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oliegirl 07-08-2008 05:17 PM

BK - do we have to submit a PM to pick up our weapon or is it automatically done?

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1772314)
olie isn't the only one who is happy to see the brig repaired. Pass informs the crew that for safe keeping he will ask Alan T, KWhit, and path to report to the brig rather than elsewhere tonight.

Bah, I really didn't want to be put in there. I think it is a bad precedence to set. Guess the decision has been made though already. Lets hope that path didn't start out as a spawn. :)

Tyrith 07-08-2008 05:21 PM

I meant the warden, sorry olie. Still getting all you security types mixed up :P

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1772326)
If only for paranoia, but he is going against what Alan asked (keep the Brig tight in terms of COT). If he is spawn along with either Alan or Path then he just created a conversion opportunity. He was also more interested than other in getting a gun for tonight - if I had been making the call he would not have gotten one tonight, although I didn't want to be transparent in my post suggesting this.

The Brig order just pushed him to the top of my distrust list for today. Path, I probably should have mentioned him earlier in our PMs about relative trust/distrust along with the other person I did mention ... I kept the list small with you in event that you started the game as Spawn. After all, it was the first question you had asked me and I hadn't gotten much of a feel yet (honestly still don't have one, conversation has been pretty slow, not much time left).

Luckily for me I don't have to sit pat with someone putting me somewhere that I don't want to be!

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1772335)
It's not only that -- what if Alan is spawn? Then he just put a bad guy in a cell with KWhit and I.

Don't have to worry about that. I already have the order in to change up who is going in the brig for tonight.

path12 07-08-2008 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 1772356)
Don't have to worry about that. I already have the order in to change up who is going in the brig for tonight.

That would be good. I don't want to scan you yet!

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by saldana (Post 1772342)
i dont really have a problem with putting alan in...i am a fan of trusting our captain until we have reason otherwise to do so.

also, with the security system repaired, i will sleep tonight to be ready for another away mission tomorrow.

as far as todays mission, there are three possibilities:
1. i got a bad success roll
2. i subconsciously sabotaged my own mission. i am not aware of being a spawn as of right now, but we all know that does not mean i was not infected...i am fully prepared to be the object of suspicion if i have another bad mission tomorrow
3. telle was converted and her mission data is false (i dont know if this is possible based on the rule set..i dont remember reading anywhere if the results of a mission could be faked the same way work on the ship could be)

i am in full agreement with just sending me and the slaves out every day until i get lynched.

For #3, If this game is like the last spawn, everyone in the away party received some kind of PM that should be able to agree that the mission was very successful.. I would think #3 is the least likely of the scenerios...

I also learned my lesson from the last game though that dice roles on missions are pretty powerful and if you are lucky/unlucky a result that is unexpected might occur (ie: someone good with a bad result or vice versa).. so a poor performance from you out there today probably should put you on a list of people to be looked at but not enough to condemn if that makes sense.

Schmidty 07-08-2008 05:28 PM


I go to sleep with like 2 pages, and now there's 9. I still have to make dinner and help with the yard. My wife will be home soon, and I must have dinner on the table for her, or I get a beatin'.

I'll catch up....slowly. Please stop posting so much, ye scurvy scum!!!!

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:29 PM

I'm not ready to condemn Passacaglia yet. Mainly because Kwhit was absolutely right earlier.. we need people we need these roles or we're going to have a very difficult time of things.

We need to keep a warden that will be able to lock up our COT in the brig.. and our second officer is busy for another day.. losing the warden would be bad I think...

Plus I know I am good and assume kwhit is good.. so really only if Path is evil will I want to come after Passacaglia's head which hopefully we can find out in another day or so once Mccollins can give us another doctor. If Path is good right now, I know I am good... so I don't see why a Spawn would lock up three good guys in the brig like that in a way where they would get heat.

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:30 PM

We need all of the crew we can have right now.

Vote No execution

Schmidty 07-08-2008 05:32 PM

I beg of someone - Can you give me a VERY brief breakdown of what happened today? I'm sure some spawn brought up the fact that I have been "silent" today, even though they fully know what shift I work, but please realize that fact. It's a rough day today, because Mrs. S opened, so my sleep had to happen early.

Anyway, like I said a breakdown, or directive would be great.

hoopsguy 07-08-2008 05:35 PM

- lots of discussion on away missions, rules of game
- Telle had good exploration mission, but
- Saldana didn't have much success afterwards leading a group of slaves
- Almost unanimous no-vote

That is the very, very short version. Lots of juicy details for you to catch up on, but that is a start.

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 1772367)
I beg of someone - Can you give me a VERY brief breakdown of what happened today? I'm sure some spawn brought up the fact that I have been "silent" today, even though they fully know what shift I work, but please realize that fact. It's a rough day today, because Mrs. S opened, so my sleep had to happen early.

Anyway, like I said a breakdown, or directive would be great.

1) Our engineers repaired the security Headquarters so it is now functional
2) Telle led an away mission of herself, Claphamsa, Packerfanatic and 2 slaves for exploration which was extremely successful
3) Saldana led an away mission of himself and four slaves for mining which was not as successful (only 16 crystlium mined)
4) Oliegirl handed out phasers to herself, Mrs.Schmidty and Passacaglia
5) Passacaglia locked up Path12, Kwhit (our starting CoT supposedly) in the brig along with me for safety tonight
6) I have overode Passacaglia's order and left myself out of the brig , leaving only Kwhit and path12 in the brig for tonight (Barkeep hasnt been around to announce that order yet)

Ongoing now are:

1) Talks from various engineers to whom is fixing what tonight
2) Security personal (such as yourself) are having to make decisions regarding if you want to stay up and guard somewhere tonight or take tonight to sleep.. which probably is kept to yourself.

Marc Vaughan 07-08-2008 05:35 PM

Signing in late - sorry had work and kittens to get fostered (three now have homes, three more looking for homes if anyones interested) :D

Barkeep49 07-08-2008 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by oliegirl (Post 1772346)
BK - do we have to submit a PM to pick up our weapon or is it automatically done?

It's done automatically.

Schmidty 07-08-2008 05:38 PM

Ok, I don't have time to read every page right now, so I searched my name.....and sure enough, someone brought up the fact that I was "quiet" today - hoopsguy. That moves him to the top of my Spawn list.

Then I noticed that oliegirl didn't give a weapon to the GALLEY MASTER who guards the fraking water supply and cargo. That makes her the #2 Spawn on my list.

I see a bunch of "No lynch", but I'm not sure if I won't vote for one of them. I'm actually mad for the first time in quite a few games.

Schmidty 07-08-2008 05:39 PM

Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions a bit early, but I'm still watching those two. No offense to them, as I might/probably be wrong about them.

Time to log and go do what I need to.

Tyrith 07-08-2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 1772376)
Ok, I don't have time to read every page right now, so I searched my name.....and sure enough, someone brought up the fact that I was "quiet" today - hoopsguy. That moves him to the top of my Spawn list.

Then I noticed that oliegirl didn't give a weapon to the GALLEY MASTER who guards the fraking water supply and cargo. That makes her the #2 Spawn on my list.

I see a bunch of "No lynch", but I'm not sure if I won't vote for one of them. I'm actually mad for the first time in quite a few games.

Well, at least some things haven't changed too much in WW world :)

Barkeep49 07-08-2008 05:40 PM

"Listen son, I'm not sure your thoughts were, but I'm gonna have to tell ya that I am not going to the brig tonight," the crew overhears Alan T saying to Pass. "I'm gonna have to override you and command you not to put me in the brig tonight."

LoneStarGirl 07-08-2008 05:40 PM

So the scientists dont get a weapon? Damn Packer we are getting the shaft

oliegirl 07-08-2008 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 1772376)
Ok, I don't have time to read every page right now, so I searched my name.....and sure enough, someone brought up the fact that I was "quiet" today - hoopsguy. That moves him to the top of my Spawn list.

Then I noticed that oliegirl didn't give a weapon to the GALLEY MASTER who guards the fraking water supply and cargo. That makes her the #2 Spawn on my list.

I see a bunch of "No lynch", but I'm not sure if I won't vote for one of them. I'm actually mad for the first time in quite a few games.

You can suspect me all you want...I hadn't seen you around all day, and regardless of your reasoning, being absent during WW always always brings suspicion/doubt/etc... That was the ONLY reason I didn't give you a phaser.

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by LoneStarGirl (Post 1772380)
So the scientists dont get a weapon? Damn Packer we are getting the shaft

I think you get first dibs once we hand out the pocket protectors :D

LoneStarGirl 07-08-2008 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 1772382)
I think you get first dibs once we hand out the pocket protectors :D

well that is no fun... alan give me something to do

RendeR 07-08-2008 05:43 PM

Yeah, Schmidty is still a fragile time bomb just waiting for a good bumping.

Barkeep49 07-08-2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 1772382)
I think you get first dibs once we hand out the pocket protectors :D

"Son, I know you have been feeling a little empty. I found these around," and with that Alan T hands Packer a pocket protector & slide ruler of his very own.

Note this post is meaningless in terms of gameplay

Tyrith 07-08-2008 05:47 PM

Pretty sure that even if Pass got the votes tonight Alan would override, and I really don't feel like killing him, so I'm going to reinstitute my no lynch vote.


LoneStarGirl 07-08-2008 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1772385)
"Son, I know you have been feeling a little empty. I found these around," and with that Alan T hands Packer a pocket protector & slide ruler of his very own.

Note this post is meaningless in terms of gameplay

oh so Packer gets one and I dont... that really hurts Barkeep.

Poli 07-08-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1772385)
"Son, I know you have been feeling a little empty. I found these around," and with that Alan T hands Packer a pocket protector & slide ruler of his very own.

Note this post is meaningless in terms of gameplay

Chopped liver, checking in.

Alan T 07-08-2008 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tyrith (Post 1772388)
Pretty sure that even if Pass got the votes tonight Alan would override, and I really don't feel like killing him, so I'm going to reinstitute my no lynch vote.


Nope, I'm not going to override a vote tonight. If the majority of the crew feel that Passacaglia is a spawn and want to take care of him, then I'll respect that for today.

My point was moreso: What if we kill Pass, then we have no warden and can't make anyone a warden until Render is done training Chubby. So then our start of our CoT becomes meaningless as there will be a night that they are exposed and we'll have to start all over again.

My personal opinion is that I know I am good and I suspect that if Path is good or evil, Kwhit likely is good too... so really the only question to ask is if Path is bad or good which we can't find out until we get another doctor in the crew. So for the time being we have to work on the assumption that Path is good, but we shouldn't make that same assumption about anyone else (myself included)...

If and only if Path turns up bad in a few days after being locked up in the brig every night, then I think it is fair to come back and figure out what Passacaglia was up to and if it was good intentioned or not. If path ends up good when another doctor scans him, then I know I am good and will know Path and kwhit are good.. so what type of spawn play would it be for Pass to have made that move?

I just think because of our mission it is more important to keep Pass alive today and figure this out in the next two days instead... but I won't overrule the vote if the majority disagrees with me.. I won't put myself at risk of mutiny for someone who may very likely be a spawn even.

hoopsguy 07-08-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 1772376)
Ok, I don't have time to read every page right now, so I searched my name.....and sure enough, someone brought up the fact that I was "quiet" today - hoopsguy. That moves him to the top of my Spawn list.

Then I noticed that oliegirl didn't give a weapon to the GALLEY MASTER who guards the fraking water supply and cargo. That makes her the #2 Spawn on my list.

I see a bunch of "No lynch", but I'm not sure if I won't vote for one of them. I'm actually mad for the first time in quite a few games.

I still thought it was the right play to give you a weapon. Honestly, I don't have a bead on your schedule as my perception is that it changes from game to game. It is usually different than mine, for whatever that is worth.

I am mildly concerned about you, however. You have a hugely important role if/when we get down to endgame and we really need you to be developing your own trust/distrust lists rather and searching for your name in a post to determine your feel for the game. You lose out on all kinds of context when you take this approach. No context = hard to make good decisions.

Barkeep49 07-08-2008 05:55 PM

I'll be gone for roughly the next hour.

hoopsguy 07-08-2008 05:56 PM

And if you are going to be mad at me - who has listed multiple people I have some emerging distrust for, and have actually cast a vote rather than no lynch - then please bring that discussion to the thread so we have a chance to hash it out. Last time you were mad at me you night killed me when we were both villagers. I would prefer having a better ending this time around.

Alan T 07-08-2008 06:02 PM

I am heading out.. Im not sure if I will be back before lynch deadline.

Danny 07-08-2008 06:12 PM

I'd like everyone to know that since I fixed the Security HQ early today, I spent some time working on a robot. At this point, he is able to recognize certain situations and show some level of interaction with the crew.

claphamsa 07-08-2008 06:12 PM

can he be trained to kill spawn?

The Jackal 07-08-2008 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 1772415)
I'd like everyone to know that since I fixed the Security HQ early today, I spent some time working on a robot. At this point, he is able to recognize certain situations and show some level of interaction with the crew.

Well.. I spent some time watching Star Trek re-runs to better imitate Bones.

But seriously, what you did sounds like it could be useful, nice.

Danny 07-08-2008 06:14 PM

Vote No lynch

It seems like too obvious a move for Pass to deliberately ignore captain's order if he was a spawn. He should be someone to check out as soon as possible though.

The Jackal 07-08-2008 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by claphamsa (Post 1772416)
can he be trained to kill spawn?

I'm not a murderer Jim, I'm a doctor!

Danny 07-08-2008 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by claphamsa (Post 1772416)
can he be trained to kill spawn?

Robot "Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!"

I think that's a no :(

Danny 07-08-2008 06:19 PM

He might need some additional work in the days to come

Mrs. Schmidty 07-08-2008 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 1772423)
Robot "Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!"

I think that's a no :(


I just got home and am playing catch up.

I know I won't have time to go through the 7 pages before deadline so I'm going to go with the majority and


I intend on getting caught up tonight and will be on in the morning as well. As part of the security crew do I take orders directly from hoops as to whom or what I protect, or is that my call alone? I certainly can take suggestions also, but I want to know if my choice is actaully up to Hoops.

The Jackal 07-08-2008 06:28 PM

Alan, can I call you Jim?

Mrs. Schmidty 07-08-2008 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 1772426)
He might need some additional work in the days to come

I'm sure Bishop (Aliens) didn't work the first time he was turned on either.

jeheinz72 07-08-2008 06:31 PM

Well I'm outta here folks, I'll be back in the AM.

hoopsguy 07-08-2008 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. Schmidty (Post 1772433)

I just got home and am playing catch up.

I know I won't have time to go through the 7 pages before deadline so I'm going to go with the majority and


I intend on getting caught up tonight and will be on in the morning as well. As part of the security crew do I take orders directly from hoops as to whom or what I protect, or is that my call alone? I certainly can take suggestions also, but I want to know if my choice is actaully up to Hoops.

I'm not looking to override orders, as a general rule. First, it costs me an action point. Second, I would prefer people feel like they can make their own decisions. As long as I don't vehemently disagree with them I'll let them stand.

If you want to chat with me in the thread about potential moves I'm happy to participate.

Poli 07-08-2008 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 1772434)
Alan, can I call you Jim?

You can call him Al.

PackerFanatic 07-08-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1772385)
"Son, I know you have been feeling a little empty. I found these around," and with that Alan T hands Packer a pocket protector & slide ruler of his very own.

Note this post is meaningless in terms of gameplay


That is awesome.

*hands LSG the ruler*

At least we can protect each other with these!

saldana 07-08-2008 06:46 PM

vote no execution

Mrs. Schmidty 07-08-2008 06:53 PM

Are AP awarded at the begining of the cycle, or at the end? So for tonight for example, we get 1 awarded today, at least I do, then for tonight do I get my next point right after the deadline, or not until tomorrow morning? Does that make sense? Basically, do I have 1 to spend tonight, or 2?

saldana 07-08-2008 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. Schmidty (Post 1772458)
Are AP awarded at the begining of the cycle, or at the end? So for tonight for example, we get 1 awarded today, at least I do, then for tonight do I get my next point right after the deadline, or not until tomorrow morning? Does that make sense? Basically, do I have 1 to spend tonight, or 2?

you get one per cycle, at the beginning...we got a day point or points, at the beginning of the day, and we get a night point at 10pm that has to be used during the night cannot carry AP over into the next cycle.

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