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Thomkal 09-20-2023 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by cuervo72 (Post 3412408)
I don't think my wife cared for the Shingles one too much (though she doesn't do all that well with any of them), but mentioned the DTAP as being particularly bad.

Got mine an hour ago, we'll see how it goes. Shingles left arm, other two right. Pharmacist was considerate in that she opted not to use band aids on me because shoulder hair.

yeah band-aid removal on shoulder hair hurts more than the shot heh

Edward64 09-21-2023 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3410828)
So checked and all my government provided test kits have expired. With holiday season coming up, bought 2 x 2 test kits for $18 each. Seems kinda expensive but unsure if supply can keep up with demand if it gets bad.

Great news, free test kits resuming. I just bought a couple weeks ago, just bad timing ...


Starting next week, people will be able to once again request four free Covid tests from the government, the Biden administration said Wednesday.

The Department of Health and Human Services said that it is reopening its website on Sept. 25. Households can order the tests to be delivered to their homes, free of charge.

The announcement comes as Covid cases rise in the United States — and as many people are realizing the tests they’ve long had on hand have expired. It may be prudent to check the expiration date on the newly ordered tests when they arrive, however. Last year, there were reports of people receiving tests very close to their expiration date.

flere-imsaho 09-21-2023 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3412341)
People around us have been dropping like flies with COVID, so I hope we got lucky and got the boosts in time.

We don't have ours yet and I'm going to a soccer tournament (staying in a hotel) with my youngest this weekend so we're totally going to get it. Wonderful.

Ksyrup 09-21-2023 09:04 AM

The wife and I appear to have survived flights to Seattle and a week cruise to Alaska without getting it. Unlike last time, when my wife got both Covid and a stomach bug after a cruise.

Ghost Econ 09-21-2023 03:11 PM

Starting Monday you can request some more free tests. - Free at-home COVID-19 tests

bhlloy 09-22-2023 06:29 AM

I survived the Milan derby, trains to and from Milan and the Milan metro last weekend, had to test every day this week for a work event. That or the tests are absolute garbage, but haven’t had any symptoms either (knock on wood).

Solecismic 09-25-2023 09:04 PM

Day three for me. My wife's case was mild, thankfully (four days before she stopped running a fever entirely). Now she gets to take care of me. One of the advantages of not working in an office is that I'm never exposed to anything, so I'm unfamiliar with being sick.

I asked my doctor about criteria for going to the hospital, other than the obvious (chest pains or shortness of breath and disorientation). He suggested getting what's called an Oximeter, with which you stick your finger inside and it measures blood oxygen level. He said if that drops below 90%, you should probably seek emergency care.

After most of two days not able to work at all, I find myself trying to work now, so that's a good sign, I think. Most of today, I couldn't even lift my head to read. My wife is not happy with me going back to the home office.

I don't know if Joe Burrow is married, but if so, I'm sure his wife has somewhat similar thoughts right now.

ETA: I had some old tests from last year lying around. When symptoms started, I took one. Negative. Its "true" expiration date was 1/23, so my guess is that it's best to throw away expired tests without a second thought.

Edward64 09-25-2023 09:18 PM

Glad you guys are feeling better. Didn't know about the oximeter, thanks for the info.

FWIW. In case you missed it, you can order some new test kits courtesy of Uncle Sam. - Free at-home COVID-19 tests

Ksyrup 09-25-2023 09:22 PM

On that link there is info about extensions for expired tests beyond stated expiration dates.

Edward64 09-26-2023 05:14 PM

So a person has a 6.9% chance of having long covid.

In reports published Tuesday using data from 2022 National Health Interview Survey, the agency said 6.9% of U.S. adults reported ever having long COVID, while 3.4% said they currently had the condition at the time of interview. Based on U.S. Census data, that would mean nearly 18 million have suffered from the condition at some point since the pandemic began.
List of symptoms.


  • Post-exertional malaise (debilitating fatigue that gets worse after physical or mental activity)
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Heart palpitations
  • Issues with sexual desire or capacity
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Thirst
  • Chronic cough
  • Chest pain
  • Abnormal movements

flere-imsaho 09-26-2023 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Solecismic (Post 3412875)
I asked my doctor about criteria for going to the hospital, other than the obvious (chest pains or shortness of breath and disorientation). He suggested getting what's called an Oximeter, with which you stick your finger inside and it measures blood oxygen level. He said if that drops below 90%, you should probably seek emergency care.

Additionally, anything below 95% isn't good, and should be monitored, and if it keeps going down there's a good case to go to the ER before it even gets to 90%. This is especially true if you have any history of other respiratory or other cardiovascular ailments.

GrantDawg 10-03-2023 08:16 PM

Went to the doctor yesterday and I didn't get a Covid booster, but I did get a flu shot and the second shingles shot. For those of you who said the second shot is not as bad: Liar liar lying liars.
Both arms, but mostly the shingles arm, has been hurting me all day. It was a tough day at work, and my arms not wanting to work didn't help. It got to a point where both hands were tingly.
Once I got home I realized I was running a nice low-grade fever. I'm achy all over.
Real fun.

Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk

Ksyrup 10-03-2023 08:17 PM

Hit me on the first shot only. Although maybe if you didn't get achy and fever on the 1st shot then you had to pay for it on the 2nd.

Edward64 10-03-2023 08:24 PM

Take an ibuprofen for the soreness.

Ghost Econ 11-09-2023 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by ellawhite (Post 3418070)
The comparison to "bitcoin roulette" seems to imply a metaphorical link to the unpredictability and risks associated with both the virus and the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin investment is known for its high volatility and speculative nature, often compared to gambling, where the stakes are high and the outcomes are uncertain. This volatility can be seen in the rapid changes in bitcoin's value, which can be influenced by a wide range of factors including market demand, investor sentiment, regulatory news, and macroeconomic trends. Just as the trajectory of a virus can be difficult to predict, so too can the fluctuations in the value of bitcoin. Both involve risk and uncertainty, and outcomes can be difficult to forecast.

Chat bots get weirder and weirder.

Edward64 11-17-2023 05:51 AM

Atocep's positive test in Random made me look at current state ...

CDC changed up their reporting some. I wouldn't trust "test positivity" but the other 3 indicators should be fairly accurate. Basically, no uptick even with the poor uptake of the most recent booster.


Test Positivity -.5% (in most recent week)
Emergency Dept visits -8.1%
Hospitalizations -8%
Deaths 2.3% (of all US deaths)

The page says it gets updated Mondays & Fridays, but it's as of Nov 4. So metrics are not really update to date (what's going on CDC?)

CDC COVID Data Tracker

Edward64 11-28-2023 07:11 AM

I've been reading about some sort of infection in China for the past week or so. It was hard to gauge what was really going on (e.g. some sensational headlines) but below Politico does a good job.

Chinese hospitals are full of sick children, but don't worry - POLITICO

The problem:

... last week’s demand by the World Health Organization for information from China on “reported clusters of pneumonia in children in Northern China” reminded the world of the start of the pandemic nearly four years ago, and triggered anxiety that a new pathogen may again cause a global outbreak.

The rationale:

China’s getting hit now, as virus season arrives, because it maintained Covid lockdowns far longer than most other countries, ending them only after a public revolt in January. Lockdowns and other pandemic precautions protected people not only from Covid, but also from other highly infectious respiratory diseases that are more dangerous to kids, such as flu and RSV.

Many children have never previously encountered the viruses or bacteria that can cause illness, and are particularly susceptible.

The CDC has endorsed the view that avoiding infectious diseases for a prolonged period makes a population more susceptible when lockdowns, masking, social distancing and other precautions cease.

Bottom-line. Nothing to worry about (or at least, not yet):

Because testing so far isn’t showing a novel virus at play, the outbreak in China shouldn’t pose concern to health officials in the U.S., experts said.

Kodos 11-28-2023 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 3412415)
yeah band-aid removal on shoulder hair hurts more than the shot heh

Not for those of us who don't have shoulder hair!

Finally got my booster the day after Thanksgiving. Pretty sore shoulder, but otherwise it was no problem.

Thomkal 11-28-2023 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 3419786)
Not for those of us who don't have shoulder hair!

Finally got my booster the day after Thanksgiving. Pretty sore shoulder, but otherwise it was no problem.

Damn aliens can't grow shoulder hair! :)

Edward64 12-01-2023 03:44 PM

I kinda like the ad. Thanks Martha.

Thomkal 01-14-2024 01:58 PM

Because of course it did;

Malaria drug Trump touted as Covid cure increased chance of death – study | Coronavirus | The Guardian

flere-imsaho 01-14-2024 04:52 PM

Should I wait for Joe Rogan's apology?

Edward64 02-04-2024 05:45 AM

Just got the latest Covid shot on Fri. Going on a trip next month so purposely waited to maximize effectiveness.

Timely report on the latest vaccine effectiveness. 54% beats the flu vaccine.

Early Estimates of Updated 2023–2024 (Monovalent XBB.1.5) COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Against Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection Attributable to Co-Circulating Omicron Variants Among Immunocompetent Adults — Increasing Community Access to Testing Program, United States, September 2023–January 2024 | MMWR.

Updated monovalent COVID-19 vaccines provided 54% (95% CI = 46–60%) protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in persons recently vaccinated compared with those who did not receive an updated vaccine dose. Vaccination provided protection for infections caused by JN.1 and infections caused by XBB-related lineages. Waning of effectiveness is expected with additional elapsed time since vaccination

It talks about protection against catching it but don't think it gets into protection from hospitalization or severity of infection if you catch it.

I also thought quote below was interesting, implying good/maximum vaccine effectiveness through at least 4 months.


These early estimates include the period only through 119 days since vaccination, a relatively brief postvaccination period, with no substantial waning.

Edward64 04-06-2024 06:02 AM

Bird flu is up next.

Time to stock up on TP and canned food.

The U.S. CDC on Friday issued a health alert to inform clinicians, state health departments and the public of a case of avian influenza in a person who had contact with dairy cows presumed to be infected with the virus.

The farm worker from Texas was reported to be infected on April 1, making it the second case of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, identified in a person in the United States.

It follows a 2022 case in Colorado, and comes as the virus is spreading to new mammals, including dairy cattle for the first time.
Well, maybe not ...


Earlier this week, the CDC said the infection does not change the risk assessment for the U.S. general public from H5N1 bird flu, which it considers to be low. The Texas patient's only symptom was eye inflammation, according to the state's health department.

But sure hope the CDC is on the ball here.

Edward64 06-15-2024 07:19 AM

Been reported and confirmed.

Understandable that US wanted to push back against China's attacks (pretty justifiable to punch back when attacked). But disappointing that US would do this when it could/did affect the uptake vaccination rate for a vulnerable country. Seems like an unnecessary "dirty trick" when they could have pushed back in other ways.

The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and put innocent lives at risk.

Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.
Below is a little weird and don't understand it. The US started getting vaccines out in late 2020. From what I remember, there wasn't "anti-vax" anything in Spring 2020. So I can believe a lot of anti-Chinese propoganda (China created Covid) but not anti-vax "beginning Spring of 2020.


The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined.

GrantDawg 06-15-2024 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3434685)
Been reported and confirmed.

Understandable that US wanted to push back against China's attacks (pretty justifiable to punch back when attacked). But disappointing that US would do this when it could/did affect the uptake vaccination rate for a vulnerable country. Seems like an unnecessary "dirty trick" when they could have pushed back in other ways.

Below is a little weird and don't understand it. The US started getting vaccines out in late 2020. From what I remember, there wasn't "anti-vax" anything in Spring 2020. So I can believe a lot of anti-Chinese propoganda (China created Covid) but not anti-vax "beginning Spring of 2020.

That is f-ed up. There is no justification for that.

RainMaker 06-15-2024 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 3434692)
That is f-ed up. There is no justification for that.

Did the same in Brazil too. Just pure evil.

U.S. pushed Brazil to reject Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, HHS report says - The Washington Post

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