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panerd 03-14-2020 09:01 PM

I'm even highly skeptical of the mass media already and have my thoughts that this may be overkill but the scientists are all saying let's use some social distancing and stay at home of we can. Just dont know what is so hard about that, do people dislike their families that much?

miked 03-14-2020 09:06 PM

GA canceled primary and sent the legislature home. I was at Kroger today near Emory and it was wiped. We actually stocked up about 2 weeks ago at Costco and Target, but there was no meat, almost no milk (got a gallon), absolutely no veggies except some organic carrots and various leafy greens. No bananas, no berries, just some pears and apples. No pasta or sauce, almost no canned beans and/or fruit, and very little bread (no cheese either). The cashier said they stock up overnight and open at 6, this morning there was a line around 5am to get in.

It's been nice for us so far, we went biking on the silver comet since it was a nice day. There were a good amount of people around, but we just stayed in our own little pack and had no interactions. Now that it will rain for a few days, hopefully it keeps people inside. We have not gone to a restaurant, movie theater, and all kids sports were canceled. Just hoping to wait it out.

NobodyHere 03-14-2020 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3268771)
Went to Sams club. Busy. Stocked up. Got 5 containers of disinfectant wipes and 120 Slim Jims.

Im ready.

I'm out of Slim Jims :(

sterlingice 03-14-2020 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3268847)
I fear we are still not doing enough. Have friends out barhopping, our legislators are weighing finishing the last 3 weeks of their session, and so forth. Our obvious model is Italy (not South Korea) and in ten days much of the US could look like Italy does now and we’ll have a lot of people with profound regret over what they did up until they realized what was happening.

Italy is the model. I don't see how we end up on a path any better than Italy and I think we end up on a worse one (younger population balanced out by a less healthy one and a much crappier health care system).


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3268882)
Edit: I keep reading people saying we're not doing enough, but, I'm still stunned that we're doing so much. Nobody predicted all this just a few days ago. We are not merely reacting to illness and its impact in the United States, we are preparing based on what health professionals are telling us can happen and what has happened in other countries (which, if you dig below some of the worst stories and read about what regular people are doing - is not quite as catastrophic as you might think). I'm honestly kind of impressed. And I know it's easy to be cynical about corporations but the airlines, travel companies, stubhub, shit like that, have all been remarkably easy to deal with for all the plans I had to cancel in the last few days. I know Amazon has offered extra paid leave to any Whole Foods employee who gets sick or has a sickness in their household. And I'm seeing and hearing about so much kindness around town. People on my neighborhood facebook group offering to do shopping for people who feel too vulnerable to leave the house, people giving up toilet paper to others who were too late in getting it, people patronizing local stores who need some help getting through this. I think we're doing pretty good, all things considered.

And this is where I keep vacillating between. On the one hand, I see so many people doing so many good things and an effort that would have been unheard of if you told someone a year ago what was going to happen. But, on the other hand, we have all those other stories of people being horribly irresponsible who are endangering other lives so callously - some because they are in denial but others because they are just so goddamn selfish. I can kindof forgive the latter as I know that's where I was about a month ago but the latter will always be a problem. There's so much bad but there's also so much good going on - it heartens me but I'm not sure it's enough.


QuikSand 03-14-2020 09:36 PM

I semi-waffled on the way to my small office on Friday, on what to do. After thinking about it, I called a morning staff meeting, told everyone we were going to close down at the end of the day, and to spend the day preparing to be productive working remotely for the immediate future. Everyone is on board, we should be fine, we're a mostly information-based non profit and can function pretty well from our separate ways.

One thing I said then was "Think about how much more real this feels than 48 hours ago. Now let's figure that it's going to get that much more real in the next 48, and the 48 after that." Even saying those words didn't bring me to this point... not even 48 hours later. (Exponent math is inherently hard)

I now feel embarrassed that I really had to think about whether I was jumping the gun, and acting too rashly.

QuikSand 03-14-2020 09:38 PM

Oh, and I rode the stock market all the way down, and then back up in the great recession. Not happening here. Everything I have control over is in cash or bonds. And I'm not even in love with the bond market. You cannot possibly add two and two and come up with "this is close to the bottom." The S&P is going to go to 1200.

RainMaker 03-14-2020 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3268895)
Dropped by Kroger just to get some additional meals/food (son & roommate coming back).
  • Potatoes, tomatoes, some fruits are gone. Still quite a lot of fresh vegetables
  • Meats are noticeably low (but we did 2 racks of ribs). Lots of frozen shrimp, fish
  • Lots of canned food but many of my favorites are gone e.g. Chunky Steak & Potatoes
  • Pasta was very low but still decent amount of pasta sauce
  • Toilet paper gone, paper towels still available
  • Eggs gone, milk still around, bread available but low
  • Lots of cereal, flour, sugar, cooking oil
  • Frozen pizza noticeably low supply
  • Lots of water, soda, beer, wine
  • Lots of Ice cream, frozen vegetables, low frozen breakfast biscuits

I think toilet paper is herd mentality but I don't blame anyone. The problem is lack of communication from the businesses to reassure people that more is on the way, can meet the demand etc. (same with hand sanitizers etc.)

Very similar experience here. They were out of chicken breasts and ground beef. No bread anywhere. No milk but a few cartons of eggs left.

You really get a sense for what brands and types people prefer. Especially in the soup and frozen pizza sections.

I didn't go crazy prepper but bought some extra frozen meals and a tub of oatmeal that I could probably eat for a month if shit hits the fan.

I should add that there didn't seem to be a ton of panic there. Saw one lady with a mask but that's it. Staff at the store was jolly and it appears staff is all hands on deck when it comes to re-stocking. Almost every other aisle had someone re-filling shelves (some appeared to be manager types too). The cashier I had looked to be in her 70's which made me sad.

JPhillips 03-14-2020 09:42 PM

We could deal with this if we wanted to, and by we I mean the populous. It would hurt, but we're the richest nation on Earth. We could shut down for a month, cover most of the costs of that and then reevaluate.

But it's St. Patrick's Day weekend, so we won't.

sterlingice 03-14-2020 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3268909)
Oh, and I rode the stock market all the way down, and then back up in the great recession. Not happening here. Everything I have control over is in cash or bonds. And I'm not even in love with the bond market. You cannot possibly add two and two and come up with "this is close to the bottom." The S&P is going to go to 1200.

For my 403b,I have like 10% in an index fund but the rest I kicked into money markets at the end of the two dead cat bounce days (Tuesday/Friday)*. I don't know what the bottom is, but we're nowhere fucking close.

*oh, and the bizarre TIAA-CREF real estate fund that is this bizarre thing that moves slower than molasses and was some of my hedge against bad times that I'm trying to decide what to do with


JPhillips 03-14-2020 09:48 PM

RainMaker 03-14-2020 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3268860)
I am floored at how little people care about this. We are so selfish as a nation. Will it kill you to stay in on a Saturday night.

The country was told by its leader that this was no big deal. It was contained, the number would soon be zero, and that it was a hoax perpetuated to bring him down. It shouldn't be a surprise that a segment of the population doesn't take this seriously.

Also here is what happens when you throw your plans together on the fly with no advanced thinking. How many cases you think are being transmitted here and about to spread throughout the Chicago area?

JPhillips 03-14-2020 10:03 PM

That scene is apparently being mimicked at numerous airports receiving European flights.

RainMaker 03-14-2020 10:32 PM

Also what the UK is doing is either brilliant or completely nuts. Doesn't seem to be a middle ground. If it works, seems like it'll change our handling of pandemics forever.

Edward64 03-14-2020 10:35 PM

Currently the US has 2816 with 58 dead or a 2% fatality rate. This is likely overstated as not enough testing has been done at this point. I think it was Fauci that said last week the best guess was 1%.

Also the demographics is similar to China.

In the U.S., of the cases for which there is data, only one person who died was in their 40s, while two people died in their 50s. Seven people were in their 60s, nine people in their 70s, 13 people in their 80s and 10 people were in their 90s.

This means the vast majority of deaths so far are among people older than 70, which matches roughly with data emerging from Italy, China and other countries hard-hit by COVID-19.

RainMaker 03-14-2020 10:57 PM

It sounds like New York is going to be an absolute shitshow in about a week.

Vegas Vic 03-14-2020 11:19 PM

In Seattle, Chicago and Boston, sales of wine, beer and liquor this week were up 300 to 500 percent compared to sales in January.

Apparently, the number one priority for some folks is to have a fully stocked liquor cabinet to ride out the pandemic.

Those Long Lines? People Stocking the Liquor Cabinet, Not the Pantry

RainMaker 03-14-2020 11:21 PM

Wouldn't it make sense for customs to just let everyone through now? Seems way more dangerous to try to pick out the handful of possible cases and have everyone stand in a huge crowd than just let those people through and tell everyone to isolate for a few days.

PilotMan 03-14-2020 11:57 PM

I think some of these people should have grown up in areas where they get blizzarded in for days on end. Man, those were the days. Head to the video store, pick up your girlfriend, make sure the shovel is in the car for when you get stuck and enjoy.

AlexB 03-15-2020 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3268919)
Also what the UK is doing is either brilliant or completely nuts. Doesn't seem to be a middle ground. If it works, seems like it'll change our handling of pandemics forever.

Being English, I feel reassured by the general policy and explanations so far (with the exception of not shutting down football/sport earlier - I was concerned about my Dad going to the Leicester match even on Monday)

I don’t get the hysteria about ‘Look at italy! Look at Spain! Do what they do!’. They have significantly more cases than us, and did nothing at all until they were deep in the mire.

We have a virus with no vaccine, so as numbers increase, more measures are coming. People need to listen to the experts and what has actually been said, not hysterical and mostly uninformed random people on Twitter, celebrities, etc.

The government have been transparent - they’ve said it’s not designed to completely stop it, which is impossible, it’s designed to control the spread as much as possible, relieving pressure on public services, and to avoid the sudden spike in case that other countries are seeing.

If we just copy other countries‘ measures now, it seems as if it will just delay the huge spike, not flatten it out, and cause untold economic and social damage.

We need to have faith in the scientists, who have studied this type of thing for years and decades, not people like us whose knowledge is based on a week’s worth of googling

It reminds me of Obi-Wan: ‘Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?’

Lathum 03-15-2020 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3268921)
It sounds like New York is going to be an absolute shitshow in about a week.

My buddy works for FDNY doing some kind of IT/Logistics. All EMT services also fall under the FDNY. He said they have 40 first responders already under quarantine and enough medical supplies for about 3 more weeks.

Edward64 03-15-2020 07:21 AM

My sense is more of a SK (probably not as good though) than Italy. We were late in preparing for it (e.g. test kits) but I have confidence it is getting better, response leadership (Fauci, Birx vs Trump) is emerging, and increased coordination is coming along.

So here's my question:
US first case of reported coronavirus was Jan 20. It has been 55 days since then and we have 2816 infected and 58 deaths. I get the # infected is really higher but we can't tell right now because lack of testing. And I also understand 'some' deaths attributed to flu could have been the coronavirus.

We only started getting real serious about this a week ago, so shouldn't there be more deaths by now? Or at the very least, increased number of pre-existing people on their deathbeds with pneumonia-like symptoms?
Because of this lack of obvious calamity in day 55, I am hopeful our experience leans more towards SK than Italy.

Some possible reasons:
  • Average age is less than Italy
  • We have more of 'personal space' than Italy
  • Older folks here take the annual flu shots (do they do that in Italy?). Is there some sort of residual benefit against the coronavirus?
  • Our healthcare tends to over-medicate and Drs prescribe antiobiotics freely as needed (I get there is no cure, but are there antibiotics, tamiflu etc. that help alleviate the symptoms and reduce mortality rates?). When I had pneumonia, got some antibiotics (think it was zpack) that did its job
  • We stay home, drive and not take public transportation as much (so not as much interaction for the elderly)
Bottom-line is we need more data with testing and hopefully we'll get it in next 2 weeks or so.

Ben E Lou 03-15-2020 07:50 AM

Couple of snapshots from my community...

High school kid organizes other high school kids for volunteer babysitting service for working parents during school closure:

Owners of possibly the largest day care in my part of town--which as of this moment will be OPEN tomorrow, despite all public and private schools in the are closing, and if it's open their three kids will be there interacting with other kids--yukking it up at St. Patty's Day Bar Crawl yesterday evening:

Dropbox - 90100197_10222176721956369_3222943635012059136_o.jpg - Simplify your life

Lathum 03-15-2020 07:51 AM

I hope every one of them drinking PBR and Bud Lite at a St. Patricks Day celebration get the virus on principal.

Edward64 03-15-2020 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3268940)
Couple of snapshots from my community...

High school kid organizes other high school kids for volunteer babysitting service for working parents during school closure:

Any FB feedback yet? Bet there is a backlash.

Lathum 03-15-2020 07:54 AM

Our schools are closed so obviously we are home schooling. There have been a lot of texts, facebook messages, etc...from parents that likely mean well offering to get the kids together for schooling, lessons, etc...

While it would be nice to have someone who is a teacher heading up the impossible 4th grade math, it completely defeats the purpose.

Ben E Lou 03-15-2020 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3268942)
Any FB feedback yet? Bet there is a backlash.

Haven't seen any negative yet, but I'm sure someone will come up with a reason to be mad about it.

Edward64 03-15-2020 08:03 AM

Had a post about segregating the vulnerable from the not-so-vulnerable. I agree with this in concept, it's sensible solution to me if things escalate for the worse and no end in sight. This assumes the segregated population has the "infrastructure/help" to stay segregated for a longer period of time.

Speaking to Sky News later, Hancock added more details to his plan, announcing that over-70s will be asked to self-isolate "in the coming weeks" -- and it could potentially last for months.

The UK government has so far adopted a laissez-faire approach to the outbreak. Unlike other countries hit by the novel coronavirus, the UK has yet to ban large-scale gatherings or closed schools, saying it does not believe those measures would stop the outbreak.

Ben E Lou 03-15-2020 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3268943)
Our schools are closed so obviously we are home schooling. There have been a lot of texts, facebook messages, etc...from parents that likely mean well offering to get the kids together for schooling, lessons, etc...

While it would be nice to have someone who is a teacher heading up the impossible 4th grade math, it completely defeats the purpose.

Yup. I've seen a few stay at home offering paid home-based daycare for groups of kid. ("I have a teenaged daughter to help me, so we can handle a bunch!") I mean, I guess it's marginally better than having 750 in one building, but...

PilotMan 03-15-2020 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3268938)
My sense is more of a SK (probably not as good though) than Italy. We were late in preparing for it (e.g. test kits) but I have confidence it is getting better, response leadership (Fauci, Birx vs Trump) is emerging, and increased coordination is coming along.

So here's my question:
US first case of reported coronavirus was Jan 20. It has been 55 days since then and we have 2816 infected and 58 deaths. I get the # infected is really higher but we can't tell right now because lack of testing. And I also understand 'some' deaths attributed to flu could have been the coronavirus.

We only started getting real serious about this a week ago, so shouldn't there be more deaths by now? Or at the very least, increased number of pre-existing people on their deathbeds with pneumonia-like symptoms?
Because of this lack of obvious calamity in day 55, I am hopeful our experience leans more towards SK than Italy.

Some possible reasons:
  • Average age is less than Italy
  • We have more of 'personal space' than Italy
  • Older folks here take the annual flu shots (do they do that in Italy?). Is there some sort of residual benefit against the coronavirus?
  • Our healthcare tends to over-medicate and Drs prescribe antiobiotics freely as needed (I get there is no cure, but are there antibiotics, tamiflu etc. that help alleviate the symptoms and reduce mortality rates?). When I had pneumonia, got some antibiotics (think it was zpack) that did its job
  • We stay home, drive and not take public transportation as much (so not as much interaction for the elderly)
Bottom-line is we need more data with testing and hopefully we'll get it in next 2 weeks or so.

Your assumptions and data are completely irrelevant. Without actual data, and testing of everyone who has been sick you can't really draw any conclusions.

Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus — ProPublica

Opinion: Early Coronavirus Testing Failures Will Cost Lives : Shots - Health News : NPR

It's likely out there in much bigger quantities, with more deaths than we can currently attribute to it.

Ben E Lou 03-15-2020 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3268946)
Had a post about segregating the vulnerable from the not-so-vulnerable. I agree with this in concept, it's sensible solution to me if things escalate for the worse and no end in sight. This assumes the segregated population has the "infrastructure/help" to stay segregated for a longer period of time.

My in-laws (ages 71 and 81) are in a high-end assisted living complex. There are dozens of condos and duplexes for those who, like them, are nearly fully self-sufficient. (Basically, my in-laws have a private condo with laundry and lawn care service, and a meal plan allowing them to eat at one of several restaurants within the complex, but they typically drive somewhere outside the facility on a daily basis.) The facility ranges from people like them all the way to folks needing a full-time nurse. The complex has banned *all* outside visitors, and is strongly encouraging people like my in-laws to remain inside the facility's borders 24/7. Even Fedex and Amazon deliveries are going to a single location at the edge of the property to be sanitized before going to any of the seniors.

Edward64 03-15-2020 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3268949)
My in-laws (ages 71 and 81) are in a high-end assisted living complex. There are dozens of condos and duplexes for those who, like them, are nearly fully self-sufficient. (Basically, my in-laws have a private condo with laundry and lawn care service, and a meal plan allowing them to eat at one of several restaurants within the complex, but they typically drive somewhere outside the facility on a daily basis.) The facility ranges from people like them all the way to folks needing a full-time nurse. The complex has banned *all* outside visitors, and is strongly encouraging people like my in-laws to remain inside the facility's borders 24/7. Even Fedex and Amazon deliveries are going to a single location at the edge of the property to be sanitized before going to any of the seniors.

Nice. Just as long as they don't congregate too much in the restaurants & common areas, and have early warning checkups (e.g. temperature checks), sounds like the ideal situation. Assume they have nurses onsite also.

Are you guys happy with them? No significant complaints from in-laws? Can you share the name and $ range?

JPhillips 03-15-2020 09:32 AM

The new Trump slogan appears to be, LEEEROY JENKINS!

Lathum 03-15-2020 09:35 AM

Saw this on facebook today. Not sure if the person who reposted believes it or was mocking it.


Q has posted today stating it’s “go time”. My husband is an Army vet and he said “Rig for Red” meant they had to changeover to their red lights on their gun sights and equipment right before attacking the enemy, so the enemy wouldn’t see them coming.

This means mass arrests and we know this is going to happen worldwide, so they needed a cover to restrict travel and get people prepared to have an interruption in supplies while a financial reset and the arrests occur. President Trump is trying to tell Americans to be prepared under the guise of a pandemic.

The stock market needs to adjust down in order to do a complete reset and move us to a gold backed currency and get rid of the Fed. The stock market has been falsely inflated for awhile. The CV is the perfect “crisis” to make a lot of it work. Travel will likely shut down for a brief period and maybe all schools and universities will be shut down so kids are home safe with their parents when the arrests occur. We could even have a period of Marital Law to suppress opportunities for looting and riots.

[Keeping people away from large crowds minimizes false flags, mass shootings, or other catastrophic events. Can't have a school shooting if the kids aren't in school. - M]

Having the CV crisis allows POTUS to shut down our borders so Homeland Security and our military can focus on keeping peace. Also, POTUS said everything with the CV will be over in April. He said it because he knows it is fake and they plan to take action in March and by April, the American public will be informed of what has occurred and why.

India had a full on celebration when POTUS visited. It is because he has struck a deal with India to start producing many of the things we were having China produce cheaply and it will help India A LOT. I think China’s leader is in on it with Trump, possibly. When Trump visited China, he took him to the Forbidden City and this has never been done with another world leader; likely to have complete privacy to plan. China has a Deep State, too, that is teamed up with our CIA and Deep State bad actors; the Clintons, Bidens, Romney, Feinstein and others.

Doug Collins, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo and Mark Meadows were all supposedly exposed to CV. What better way to explain their upcoming absence in DC than quarantine at their homes? Q already told us when the mass arrests happen, POTUS will be safely out of the country. AF1 can fly continuously, if needed, because it can be refueled in the air. President Trump is taking his present and future cabinet members with him in AF1 to keep them out of harm’s way and it won’t alert anyone that he is taking them all with! He already announced Mark Meadows will be his new Chief of Staff.

The “quarantine centers” have all been set up in areas where the concentration of sealed indictments are the highest. This explains why there is barbed wire slanted inward at one I saw in a video. These will be detention centers for the many criminals and traitors. They may even be set up as prisons with the sheer number of them.

Gitmo has had a multi-million $ upgrade that is completed. A new head judge has been sent to Gitmo. There was a large amount of our troops sent to Gitmo for a 2 year assignment last Summer. There were $millions spent just upgrading the Justice buildings and lawyer offices at Gitmo and another military base in the US.

I truly believe Trump, Gen Kelly and Gen Mattis are not on bad terms. I believe it is all an act to take them out of DC and allow them to fly under the radar so they could be at Gitmo and the other base to get everything set up for the military tribunals. The same goes for Sessions; he knows all of it because he was AG while the investigations were occurring and sealed indictments were ramping up. He likely recused himself from the Russia investigation to be able to focus on the other investigations and sealed indictments. He supposedly left on bad terms with POTUS, but I’ll bet he’s been working under the radar since he left DC to get everything ready.

Trump has replaced many of the Obama judges and others who would not do the right thing when the mass arrests occur. That took a long time to get them confirmed and placed strategically where they will be needed. He has the majority of the SCOTUS. Justice Roberts is highly compromised and will either be replaced with another Conservative Justice or has been given a deal to go along with ruling against any attempts to stop justice being served to the criminals and traitors in our government.

There have been a lot of National Guard and military equipment movement under the guise of a State of Emergency for the CV. They are getting into place to help deal with any civil unrest that will occur when people freak out over the arrests or groups like ANTIFA try to start problems because they have been paid by Soros to do so.
The internet, or at least all social media, will likely go dark, so don’t panic if it happens. It won’t be forever. They tested taking down specific platforms and cell service a couple of times. The CIA’s satellites have been shut down, so they have been blinded. I find it interesting, also, that Gina Haspel was at the last SOTU address smiling ear to ear. CIA directors rarely, if ever, attend SOTU addresses.

The Queen of England was locked out of Windsor Castle, briefly on Friday, for the first time ever. It was a marker to tell those following Q that it’s time.

A Q post from September of 2018 read:

Castle Lock.

Then the one directly after it read:

Panic in UK
Panic in DC
Panic in UK
Panic in DC

P atriots
A re
N ow
I n
C ontrol in the UK and DC

“Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing” -Q

Trump wore a bright yellow tie in India and today at the CV press conference. He is telling us there is no virus because it is the exact same color as the maritime flag that represents the vessel has no infected people on board. THERE IS NO VIRUS. Every state reporting the most cases and deaths are all Sanctuary States run by Democrat bad actors in an attempt to get funding for the virus since Trump has cut off any Federal funds for Sanctuary States.

Do you see it now??

Trump and Pence have been flying all over, attending group events, hugging people, shaking hands... They are not worried because the Cvirus is fake

-Be ready for Martial Law
-Be ready for schools to shut down
-Be ready for travel to be restricted
-Be ready for the internet to go down
-Be ready with supplies to get you through until it’s over
-Be ready to tell everyone panicking when it happens that it is all planned.
Storm is upon up.
Dark to light.
Drain the swamp.
You were told to watch resignations, you see them...... there has been thousands in 2 years.
No worries, can't stop what's happening"

Kodos 03-15-2020 09:42 AM

It is pretty sad seeing how selfish many of the people we know are being. My wife's at-risk mother (3 heart surgeries in the past) has been going to the casino, nar-Anon meetings, etc. Didn't bother to get any supplies ahead of time. Just totally disregarding the advice of the CDC. I just hope it doesn't end up with her and her husband in trouble in the coming weeks. We have cut off doing anything with them in person until things calm down.

We've isolated ourselves as well as possible. My wife works from home, I'll be working from home starting tomorrow. The kids are home from school after they closed down on Friday. I'll have to go get my 78-year-old father from a rehab facility (he has a knee problem after he tore a ligament in his knee a couple of months ago) on Tuesday. Hoping to keep our house as a safe haven for him. He's been living with us since last October due to increasing mobility issues that made living in an apartment by himself untenable.

JPhillips 03-15-2020 09:44 AM


Germany’s Health Ministry confirmed a report in newspaper Welt am Sonntag, which said President Donald Trump had offered funds to lure the company CureVac to the United States, and the German government was making counter-offers to tempt it to stay.

“The German government is very interested in ensuring that vaccines and active substances against the new coronavirus are also developed in Germany and Europe,” the newspaper quoted a Health Ministry official as saying. “In this regard, the government is in intensive exchange with the company CureVac.”

Contacted by Reuters, a spokeswoman for the German Health Ministry said: “We confirm the report in the Welt am Sonntag.”

Welt am Sonntag quoted an unidentified German government source as saying Trump was trying to secure the scientists’ work exclusively, and would do anything to get a vaccine for the United States, “but only for the United States.”

There was no comment immediately available from the U.S. embassy in Berlin when contacted by Reuters on Sunday over the report, and nobody was available to comment at CureVac. Welt am Sonntag said CureVac declined to comment.

Culture of life and all that.

Thomkal 03-15-2020 09:51 AM

wow Lathum that's a whole lot of crazy. Exactly NONE of the things QAnon has predicted has ever happened, so they just move on to the next event to get ready for.

NobodyHere 03-15-2020 10:20 AM

NFL draft has been postponed.

Landshark44 03-15-2020 10:36 AM

I work in a NJ Casino... we’ve been busy all weekend... people are out, gambling, drinking, eating at the restaurants..

QuikSand 03-15-2020 10:40 AM

When in doubt, overreact.

This is becoming a variant on Pascal’s Wager.

Overreact, and we’re wrong... people lose out on a night at the bar, a spaghetti dinner, a week’s pay. Bummer.

Underreact, and we’re wrong, and we watch ten times too many people suffer and die. Humanity-changing effects.

QuikSand 03-15-2020 10:55 AM

Words I NEVER thought I’d be saying:

Everyone needs to listen to what Ted Cruz and AOC are saying.

sterlingice 03-15-2020 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3268964)
Words I NEVER thought I’d be saying:

Everyone needs to listen to what Ted Cruz and AOC are saying.

Cats and dogs, living together. Mass hysteria!


sterlingice 03-15-2020 11:02 AM

I know this is dark, even for the gallows humor going around now, but I had a chuckle about this:

ISIS tells its terrorists not to travel to Europe -- because of coronavirus

Headline: "ISIS tells its terrorists not to travel to Europe for jihad — because of coronavirus"


Edward64 03-15-2020 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Landshark44 (Post 3268961)
I work in a NJ Casino... we’ve been busy all weekend... people are out, gambling, drinking, eating at the restaurants..

Any noticeable demographics? Predominantly younger or just across the board?

JAG 03-15-2020 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by JAG (Post 3268758)
Governor of Minnesota stated they are keeping schools open for now, declared a peacetime emergency and recommended no 250+ gatherings but did not ban them. MN is up to 14 cases, supposedly all from travel rather than community spread. The additional 5 cases from yesterday were from 250 tests conducted in the past 24 hours.

Keeping schools open lasted less than 48 hours. Now schools will be closing starting Wednesday. MN is up to 35 positive cases and 1422 people tested. In the past 24 hours they tested 560 people.

QuikSand 03-15-2020 11:10 AM

MD is closing casinos, racetracks, and other revenue generators. We’ve only got about 30 confirmed cases, but are properly realizing that those numbers are close to useless due to lack of testing resources.

JAG 03-15-2020 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3268938)
My sense is more of a SK (probably not as good though) than Italy. We were late in preparing for it (e.g. test kits) but I have confidence it is getting better, response leadership (Fauci, Birx vs Trump) is emerging, and increased coordination is coming along.

So here's my question:
US first case of reported coronavirus was Jan 20. It has been 55 days since then and we have 2816 infected and 58 deaths. I get the # infected is really higher but we can't tell right now because lack of testing. And I also understand 'some' deaths attributed to flu could have been the coronavirus.

We only started getting real serious about this a week ago, so shouldn't there be more deaths by now? Or at the very least, increased number of pre-existing people on their deathbeds with pneumonia-like symptoms?
Because of this lack of obvious calamity in day 55, I am hopeful our experience leans more towards SK than Italy.

Some possible reasons:
  • Average age is less than Italy
  • We have more of 'personal space' than Italy
  • Older folks here take the annual flu shots (do they do that in Italy?). Is there some sort of residual benefit against the coronavirus?
  • Our healthcare tends to over-medicate and Drs prescribe antiobiotics freely as needed (I get there is no cure, but are there antibiotics, tamiflu etc. that help alleviate the symptoms and reduce mortality rates?). When I had pneumonia, got some antibiotics (think it was zpack) that did its job
  • We stay home, drive and not take public transportation as much (so not as much interaction for the elderly)
Bottom-line is we need more data with testing and hopefully we'll get it in next 2 weeks or so.

Antibiotics aren’t going to have any impact on a viral illness. Fever reducing medicine ain’t going to help you breathe like a ventilator. To this point, numbers in the US have increased at the same exponential rate and that’s with a lack of available testing. Seattle is already a mess and NYC is not going to be long behind. I don’t think optimism is warranted at this point. Hopefully I’m wrong and some of these local measures will be sufficient.

Vegas Vic 03-15-2020 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 3268966)
"ISIS tells its terrorists not to travel to Europe for jihad — because of coronavirus"

Never a lack of creativity with these guys. From the article, "Any sick jihadists already in Europe, however, should stay there — presumably to sicken infidels"

Edward64 03-15-2020 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by JAG (Post 3268970)
Antibiotics aren’t going to have any impact on a viral illness. Fever reducing medicine ain’t going to help you breathe like a ventilator. To this point, numbers in the US have increased at the same exponential rate and that’s with a lack of available testing. Seattle is already a mess and NYC is not going to be long behind. I don’t think optimism is warranted at this point. Hopefully I’m wrong and some of these local measures will be sufficient.

Okay, maybe not zpack but possibly tamiflu and like in maybe lessening the symptoms. I do agree that it doesn't seem we have enough data to really know, however the lack of literature on treatment (e.g. "just take tamiflu to help reduce mortality") probably indicates it's not as effective.

Viral Pneumonia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

If a virus is causing your pneumonia, antibiotics won’t help, but your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication.

If you have an influenza virus, your doctor may prescribe medications such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu), zanamivir (Relenza), or peramivir (Rapivab). These drugs keep flu viruses from spreading in your body.

If RSV is the cause of your pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe a medication such as ribavirin (Virazol). This helps to limit the spread of viruses.

JPhillips 03-15-2020 12:58 PM

368 deaths in Italy in the past 24 hours.

miami_fan 03-15-2020 12:59 PM

Just received a call from the school district with a survey.

1. Does the student have access to a PC, smartphone, smart device? Yes or No

2. Does the student have access to the internet? Yes or No.

QuikSand 03-15-2020 01:00 PM

Fascinating theory on Italy’s terrible outcomes here:

Moritz Kuhn on Twitter: "@christianbaye13 & me have been thinking about the big differences in mortality rates so far during the corona outbreak in Europe. The differences in case-fatality rates are humongous. Italy has one of 6% while countries like Norway, Denmark & Germany have rates still close to 0.…"

stevew 03-15-2020 01:20 PM

My car wash sent me updated policies on how they are handling Covid so I def feel more at ease

NobodyHere 03-15-2020 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3268638)
Ohio is up to 13 people confirmed and 159 with tests pending.

36 now with 350 tests pending with at least one now in my county.


I also want to say I find the Ohio Director of the Department of Health, Dr. Amy Acton, HOT.

She can wash my hands any day.

bob 03-15-2020 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3268988)
36 now with 350 tests pending with at least one now in my county.

20 here in Fulton County with another 40 or so in surrounding counties.

Atocep 03-15-2020 01:45 PM

I was out briefly this morning. Our small Tacoma suburb was dead except for some activity at Safeway. The south part of tacoma that I drove through was a ghost town.

I'm curious to see what the drive to work tomorrow morning looks like.

Thomkal 03-15-2020 01:47 PM

My county here In SC has had its first POS test for the virus today. Governor ready to cancel all schools in the state

Thomkal 03-15-2020 01:54 PM

Daniel Goldman, the lawyer who handled the Democratic side of the House Impeachment Trial has announced he has tested positive for the Virus, He's mostly through the worst of it he says, and his wife who is also showing symptoms, can't be tested in NYC unless she's admitted.

Lathum 03-15-2020 02:02 PM

Just talked to one of my best friends. He is a firefighter in Cincinnati. For those familiar with the city his station handles mostly OTR, it is the ghetto. He said it is calm right now but they are expecting it to get really bad there and once it does it is going to rip through that community.

sterlingice 03-15-2020 02:11 PM

NCAA - No brackets for canceled tournaments

I am disproportionately annoyed this isn't happening.


tarcone 03-15-2020 02:32 PM

4 cases in Missouri.

2 in St louis county, which is next door to where I live.

Butter 03-15-2020 02:43 PM

Ohio closing all bars and restaurants as of 9 PM tonight. Carry out and delivery still allowed.

JPhillips 03-15-2020 03:07 PM

From WaPo:


“One pastor said half of his church is ready to lick the floor, to prove there’s no actual virus,” an Arkansas pastor told me. “In your more politically conservative regions, closing is not interpreted as caring for you. It’s interpreted as liberalism.”

The Trump voters are going to all kill themselves in order to own the libs.

Hammer 03-15-2020 03:11 PM

I read this as a large amount of undetected cases in Italy skewing the stats. Just too overwhelmed at this point to test.

Not to say that there are not other factors too.

thesloppy 03-15-2020 03:13 PM

We're getting to the point where you have to question if "flattening the curve" is worth decimating entire industries and putting the capable people out of work and in danger to protect the elderly and infirm. That said, I certainly don't have the answer.

MIJB#19 03-15-2020 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by thesloppy (Post 3269004)
We're getting to the point where you have to question if "flattening the curve" is worth decimating entire industries and putting the capable people out of work and in danger to protect the elderly and infirm. That said, I certainly don't have the answer.

This virus isn't just hitting the elderly, about 50% of the patients that ended up on intensive care in the Netherlands are under 50 years of age.

Testing in South Korea showed a massive peak in the 20-29 age group in the groups of contaminated people.

Brian Swartz 03-15-2020 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Butter
Ohio closing all bars and restaurants as of 9 PM tonight. Carry out and delivery still allowed.

Illinois doing the same. No news yet on Michigan but I wouldn't be surprised if we're not far behind. As of this moment, it's business as usual where I work. Scheduling hasn't changed, email this weekend from the parent company was of the 'circle the wagons' and encouragement variety.


Originally Posted by thesloppy
We're getting to the point where you have to question if "flattening the curve" is worth decimating entire industries

As someone who's in such an industry, though not as bad as some others like the airlines, I'm leaning yes here. If you don't, you cause more damage probably through the various ripple effects. Definitely a darned if you do, darned if you don't scenario, but I'd rather lose little than lose big.

Edward64 03-15-2020 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by MIJB#19 (Post 3269005)
This virus isn't just hitting the elderly, about 50% of the patients that ended up on intensive care in the Netherlands are under 50 years of age.

Testing in South Korea showed a massive peak in the 20-29 age group in the groups of contaminated people.

I would like to read more about demographics and critical/not critical/fatal statistics. Can you provide a link that has this by country?

thesloppy 03-15-2020 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3269007)
I would like to read more about demographics and critical/not critical/fatal statistics. Can you provide a link that has this by country?

Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer

And detailed stats per country:

I dunno if you can get those demographics broken down by country tho.

QuikSand 03-15-2020 03:32 PM

I'm trying to stick with the position, right now, that we are amidst such uncertainty here, that we are all bound to say things that, in the fullness of time, will appear to be unwise or unfounded. And those things we have said or done will have been born of ignorance or misinformation, rather than deep defects in our humanity.

Landshark44 03-15-2020 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3268967)
Any noticeable demographics? Predominantly younger or just across the board?

All ages, shapes, and sizes.. with Philadelphia casinos closed, Atlantic City seemed to be busy.. Saw a few people wearing gloves, but most were acting like everything normal..

Governor Murphy said yesterday, “no plans to close casinos”...

thesloppy 03-15-2020 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Brian Swartz (Post 3269006)
As someone who's in such an industry, though not as bad as some others like the airlines, I'm leaning yes here. If you don't, you cause more damage probably through the various ripple effects. Definitely a darned if you do, darned if you don't scenario, but I'd rather lose little than lose big.

That seems prudent. Some industries & their workers are probably better prepared for this than others. I think of the folks that work for hourly wages in bars and restaurants as some of the most financially vulnerable folks in the Ohio's case it sounds like they're putting together some kind of safety net to make sure those folks aren't suddenly unemployed and on the streets/shelters en masse.

tarcone 03-15-2020 03:50 PM

Illinois closing bars and restaurants

thesloppy 03-15-2020 03:58 PM

"President Trump says he is unaware that his administration disbanded the pandemic response team established by the Obama administration."

This fucking guy.

whomario 03-15-2020 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Hammer (Post 3269002)
I read this as a large amount of undetected cases in Italy skewing the stats. Just too overwhelmed at this point to test.

Not to say that there are not other factors too.

That is most definitely the case. Also, the high average age of active cases (not just deaths) is 99% an indication that they had to pretty much abandon most of the proactive testing and a disproportional number of tests are done on people with at least (!) medium symptoms that actually seek out medical help. And the later you discover it, the worse the odds of recovery. Even with no specific medication, proper medical care from, say, day 2 of symptoms is much prefereable to proper care from day 4 or 5.

The System simply collapsed with not enough tests, emergency beds (with breathing aparatus) or qualified personel for the onslaught that hit them. And that was due to missing the first cases (bad luck more than anything else) and while they close traffic from China the virus spread to the point where 3 weeks later an avalanche of already very sick people started arriving in hospitals.

And as soon as you move past 'capacity' death rates go up by a lot. And remember patients im china on average stayed 3 weeks in intensive care before dying or being on the path to recovery, so once you are past capacity the system is breaking down for a long while. And remember that the majority of cases is concentrated in just parts of the country.

.y hope for here (Germany) is that there is no indication the first wave was missed (and even now a lot of cases can be connected and traced rather than coming out of the blue and in bad shape already) and the fact we have by far more intensive care spots per capita than both Italy and Spain. Basically it would have to be substantially worse numbers to crash the system like that and so far and with at least a few measures enacted we might end up ok ...

whomario 03-15-2020 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by thesloppy (Post 3269008)
Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer

And detailed stats per country:

I dunno if you can get those demographics broken down by country tho.

One more Factor not mentioned enough, largely because tougher to quantify/qualify: Smoking. Which is not exactly surprising for a respiratory infection and also is likely to contribute a lot to the sex disparity (which is consistent with other respiratory infections and diseases). China has an especially big difference in women smoking and men doing so.

Lathum 03-15-2020 04:22 PM

Trump back to complete nonsense ranting.

thesloppy 03-15-2020 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by whomario (Post 3269018)
One more Factor not mentioned enough, largely because tougher to quantify/qualify: Smoking. Which is not exactly surprising for a respiratory infection and also is likely to contribute a lot to the sex disparity (which is consistent with other respiratory infections and diseases). China has an especially big difference in women smoking and men doing so.

Good point. I had wondered about the gender discrepancy & had heard about the smoking effect, but didn't put the two together..

miami_fan 03-15-2020 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by thesloppy (Post 3269004)
We're getting to the point where you have to question if "flattening the curve" is worth decimating entire industries and putting the capable people out of work and in danger to protect the elderly and infirm. That said, I certainly don't have the answer.

As I read this, the first words to come to mind was death panels. Not saying that you meant it in a callous way or anything like that. Just the words that popped into my head. I don't have any answers either. It is an interesting social observation nonetheless.

panerd 03-15-2020 04:33 PM

Anecdotal for sure but back in early February (in St. Louis county) I had about two weeks where we were missing unusually large amounts of kids. I mean one class of 24 had 13 absent one day and all 6 of my classes were missing at least 15-20% of the kids. Lots of coughing, lots of negative flu tests. There are always certain bad periods in the winter but I haven't seen anything like this in years.

So I saw this research on twitter (and this is through Sam Harris not Donald Trump or Clay Travis something :) ) about the number of people who tested negative in Missouri, California, Massachusetts, and Washington state for the flu the past 10 winters (black being this year) with flu-like symptoms. Seems like COVID-19 may have arrived a lot earlier than we thought. (Being scientists they get into a lot of other possible explanations but say Missouri is the most unusual) Not sure if that is a bad thing meaning it will soon be out of control or a really good thing that the death rates etc may be way off due to untested and this has already hit a big chunk of the population. Interesting nonetheless...

Caitlin Rivers, PhD on Twitter: "Regions 7 and 10 and a number of states are showing some unusual activity, particularly CA and MO. But we have important caveats (click each picture to see more). 2/3…"

desertrats2 03-15-2020 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3269007)
I would like to read more about demographics and critical/not critical/fatal statistics. Can you provide a link that has this by country?

Coronavirus Update (Live): 169,211 Cases and 6,492 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

thesloppy 03-15-2020 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by panerd (Post 3269023)
Anecdotal for sure but back in early February (in St. Louis county) I had about two weeks where we were missing unusually large amounts of kids. I mean one class of 24 had 13 absent one day and all 6 of my classes were missing at least 15-20% of the kids. Lots of coughing, lots of negative flu tests. There are always certain bad periods in the winter but I haven't seen anything like this in years.

Everybody in my office was sick around the middle of February too, and it particularly stuck out to me at the time that several people were complaining of headaches, which is a common enough problem when sick but not usually the first thing people complain about. Of course now I have to wonder...

panerd 03-15-2020 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by thesloppy (Post 3269025)
Everybody in my office was sick around the middle of February too, and it particularly stuck out to me at the time that several people were complaining of headaches, which is a common enough problem when sick but not usually the first thing people complain about. Of course now I have to wonder...

Yeah I don't claim to know more than the scientists or the people paid to do this but often they are in Atlanta/DC/whatever aggregating data from everywhere. I thought it was really unusual at the time and even joked with my principal we might get a flu day off. Again if true that it started earlier it could actually be a bad thing that a bunch of people are going to soon be really sick but it could also be the opposite that the death rate is not going to be as high as the 3% they are sometimes talking about.

panerd 03-15-2020 04:47 PM

Dola: Of course I live in what has now become a red state so while Illinois just 20 minutes away is cancelling schools, closing bars/restaurants, ours is one of the only states in the country still having their state basketball tournament and clinging to the asinine idea that there are under 10 cases in the entire state of Missouri. So I am certain we will react here in the dumbest way possible.

cuervo72 03-15-2020 04:50 PM


sterlingice 03-15-2020 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3269009)
I'm trying to stick with the position, right now, that we are amidst such uncertainty here, that we are all bound to say things that, in the fullness of time, will appear to be unwise or unfounded. And those things we have said or done will have been born of ignorance or misinformation, rather than deep defects in our humanity.

!remindme 5 years :p


sterlingice 03-15-2020 05:18 PM

One thing that I've been very impressed with. We've really upped our meme game with coronavirus. It's the protest songs of this era... (if protest songs only took 30 seconds on the crapper to come up with and would be seen by like 1/1000th of 1% of the population).


Edward64 03-15-2020 05:20 PM

Fed is definitely worried.

The Federal Reserve on Sunday threw in the proverbial sink to limit the expected slowdown from the coronavirus.

In a rare Sunday decision that comes only days before their formal meeting, the central bank slashed its benchmark interest rate to zero and implemented a bond-buying program of at least $700 billion.
The central bank also pledged to do whatever it talks to keep short-term lending markets liquid.

“The kitchen sink has been thrown,” said Ward McCarthy, an economist at Jefferies.

Initial Futures reaction


Stock-index futures opened with heavy losses Sunday night, tumbling despite the Federal Reserve's decision to slash its main interest rate nearly to zero and buy $700 billion Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities. Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average YM00, -3.919% DJIA, +9.36% fell 854 points, or 3.7%, while S&P 500 futures ES00, -4.384% SPX, +9.28% were down 4.2%. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is scheduled to hold a news conference at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.

rjolley 03-15-2020 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by panerd (Post 3269023)
Anecdotal for sure but back in early February (in St. Louis county) I had about two weeks where we were missing unusually large amounts of kids. I mean one class of 24 had 13 absent one day and all 6 of my classes were missing at least 15-20% of the kids. Lots of coughing, lots of negative flu tests. There are always certain bad periods in the winter but I haven't seen anything like this in years.

Yeah, same thing in my office. There was some bug going around later last year/early this year that kept people out for a few days to a week. Thought it was a bad case of the flu. Don't know of anyone that went to the doctor from it.

Read recently that the same thing happened around the same time in other areas. Not sure if they're all connected to this, but that may be the reason why some are treating this as nothing more than another occurrence of that bug.

JPhillips 03-15-2020 05:23 PM

The Fed is largely out of weapons now and Dow futures are crashing.

Congress and the President have to do much more starting with fixing the testing problems for the virus. The economy is secondary to the health crisis. So long as it looks like we're losing the battle with the virus, we can't fix the economy.

whomario 03-15-2020 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by panerd (Post 3269026)
Yeah I don't claim to know more than the scientists or the people paid to do this but often they are in Atlanta/DC/whatever aggregating data from everywhere. I thought it was really unusual at the time and even joked with my principal we might get a flu day off. Again if true that it started earlier it could actually be a bad thing that a bunch of people are going to soon be really sick but it could also be the opposite that the death rate is not going to be as high as the 3% they are sometimes talking about.

It will be both most likely. If the CFR (Case Fatality Rate) hits 3% at the end of the main wave (be it May or August) it will mean the system was overloaded and even then the actual rate will be a lot lower since the US seems much more likely to have people with mild symptoms never get to a doctor, much less get tested. From what i gathered the CFR will be about 1ish for countries without overloaded systems, 3ish for those that are initially. Even Italy should hopefully come down a lot with time as social distancing effect kicks in. Plus most viruses tend to get less potent as time passes ...

It will be intereting what comes out of the first studies in China testing for antibodies in people not having been treated for the Virus.

RendeR 03-15-2020 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3269001)
From WaPo:

The Trump voters are going to all kill themselves in order to own the libs.

Let them, and their mentality, die.

RendeR 03-15-2020 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3269019)
Trump back to complete nonsense ranting.

He ever did anything else?

GrantDawg 03-15-2020 06:18 PM

We just got a call from the school system. The one case so far in our county was an employee of one of the schools.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

miami_fan 03-15-2020 06:48 PM

I am not endorsing any of the hate being directed at this guy and his family. Full Stop.

The frustration I have is this.


“It was never my intention to keep necessary medical supplies out of the hands of people who needed them,” he said, crying. “That’s not who I am as a person.


Of course that was your intention. The article from the previous day clearly laid out all the things you intentionally did with the knowledge that you were keeping it out of the hands of people that needed it! If they needed it, they would pay top dollar for it. This is how the business worked. That was the game was played. To claim ignorance now? No, that is the person that you are. Own it!

tarcone 03-15-2020 06:57 PM

Dude at the gas station just said Virginia shut their borders. No one in or out.

St. Louis County and St Charles county schools closing.

St Louis county banning gatherings over 50 starting March 18.

The world is ending.

JPhillips 03-15-2020 07:04 PM

Virginia did not close the border.

NobodyHere 03-15-2020 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3269047)
Virginia did not close the border.

Then what is protecting the rest of us from Virginians! :eek:

tarcone 03-15-2020 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3269048)
Then what is protecting the rest of us from Virginians! :eek:

No shit. What are they going to do next, secede from the Union?

I didnt think they did. Not sure where the gas station dude got his info.

tarcone 03-15-2020 07:46 PM

NobodyHere 03-15-2020 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3269050)

I don't get it

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