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FrogMan 01-09-2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2406118)
I have a gift card and am thinking about Carcassone. Has anyone disliked it after trying it? Can you still have fun if you're only playing the computer or is it mostly a multiplayer game only?

while multiplayer is the most fun, the game is definitely a lot of fun either against AI opponents or in the solitaire version of the game. I'm still trying to beat the easier AI players with regularity while waiting for my multiplayer turns.


FrogMan 01-09-2011 04:18 PM

dola, to tell you, there are three ELO ratings to your playing: local play, quick online play and play with friends. In local play all AI opponents havectheir own ratings so you can go after the higher ranked AIs a climb the ladder without playing one minute online.


terpkristin 01-09-2011 04:53 PM

I really enjoy playing Carcassone with FOFC'ers. I'd never played it before, and there are some strategy things that I'm seeing people pull on me, I know FM said he's picked up some tips from playing against the AI. I haven't had a lot of time to play against the AI (been trying to finish some other games), plus I'm fairly heavily doped from my surgery, but I'm still having a good time. Definitely can see playing this a LOT, just to relax and let my mind go.


FrogMan 01-09-2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2406147)
I really enjoy playing Carcassone with FOFC'ers. I'd never played it before, and there are some strategy things that I'm seeing people pull on me, I know FM said he's picked up some tips from playing against the AI. I haven't had a lot of time to play against the AI (been trying to finish some other games), plus I'm fairly heavily doped from my surgery, but I'm still having a good time. Definitely can see playing this a LOT, just to relax and let my mind go.


I've also played a couple quick play online games (90 seconds per turn type thing where you have to be with your device for maybe 20-30 minutes) that's also where I saw these startegic moves be played.

Of the three multiplayer games I'm playing with FOFCers, Carcassonne is the one I feel compelled to play my turn immediately when the push notification comes. Disc Drivin' and Words with Friends can sometimes wait a bit, but Carcassonne, I just have to play my turn at once...

I do like Words with Friends though, it's only a bit more work for me than Carcassonne...


samifan24 01-09-2011 07:32 PM

What's your Words username?

FrogMan 01-09-2011 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2406254)
What's your Words username?

it's QcFrogMan.


PadresFan104 01-09-2011 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2405171)

If anybody wants to play Words With Friends or Carcassone or DD with me, my user name is terpkristin and my email is kpilotteATgmailDOTcom


Just sent you an invite to a game. :)


FrogMan 01-10-2011 09:05 AM

and I now have four games of Words going at the same time. :)

To everyone playing with me, Words or any other game for that matter, I don't have net access with my Touch during the day so I'll likely resume playing when I get home around dinner time. Specifically for Words, while I won't turn down requests from FOFCers (four so far are TK, DC, samifan & kingfc), I am sort of a slow player and too much word searching is sometimes tough on my poor wittle head. Bear with me because I really enjoy the game. :)

Also got a Disc Drivin' race going with a game from the outside who found our little forum while searching for some DD players. Hi techguy40! :)

I'm also open to anybody who would like to play Carcassonne. It remains my favorite of them all. Shoot me an invite at, handle is steve.gougeon. I sent one to QuikSand (although he's yet to accept it) and already have TK, RA and PF in my list of friends.


QuikSand 01-10-2011 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by FrogMan (Post 2406433)
I'm also open to anybody who would like to play Carcassonne. It remains my favorite of them all. Shoot me an invite at, handle is steve.gougeon. I sent one to QuikSand (although he's yet to accept it) and already have TK, RA and PF in my list of friends.


Just double checked, and I didn't get your invite, so I sent you one.

FrogMan 01-10-2011 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 2406747)
Just double checked, and I didn't get your invite, so I sent you one.

strange but anyways, received and accepted yours so we're on. I'll get my butt kicked by the machine but hey, it's gonna be fun. :)


terpkristin 01-12-2011 04:15 PM

Two questions.....

1) How do I take a screenshot of my iPhone?
2) Can anybody recommend a good weather application? I was using Weatherbug Elite but it seems to be kind of unstable.

Also, thanks to everybody who's been playing Carcassone with me. I know I'm not that good (especially right now while I'm on pain meds), but I'm having a grand time. I don't mind losing, especially if I pick up new tips.


samifan24 01-12-2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2407902)
Two questions.....

1) How do I take a screenshot of my iPhone?
2) Can anybody recommend a good weather application? I was using Weatherbug Elite but it seems to be kind of unstable.

1. Hold down the power button and click the home button once. You will hear a camera shutter sound and the screen will flash. The screenshot will be saved to your photo roll.

2. I use The Weather Channel and it's ok. I was using Accuweather, which I preferred, but they recently overhauled the app's look and feel and it's all flashy graphics and slow load times now.

terpkristin 01-13-2011 04:58 PM

Hmmm I'm looking for a new game, but I'm not sure exactly how to describe what I'm looking for. I like games where there are things to collect/achieve. I'm not really a fan of the twitch games as much. I guess I'm looking for something akin to Sword and Poker or Sword and Poker 2, both of which I played through to absolute completeness--beat all the baddies on all the levels, got all the weapons and armor, etc.

I've got HR Battle 3D which I always go back to (and has tons of stuff to "collect"), but it's more twitchy than what I'm currently looking for. I'm not really interested in a sim, though (I think Pocket Frogs is more like a sim, more like something I HAVE to look in on).

Any suggestions? Maybe I just need to buy one of the RPG's that was released, especially now that I've beat Dragon Quest IX (DS). Tips welcome. :)


DataKing 01-13-2011 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2408520)
(I think Pocket Frogs is more like a sim, more like something I HAVE to look in on).

For the record, Pocket Frogs is not something -have- to check in on. Your frogs won't starve, for example...

FrogMan 01-13-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2408520)
Hmmm I'm looking for a new game, but I'm not sure exactly how to describe what I'm looking for. I like games where there are things to collect/achieve. I'm not really a fan of the twitch games as much. I guess I'm looking for something akin to Sword and Poker or Sword and Poker 2, both of which I played through to absolute completeness--beat all the baddies on all the levels, got all the weapons and armor, etc.

I've got HR Battle 3D which I always go back to (and has tons of stuff to "collect"), but it's more twitchy than what I'm currently looking for. I'm not really interested in a sim, though (I think Pocket Frogs is more like a sim, more like something I HAVE to look in on).

Any suggestions? Maybe I just need to buy one of the RPG's that was released, especially now that I've beat Dragon Quest IX (DS). Tips welcome. :)


I Dig It is sort of a collecting thing game. A farmer whose land has dried decides to buy a digging rig and you get to go under. Thing is your basic rig can only dig while going down or sideways, never up, so you have to plan your digging to collect the different artifacts/gem/trash pieces that exists in the game. You rig has a set limit in fuel, cargo, heat resistance (cause you know, the deeper you go, the hotter it gets) so you have to come up every once in a while to sell what you found and with the money, maybe upgrade the rig.

There's a campaign mode that saves every time you go out of the game. The digging rig is controlled by a joystick but it's really not a twitchy type of game. I found it was rather relaxing to play.

I got the game when it went free but it's only selling for 99cents. There's also another version called I Dig It Expeditions, but I have not played it.


FrogMan 01-13-2011 06:20 PM

dola, maybe you could also try Doodle God ($0.99) and Doodle Devil (free). Starting with only four elements, you try to create others by simply putting them together. For example, some of the early elements included "earth" and "air", put together, you end up with "dust".

You can try the online version of Doodle God here.


terpkristin 01-13-2011 07:26 PM

Is Pocket Frogs kind of like Animal Crossing (for the old Nintendo systems)? Is there any game like Animal Crossing?


lordscarlet 01-14-2011 08:30 AM

I would say Infinity Blade, but it's very twitchy.

terpkristin 01-14-2011 11:30 AM

I actually picked up Infinity Blade, though I haven't started it yet. It's not that I mind twitchy, but I'm also looking for something sort of like Animal Crossing or maybe Harvest Moon. What I love about Animal Crossing is there's a lot of different items to collect, and you do better if you check it daily, but there's no penalty for putting it down for 6 months. And there's no real winning or losing. Looking at it more, Pocket Frogs may be close to what I'm looking for (not as deep but oh well)...trying to find some online instructions.


FrogMan 01-14-2011 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2408845)
I actually picked up Infinity Blade, though I haven't started it yet. It's not that I mind twitchy, but I'm also looking for something sort of like Animal Crossing or maybe Harvest Moon. What I love about Animal Crossing is there's a lot of different items to collect, and you do better if you check it daily, but there's no penalty for putting it down for 6 months. And there's no real winning or losing. Looking at it more, Pocket Frogs may be close to what I'm looking for (not as deep but oh well)...trying to find some online instructions.


Not much you really need to know about Pocket Frogs. Any frog has first a breed, then a primary and a secondary color. There are 40 different breeds but they have levels, so you won't be able to breed all of them at first. There are 23 primary colors and 16 secondary colors with different names than the primaries, i.e. while some primary and secondary colors may look the same, they won't be called the same. Makes it easier to name the frogs. There are awards you can get by putting together assortments of frogs in one habitat. A habitat is a place where you can keep your frogs together and one of them can have 8 frogs at a time. You need to tame a frog by going to the pond and eating the level of the breed of that frog times 3. You move from water lily to water lily simply by touching the one you want to get to and if a fly is in between, you eat it. Once tamed, a frog can be sold, gifted to friend, cataloged (in order to buy it back someday) or bred. You breed frogs by touching the frog and then selecting "breed" from the menu. You will be given a choice among other frog in the same habitat that eligible, i.e. adult and tamed. Adult because frogs take a certain time to grow up, more time the higher level they are. You can shorten that time by using potions or by eating flies.

I've not taken care of my frogs in a long while. Maybe I should go back and see them a bit. :)


k0ruptr 01-14-2011 04:01 PM

I've heard good things about age of zombies - might wanna check it out.

terpkristin 01-16-2011 03:19 PM

Just thought I'd say I joined the fold and picked up Pocket Frogs. I'm not using much strategy for breeding, just trying to get some base frogs created and get some base levels and money (only low level 4 right now). I can see it being something bad for me, long term. I'm the one who has to do all the side quests and get all the weapons and special things in Final Fantasy games and has been trying to literally "catch 'em all" in Pokemon. This will suck a lot of my time, hopefully over a long duration.


samifan24 01-16-2011 06:49 PM

Just got Carcassone. I'm playing TK already. Anyone else want a game? DM me your emails.

FrogMan 01-17-2011 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2409901)
Just got Carcassone. I'm playing TK already. Anyone else want a game? DM me your emails.

And we're on :)

Be sure to let us know what you think of the game.


terpkristin 01-17-2011 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by FrogMan (Post 2410088)
Be sure to let us know what you think of the game.


I think this game cheats! I've got about 5 games going now; a couple with a few FOFC'ers, one against the AI, and one against a coworker. In every game, I've been getting almost nothing but road pieces and then CERTAIN "FRIENDS" keep jumping on my paltry land. ;)

I'm getting my tuckus handed to me thanks to the shuffling of the cards. GRRRR. :D


samifan24 01-17-2011 08:44 AM

Why is it so hard to switch games or go back to the main menu in Carcassone? The design is not intuitive at all in that regard: you must hit pause game and then back several times to get to the main screen. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to go back.

Also, does the "card stack" icon show you which cards remain in the pile? What do cards with the little blue shield mean?

QuikSand 01-17-2011 09:58 AM

My big problem with Carcassonne isn't their fault, it's mine. The "make one move and wait around" model doesn't work for my attention span, and I find myself making a move quickly (for no good reason) and then having to shut it off since the other player is not engaged at that moment. It's dumb, really, my response should be the opposite -- but I have the same trouble playing pretty much anything online. Sitting at a table, with my full attention, I am a decent player of chess, Scrabble, Carcassone, and so forth... but online via computer or app, I find myself making blunders left and right.

As I heard at this very sight one time... "Blackjack might not be your game." *shurg*

MikeVic 01-17-2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 2410127)
My big problem with Carcassonne isn't their fault, it's mine. The "make one move and wait around" model doesn't work for my attention span, and I find myself making a move quickly (for no good reason) and then having to shut it off since the other player is not engaged at that moment. It's dumb, really, my response should be the opposite -- but I have the same trouble playing pretty much anything online. Sitting at a table, with my full attention, I am a decent player of chess, Scrabble, Carcassone, and so forth... but online via computer or app, I find myself making blunders left and right.

As I heard at this very sight one time... "Blackjack might not be your game." *shurg*

Spelling mistake!! ;)

QuikSand 01-17-2011 10:22 AM


I blame the meds.

stevew 01-17-2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 2410127)
My big problem with Carcassonne isn't their fault, it's mine. The "make one move and wait around" model doesn't work for my attention span, and I find myself making a move quickly (for no good reason) and then having to shut it off since the other player is not engaged at that moment. It's dumb, really, my response should be the opposite -- but I have the same trouble playing pretty much anything online. Sitting at a table, with my full attention, I am a decent player of chess, Scrabble, Carcassone, and so forth... but online via computer or app, I find myself making blunders left and right.

As I heard at this very sight one time... "Blackjack might not be your game." *shurg*

that absolutely kills Words with Friends for me.

I guess it's basically a play by email type set up, and I don't like that.

FrogMan 01-17-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2410110)
Why is it so hard to switch games or go back to the main menu in Carcassone? The design is not intuitive at all in that regard: you must hit pause game and then back several times to get to the main screen. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to go back.

I rarely go back to the main menu anymore. I mean, when you have many games going, simply pausing one brings you back to your list of ongoing game and if another game has a move for you to play, you can simply hit "next table" and go there.


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2410110)
Also, does the "card stack" icon show you which cards remain in the pile? What do cards with the little blue shield mean?

Yes, that's what it shows you. The little blue shield is a flag. Some city tiles have a flag and that flags counts for 2 extra points if the city is closed during the game, or 1 extra point if not. In other words, see it as that tile counting double points.


FrogMan 01-17-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2410098)
I think this game cheats! I've got about 5 games going now; a couple with a few FOFC'ers, one against the AI, and one against a coworker. In every game, I've been getting almost nothing but road pieces and then CERTAIN "FRIENDS" keep jumping on my paltry land. ;)

I'm getting my tuckus handed to me thanks to the shuffling of the cards. GRRRR. :D


then you need to start jumping on your "FRIENDS" roads... ;)


QuikSand 01-22-2011 02:25 PM

Okay, 4 games into my MP Carcassonne career, and I at least *want* to develop the focus necessary to get good at this. Not sure that I can overcome my leanings, but I have enjoyed portions of my hames thus far.

QuikSand 01-22-2011 04:21 PM

I am also aware of the live versus online differential now. I have played Carcassonne for maybe 10 years, but that *might* have totaled 50 games. I am guessing FrogMan might get through that in a week.

samifan24 01-22-2011 05:02 PM

I'm playing Carcassone with Frogman and TK and Frogman is winning. He always wins.

FrogMan 01-22-2011 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 2413001)
Okay, 4 games into my MP Carcassonne career, and I at least *want* to develop the focus necessary to get good at this. Not sure that I can overcome my leanings, but I have enjoyed portions of my hames thus far.

I gotta say that playing in longer bursts, when others are also playing reasonably fast, is much more enjoyable, and easier to stay "in" the game. I've enjoyed our few times when that happened.

We should develop some sort of code word to let the other know we are available to play without stop.


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 2413022)
I am also aware of the live versus online differential now. I have played Carcassonne for maybe 10 years, but that *might* have totaled 50 games. I am guessing FrogMan might get through that in a week.

Nah, not that many. ;) Checking up on my stats in-game, I have played 30 games with friends online, 16 more with local AI players and I think 3 quick play online games. That is since getting the game on my Touch. Currently have 7 games going, 5 of them one-on-one and two three player games.

Really like playing it.


Originally Posted by samifan24 (Post 2413031)
I'm playing Carcassone with Frogman and TK and Frogman is winning. He always wins.

Don't be a hater, keep practicing and you'll beat me. ;) FWIW, PadresFan has beat me the three times we've played so far. He is ruthless. In a good way, sorta... :)

Oh, and I also like the solitaire game. I'm usually able to succeed with it and have gradually increased my scores to now around 300 points. It's a very different breed of Carcassonne playing. Need to plan a bit your moves without any opponent but the stack of tiles. Sometimes you'll have it all laid out but the right tile doesn't come out and you keep losing points. Fun time waster, sometimes useful when waiting for your other Carcassonne opponent to play their turns.


PadresFan104 01-22-2011 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by FrogMan (Post 2413045)
FWIW, PadresFan has beat me the three times we've played so far. He is ruthless. In a good way, sorta... :)

Yeah, my style of play has definitely changed over the months as I played more and more people from Europe that are really good. You have to be pretty ruthless at the higher levels, and the strategies are starting to stick with me...

terpkristin 01-23-2011 01:10 PM

I guess the lesson here is that I need to play more against the AI. ;)

Just so hard, with other console games to play, books to read, and sleeping to do. ;) But dangit, I think this week I'll try to play at least one AI game a day.


kingfc22 01-23-2011 11:11 PM

Just got carcassonne today and boy do I suck.

I can't even beat the AI, but if you want to go against my amazing skills feel free to shoot me a PM.

terpkristin 02-07-2011 08:14 PM

Would like to curse FM for suggesting Doodle God which has become my new "I need a quick diversion" game. Also, it's better to play that when I'm on the pain meds than Carcassone is..I've made some seriously bonehead moves in my games lately.

Also if you're reading this on February 7, 2011, the adventure game Scarlett and the Spark of Life: Scarlett Adventures Episode 1 is free today: Scarlett and the Spark of Life: Scarlett Adventures Episode 1 for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store No idea if it's any good but it came from a source that usually recommends good games (a friend). It's an adventure game. I grabbed it but probably won't play it until I finish something else, like Doodle God.


FrogMan 02-08-2011 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2421278)
Would like to curse FM for suggesting Doodle God which has become my new "I need a quick diversion" game. Also, it's better to play that when I'm on the pain meds than Carcassone is..I've made some seriously bonehead moves in my games lately.

Also if you're reading this on February 7, 2011, the adventure game Scarlett and the Spark of Life: Scarlett Adventures Episode 1 is free today: Scarlett and the Spark of Life: Scarlett Adventures Episode 1 for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store No idea if it's any good but it came from a source that usually recommends good games (a friend). It's an adventure game. I grabbed it but probably won't play it until I finish something else, like Doodle God.


you're welcome. ;) FWIW, Doodle Devil is still free.

I also downloaded that adventure game, no clue when I'll play it, but it's on my Touch for now.


law90026 02-08-2011 06:14 AM

Recommending Dungeon Raid. Conceptually simple match-3 game but the RPG elements give it that little bit more to keep you going ... it's been really addictive for me and the only thing I'm currently playing.

terpkristin 02-08-2011 06:11 PM

Apparently the Sword and Poker games were removed from the iTunes store sometime late last year. But, they're back. Still love those games. :) 'Sword & Poker' Series Returns to the App Store | Touch Arcade


terpkristin 02-08-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by law90026 (Post 2421524)
Recommending Dungeon Raid. Conceptually simple match-3 game but the RPG elements give it that little bit more to keep you going ... it's been really addictive for me and the only thing I'm currently playing.

Looks a lot like Puzzle Quest, a game that came out for the PSP and DS handhelds and also the XBLA (and maybe PSN)?


FrogMan 02-08-2011 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2421857)
Apparently the Sword and Poker games were removed from the iTunes store sometime late last year. But, they're back. Still love those games. :) 'Sword & Poker' Series Returns to the App Store | Touch Arcade


Know what's interesting? I remembered taking note of these games when I read about how much you liked them but never got them at the time. Then came the holidays and you mentioned them again and I tried to find them but couldn't, then read they'd been pulled out. They were not on appshopper either. Okay, boring story so far. What's interesting is that they are indeed back on and when I go check, they are indeed in my wish list. Guess I had tagged them as "want it" the first time I read about them. :)

gstelmack 02-08-2011 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by terpkristin (Post 2421859)
Looks a lot like Puzzle Quest, a game that came out for the PSP and DS handhelds and also the XBLA (and maybe PSN)?


I'm playing it on my PC via Steam right now, was released quite some time ago. PuzzleQuest that is.

MikeVic 02-09-2011 04:12 PM

Not an app, but an iPhone question... my biggest gripe is something simple that I hope I might have just overlooked. For text messages, when you enter the Messages app, it automatically goes to your first message. And there's no way to mark something as unread...

Is there a way to mark messages as unread? I only see forward and delete. I used to use that feature a lot on my old Sony Ericsson and it's kinda weird not to have it on this phone.

samifan24 02-09-2011 05:37 PM

No, I don't believe there's a way to mark messages as unread.

PadresFan104 02-09-2011 11:27 PM

NBA Jam now available; initial impressions from the community are good...

FrogMan 02-10-2011 09:05 AM

ok, now curse you TK. Downloaded the two lite versions of Sword & Poker and dang, this is addicting. Will certainly end up getting the full versions soon...


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