second the hiatus thing, I'm going to ASU's training camp this Sat. all morning so I'd be hard to be active.

Superman, unless a landslide comes at you I'm keeping my vote there. I don't want to off a villager, but I don't want everyone to bandwaggon on you either until I know more.

Peregrine 08-12-2005 03:21 PM


Also, can I put in a vote to put this game on hiatus over the weekend with the next lynch vote on Monday night? There are some preseason games I'd like to watch on the NFL Network as well as Kung Fu Hustle and I'm going to get Madden.

Is that a threat? Why should we care how Madden you get? ;)

I was going to have the next lynch vote on Sunday night but I don't mind moving it back if several people have problems with it.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
I hate to break it to you my friend, but you're already a target on a few people's minds.



Originally Posted by Vince
There was no sorceror until AFTER the night actions, so that can't be. I myself am very suspicious of RealDeal's actions...I don't know how/where to place him. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if he still has the Coat of Arms.

Hmmmmm....That's a possibility then. Actually, that's the only reason I can think of as to why someone would want others to vote for them.

Now, the question is why would he want to get rid of it?

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Peregrine
Is that a threat? Why should we care how Madden you get? ;)

I was going to have the next lynch vote on Sunday night but I don't mind moving it back if several people have problems with it.

Because....not only do I have an NCAA dynasty going, but I also need to get my Madden dynasty kickin!

Vince 08-12-2005 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
I am leery of letting people know what I had/have yesterday and today, simply because that makes me a target. I'd like to clear myself, but I'm not willing to risk it.

I'm still leery of you unless I can figure out what it is you held yesterday. Today's item would probably also clear you, but yesterday's is the important one, and I think you'll agree that admitting to an item you may no longer possess is much less damning than the one you currently hold.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 03:38 PM

I guess it doesn't matter at this point, but I don't like the fact that people will know that the wolves have it now. I had a saber of duels, but I passed it onto henry last night. I was going to hold onto it since it looked like I might have to duel hoops (heh heh), but I gave it to henry because I think that I've been a little too vocal the past few days and I might've been a target last night. Ironically, I gave it to the target last night.

Peregrine 08-12-2005 03:40 PM

Voting so far:

kingfc22 - ardent
RealDeal - Eaglesfan27, RealDeal, Raiders Army, Coffee Warlord
Raiders Army - MrBug708
Eaglesfan27 - Mr. Wednesday
Superman - Sndvls

Vince 08-12-2005 03:40 PM

So now the Wolves have a sabre of duels AND the coat of arms (if RealDeal is to be believed)? Ay...what a disastrous night. Give me a minute to update my info here, and I'll see what I can do about clearing you, RA.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 03:40 PM

Going home now. I'll check you guys out later.

RealDeal 08-12-2005 03:41 PM

This is a compilation of all the information I have. It's not much, but it will be useful to you after tonight.

1. I started the game with the coat of arms.
2. I kept the coat of arms up until last night.
3. I received 1 silver of Blade's money when he died.
4. I passed the coat and the 1 silver to henry last night.
5. I received another silver this morning since I did not have an item.
6. I have no hard evidence, but my top three suspects have been king (really laying low), superman, and coffee warlord, although ardent's statements seems to clear CW.

I do once again urge you to kill me tonight, so I can be vindicated. Blade's actions have harmed this team more than any actions the wolves have taken so far.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 03:42 PM

I guess that's some good knowledge for us all to know; I've been too hammered at work here to think of the game clearly. Maybe I should've used it, but I didn't want to kill a villagers (odds were). Also, henry is the one I talked to, so I trusted him (although I didn't the day I talked to him!)

I'm going home now.

Vince 08-12-2005 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
I guess it doesn't matter at this point, but I don't like the fact that people will know that the wolves have it now. I had a saber of duels, but I passed it onto henry last night. I was going to hold onto it since it looked like I might have to duel hoops (heh heh), but I gave it to henry because I think that I've been a little too vocal the past few days and I might've been a target last night. Ironically, I gave it to the target last night.

Hrm, well that's not at all what I was expecting you to say. It doesn't clear you -- and your response here puts you even more in the limelight. Why wouldn't you want anyone to know that the wolves have the sabre? Now we have a definite wolf if the sabre is used -- a pretty good trade off, if you ask me.

Vince 08-12-2005 03:46 PM

Hoops has been awfully quiet today...and if I was a wolf, I'd probably look to converting someone like him -- thoughtful, not quite a major target. Plus, I haven't ever been thouroughly convinced that he isn't a wolf to begin with. What's your take on today, hoops?

SnDvls 08-12-2005 03:50 PM

Something give me a bad feeling that all my talk about trusting AE that he was converted last night.

Vince 08-12-2005 03:54 PM

Well, I'm out to mow the lawns over here at my uncle's. I should be back in an hour or so. Currently, the only people I'm not distrustful of are SnDvls, Mr. Wednesday and myself. Coffee Warlord seems to be pretty safe in my eyes too. Everyone else? I have no clue :(

MrBug708 08-12-2005 04:35 PM

Unvote - Raiders Army
Vote - Ardent E

I think you were a werewolf from the get go or were converted last night. Just a hunch is all...

Peregrine 08-12-2005 04:46 PM

Current voting:

kingfc22 - ardent
RealDeal - Eaglesfan27, RealDeal, Raiders Army, Coffee Warlord
Eaglesfan27 - Mr. Wednesday
Superman - Sndvls
ardent - MrBug708

Still 6 people haven't voted.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 04:49 PM

Been quiet because I was at a client site today with another person from my work - can't spend as much time posting when I've got customers and co-workers to work with :(

Which is too bad because this is a day that I think is pretty pivotal for us.

Was not converted last night, although of course I would say that even if it was so that is a lousy defense. I would use my posts on the money trail as a demonstration of my continued villager status.

Hopefully more thoughts to come ... have to catch up on the thread a little bit before commenting further.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 05:07 PM

Although it isn't explicit, the stories between AE and Coffee dovetail together nicely enough that I would believe they are a package deal - both villagers or both wolves. I don't believe the latter; there is no reason for the wolves to associate with each other any more in their postings than any other two random people on the board unless the life of a wolf is called into question and it appears to be salvageable.

This assumes that one of them wasn't converted last night. Which also screws with my previous trust of Vince to some extent.

Two other "villagers" that appear tied together at this point is Mr. Wednesday and SunDvls. Wednesday vouches for Sun as a villager.

So that leaves some parties that are up for grabs - dont' have time for a full list before making the drive home but hope to continue these thoughts soon:

RealDeal - probably going to pass tonight. I hope that Blade was lucky/good in targeting him early in the process and forcing the issue.

Raiders - a guy I have been watching closely for two days now. Why would he give away the Saber? What was he hoping to gain with that move if he thought I might turn up the heat today? If he is a villager wouldn't he be inclined to think that someone focusing on him is a werewolf? If so, the saber would be a nice backup option in the event that a lynching is approaching. Same logic holds if a wolf - why give this item up if you feel that you are in danger during the daytime hours? Unless you are trying to accumulate silver for some reason ...

Eaglesfan - really wish he was more actively participating. I thought I would have fun playing this game with him after reading his analysis (OK, it was wrong, but still ...) during the first Vampire/WW game. He has stated that he isn't able to be as active this week, but is every person who stated that being honest vs. lying low as a wolf until numbers are more advantageous? A suspect, but not terribly high on the list. Medium/high on the list of guys I would convert if I was a wolf.

Raiders Army 08-12-2005 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
Hrm, well that's not at all what I was expecting you to say. It doesn't clear you -- and your response here puts you even more in the limelight. Why wouldn't you want anyone to know that the wolves have the sabre? Now we have a definite wolf if the sabre is used -- a pretty good trade off, if you ask me.

Okay, I'm sorry but work took precedence today, although I checked in now and then. Fridays and Mondays always suck for me because it's when I do the most work.

Today I had to write up our inspection reports which were (on average) 4 pages. That sucked. I was able to cut and paste a lot, but it still sucked some brain cells out of my head. Couple that with my Friday morning run (2.9 miles all uphill), and I'm officially fried today.

This is my last post in this thread, since we're going to watch Kung Fu Shuffle and then I'm going to bed....with my wife!!!

I have no night actions at this point, so I'll see you all this weekend sometime. I'll probably check in tomorrow morning.

Vince 08-12-2005 05:11 PM

Well, I'm running late, and I agree with hoopsguy -- this is a pivotal vote. I wanted to try to figure out who the second werewolf was before posting this...but since I'm on the way out and I might be killed tonight, it needs to be put out in the open.

I own the Notebook. It was passed to me yesterday, and I used it that night to track the Coat of Arms. This is where things get interesting.

RealDeal is telling the truth -- he passed the Coat of Arms to Henry. Henry was killed, so the coat of arms was lost to the wolves, however...the notebook also allows me to see where the item ended up...

...which is with Raiders Army.

Even though he has the coat of arms and it's a wasted vote, I haven't been able to draw out the other wolf, so I vote for Raiders Army.

I am going to pass the notebook on to someone who I think is a villager tonight, so that in case I die, it remains in the game -- it is a quite valuable item, in my opinion.

Good luck gentlemen, and godspeed.

Schmidty 08-12-2005 05:27 PM

Well, I guess I'll:

Vote RealDeal

If only to get him out of the game.

Eaglesfan27 08-12-2005 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy

Eaglesfan - really wish he was more actively participating. I thought I would have fun playing this game with him after reading his analysis (OK, it was wrong, but still ...) during the first Vampire/WW game. He has stated that he isn't able to be as active this week, but is every person who stated that being honest vs. lying low as a wolf until numbers are more advantageous? A suspect, but not terribly high on the list. Medium/high on the list of guys I would convert if I was a wolf.

I've been fairly quiet because I haven't had any significant insightful things to say. However, I've posted impressions wherever I've had them. I guess I've been a bit gun shy about posting detailed analysis after my analysis was so severely flawed in the game where SirFozzie and the vampires won.

Also, my wife truly has been on vacation this week which has lowered my activity somewhat. However, she isn't home tonight and I'll be following the next few hours with great interest. I am on call tonight which will hopefully be quiet (that is why she went out with her best friend tonight.)

Also, I think it is easier to do a detailed analysis when they are fewer people and there is more posts to analyze.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 05:32 PM

Vote Raiders Army

Sucks that it will take two votes to bag him, but I'm glad to see that Raiders got caught in a lie. I passed the Notebook to Vince so I am pretty confident he is telling the truth.

kingfc22 08-12-2005 05:37 PM

After analyzing voting patterns up to this point and the analysis of Vince and Hoops of whom I trust are villagers. I will cast my vote for:

Vote Raiders Army

Mr. Wednesday 08-12-2005 05:38 PM

Unvote EaglesFan27
Vote RaidersArmy

Mr. Wednesday 08-12-2005 05:39 PM

Er, wait. If he has the coat of arms, then I'll hold off on that and angle for someone else.

Unvote Raiders Army
Vote EaglesFan27

Eaglesfan27 08-12-2005 05:44 PM

I think the analysis is solid by Hoopsguy and Vince, but I think RealDeal might still be a wolf. His behavior is outlandish, and I think he is trying to fool us by passing the coat and voting for himself. I'll stick with my vote for now.

Vince 08-12-2005 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27
I think the analysis is solid by Hoopsguy and Vince, but I think RealDeal might still be a wolf. His behavior is outlandish, and I think he is trying to fool us by passing the coat and voting for himself. I'll stick with my vote for now.

For what it's worth, I think this would be an incredibly devious strategy...

RealDeal and Raiders Army are wolves.

RealDeal passes the Coat of Arms to Henry...whom they then attack, knowing they can get the Coat of Arms back.

RealDeal is then killed, Raiders Army piles on to look innocent, and not only does RA look innocent, but he has a 'get out of lynch free' card.

RealDeal voting for himself is just...odd, though. And Raiders Army didn't exactly pile on -- that leads me to believe that RealDeal is in fact a villager.

SnDvls 08-12-2005 05:52 PM


I guess we'll see who has the coat

Vince 08-12-2005 05:56 PM

Well, something that I just now noticed that alleviates a LOT of worries --


Originally Posted by Rules
Notebook of the Detective – [Notebook] The owner of the notebook may designate one item to track in the night. The Detective will be notified who ended up with the Item after the pass phase. The detective is not notified if the Thief steals the item, he will still think it is with its old owner. If the tracked item is not in the game he will be notified of that.

I was worried that RA might have used the Thief's Glove to steal it, and that's how he ended up with it -- but since this is the case, Raider's Army has to be a wolf.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 06:21 PM

Also, if RealDeal is a wolf with Raiders he could have just passed him the Coat - no need to go through Henry for it.

The fact that RealDeal surrendered the item when he was up for lynching makes me strongly believe he is a villager. Not 100%, but pretty close. If he was a wolf he could at least stall us out with the item.

Also, Real posted that he sent it to Henry before Vince came out with the Notebook. I just don't see him being deceitful here. Say what you will about how he played the game earlier, I see him as on my team at this point. And Real votes very low on my sorceror worries since the chances of him being lynched today were quite high.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 06:36 PM

Wow, sure is quiet around here ... guys, it really looks like we have a wolf in our sites and we still have four votes (tie) on RealDeal. Raiders is not moving his ...

Votes are, I think:
Kingfc - Ardent
RealDeal - Eagles, RealDeal, Raiders, Coffee, Schmidty
Eagles - Mr. Wednesday
Ardent - Bug
Raiders - Vince, Hoops, Kingfc, Sundvls

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 06:36 PM

Tie is another stalemate. We absolutely cannot afford this.

hoopsguy 08-12-2005 06:40 PM

And the only alive villager that I'm seeing in the list of active users on the site is Schmidty - last posted 14 minutes ago in "What the Hell Do You Look Like".

Jeff, Fouts, Henry, Lathum - wish one of you guys could cast a vote right about now as I've seen you viewing the thread.

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