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murrayyyyy 03-06-2017 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3148577)
It's too bad it's not for the title. Jericho going for one last title run at WM would have been amazing. It would have given the belt some much needed prestige and the crowd would have been hot for it. Could either give a great WM moment to Jericho or cement Owens as the top heel going forward.

Instead we'll get a 2 minute match with Lesnar and Goldberg a decade or so after they had a terrible main event in their primes.

Doesn't Jericho have the US title? I mean it's for a title, just not THE title.

At this point I think the best we can hope for is Goldberg winning the title and leaving it in the ring to end Mania with a 2 month tournament after to determine the new champion.

CrescentMoonie 03-06-2017 06:49 PM

I have it almost entirely for the tape library. It's worth the monthly price to me, and the PPVs/NXT are just a bonus.

CrescentMoonie 03-06-2017 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3148584)
Doesn't Jericho have the US title? I mean it's for a title, just not THE title.

At this point I think the best we can hope for is Goldberg winning the title and leaving it in the ring to end Mania with a 2 month tournament after to determine the new champion.

That would be so much better than what we'll likely get. Lesnar wins, Reigns beats Taker, Reigns goes into chase mode and beats Lesnar at SS, Raw loses to Smackdown consistently by that point.

murrayyyyy 03-06-2017 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by CrescentMoonie (Post 3148567)
Impact Wrestling is doomed. The storylines/roster sound horrible. Between a drunken Laurel Van Ness wearing her wedding gown after being shunned weeks earlier and then leaving with Earl Hebner, Chris Adonis (Masters) reviving the Masterlock Challenge, and Magnus showing up with the GFW title, it sounds like a complete train wreck.

On top of that, Spike denied a rumor they were negotiating to bring the show back.

Cats don't have this many lives...

Isn't Spike changing their name anyway?

dubb93 03-06-2017 07:26 PM

I feel like they usually correct their booking heading into Mania. The year they pushed Roman when they shouldn't have we got Seth. They corrected their mistake and gave us Daniel Bryan. This year SHOULD have been Owens-Jericho and AJ-Cena(most likely with a third wheel since they have had a few encounters at this point.) This year I feel like they are rolling with their initial plans/mistakes.

Maple Leafs 03-06-2017 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by CrescentMoonie (Post 3148587)
That would be so much better than what we'll likely get. Lesnar wins, Reigns beats Taker, Reigns goes into chase mode and beats Lesnar at SS, Raw loses to Smackdown consistently by that point.

Are we sure that Goldberg doesn't win at Mania and stick around for at least a few more months?

I mean, clearly the plan was for Lesnar to get his win, initially at Survivor Series and then instead at Mania. But with Goldberg still getting a reaction, would it be that big of a shock if they had him win again and just kept doing the same basic squash match for a few more PPV main events?

The fans would get sick of it eventually, and probably sooner than later, but this is the WWE where no idea is too good to beat into the ground. And Lesnar seems like the one guy who wouldn't really care about not getting his promised win as long as the checks kept coming in. I'm not sure having him lose three times really hurts his whole aura all that much that doing it twice, which they already have.

CrescentMoonie 03-06-2017 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 3148596)
Are we sure that Goldberg doesn't win at Mania and stick around for at least a few more months?

I mean, clearly the plan was for Lesnar to get his win, initially at Survivor Series and then instead at Mania. But with Goldberg still getting a reaction, would it be that big of a shock if they had him win again and just kept doing the same basic squash match for a few more PPV main events?

The fans would get sick of it eventually, and probably sooner than later, but this is the WWE where no idea is too good to beat into the ground. And Lesnar seems like the one guy who wouldn't really care about not getting his promised win as long as the checks kept coming in. I'm not sure having him lose three times really hurts his whole aura all that much that doing it twice, which they already have.

Goldberg is already getting booed tonight.

murrayyyyy 03-06-2017 09:35 PM

Well I finally decided on what could be a horrible or great decision. Dragging along the 7 year old for ROH 15th anniversary this weekend.

I don't watch a a ton of ROH but I know the main players and figure I can't pass up on Lethal, Daniels, Cole, Bucks with the possibility of Hardy's and Bubba Ray jumping in now with what happened last week. Still gotta figure out where to hide the kid when Dalton and the Boys come out.

JonInMiddleGA 03-06-2017 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3148589)
Isn't Spike changing their name anyway?

Spike To Change Name, Become The Paramount Network In Viacom Rebranding | Deadline

Mota 03-06-2017 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3148606)
Well I finally decided on what could be a horrible or great decision. Dragging along the 7 year old for ROH 15th anniversary this weekend.

I don't watch a a ton of ROH but I know the main players and figure I can't pass up on Lethal, Daniels, Cole, Bucks with the possibility of Hardy's and Bubba Ray jumping in now with what happened last week. Still gotta figure out where to hide the kid when Dalton and the Boys come out.

Yeah, just make sure to warn him that he'll be hearing all kinds of nasty language. I brought my son to ROH shows from the age of 5, and he had plenty of warning. You're going to hear all kinds of bad language, if you repeat it, you're not coming back... and he didn't!

Suicane75 03-07-2017 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3148606)
Well I finally decided on what could be a horrible or great decision. Dragging along the 7 year old for ROH 15th anniversary this weekend.

I don't watch a a ton of ROH but I know the main players and figure I can't pass up on Lethal, Daniels, Cole, Bucks with the possibility of Hardy's and Bubba Ray jumping in now with what happened last week. Still gotta figure out where to hide the kid when Dalton and the Boys come out.

I wouldn't take a 7 year old to a ROH show unless you were unable to go without him. Just seems like it'd be a bad environment for him and a distraction for you.

CrescentMoonie 03-07-2017 08:24 PM

Outlaw Ron Bass passes away

Mota 03-07-2017 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Suicane75 (Post 3148620)
I wouldn't take a 7 year old to a ROH show unless you were unable to go without him. Just seems like it'd be a bad environment for him and a distraction for you.

When a 7 year old goes to an ROH show...

Austin Aries kicks at him and stares him down during his entrance
Mark Briscoe gives him a high five near the concession stands on his way to buy a beer
Colt Cabana walks over to him after the show and makes sure he had a good time
The merch guy gives him a free Nakajima autograph

So many good things happen to a 7 year old when you go to an ROH show. Sure he'll hear some swearing, but you hear that everywhere. It is an experience that is so much more personal than you'll ever get going to a WWE house show.

JonInMiddleGA 03-07-2017 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mota (Post 3148714)
So many good things happen to a 7 year old when you go to an ROH show. Sure he'll hear some swearing, but you hear that everywhere. It is an experience that is so much more personal than you'll ever get going to a WWE house show.

I am absolutely on this same line of thinking.

Of all the varied experiences I had with my soon-to-be 19 y/o, it's the pics from a TNA house show that are STILL on his dresser.

Not Disney pics, not concert pics, not PBR World Finals pics, not Monster Jam pics. It's him & AJ, him & Joe, him & EY, not all that far from that age.

And the reason that The New Day having success means more to him than just the characters is being the little guy standing along the security rail talking to (a then-younger & relatively unknown) Austin Creed during a cage malfunction at an NWA-Anarchy show before Creed helped bring down the house in what is still the best cage match I've ever seen in person.

In all his years, I've never once -- not a single time -- regretted taking him to anything. And we've both got a helluva lot of memories to show for the gambles I took.

Suicane75 03-08-2017 02:58 AM

I stand corrected.

murrayyyyy 03-08-2017 09:10 AM

I don't think he's going to hear anything he hasn't heard before. I mean he does live in Vegas and has classmates who's mother is a stripper. The shock value just isn't there for him anymore. And the setting is why I decided to take him as they still had seats in the gap where he doesn't have to look over anyone and will be 12 rows from the ring with some elevation (which is the back of the "arena" at Sam's Town.). He's sat ringside before once and didn't enjoy it at all as some 400lb guy was in front of him and he couldn't see the action on the other side of the ring.

Glad that the Hardy's are on the card now as that's another tag team he can check off his list.

murrayyyyy 03-09-2017 09:34 AM

So the WWE signs Kaii Hojo from Stardom and is going after Io Shirai also? Asian invasion versus the Horsewomen sounds more realistic now. I'm just not sure the Horsewomen can keep up after watching some matches of Hojo and Io today.

CrescentMoonie 03-09-2017 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3148892)
So the WWE signs Kaii Hojo from Stardom and is going after Io Shirai also? Asian invasion versus the Horsewomen sounds more realistic now. I'm just not sure the Horsewomen can keep up after watching some matches of Hojo and Io today.

I think they could be carried and eventually catch up. Also, the size differential gives them an easy power vs speed formula to work with.

CrescentMoonie 03-09-2017 08:30 PM

Impact came up with a decent write off for the Hardy's. They showed an extended bit with the brothers sparring with a live kangaroo, then when they transported Decay was in their place with the belts. That's not too bad for something that was a hell of an issue to deal with.

CrescentMoonie 03-10-2017 06:58 PM

Reby Hardy's twitter rant today is must reading for one side of the Impact/Hardy contract saga.

Suicane75 03-10-2017 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by CrescentMoonie (Post 3149031)
Impact came up with a decent write off for the Hardy's. They showed an extended bit with the brothers sparring with a live kangaroo, then when they transported Decay was in their place with the belts. That's not too bad for something that was a hell of an issue to deal with.

Great. Now titles can change hands in the ether of the space time continuum? Killin the business.

murrayyyyy 03-11-2017 08:15 AM

ROH was tamer than a WWE event here but there were less guys trying to act like asses compared to a WWE event. PPV went well last night with the 6 man match with Kaz winning, Hardy-Bucks-RPG street fight and the Fallen Angle hitting 3 BMEs in about 10 seconds (which ended up being my kids favorite match) to win the title. He is also now a Cheeseburger mark. Pretty sure TK O'Ryan shattered his shin going for a moonsault and didn't seem to get over all the way and landed straight on the guardrail and knocked off the metal signage attached to the guardrail. His leg had to have hit about midway up the shin.

CrescentMoonie 03-11-2017 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3149198)
ROH was tamer than a WWE event here but there were less guys trying to act like asses compared to a WWE event. PPV went well last night with the 6 man match with Kaz winning, Hardy-Bucks-RPG street fight and the Fallen Angle hitting 3 BMEs in about 10 seconds (which ended up being my kids favorite match) to win the title. He is also now a Cheeseburger mark. Pretty sure TK O'Ryan shattered his shin going for a moonsault and didn't seem to get over all the way and landed straight on the guardrail and knocked off the metal signage attached to the guardrail. His leg had to have hit about midway up the shin.

The only thing I've heard about O'Ryan was the he had to have his leg set and will probably need surgery. Not sure what that even means.

murrayyyyy 03-11-2017 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by CrescentMoonie (Post 3149204)
The only thing I've heard about O'Ryan was the he had to have his leg set and will probably need surgery. Not sure what that even means.

If you want to see it, here ya go...

ROH 15 anniversary tk'o Ryan broken shin - YouTube

The worst seats in the house looked like this last night.

CrescentMoonie 03-11-2017 10:53 AM

I watched the PPV. I just haven't seen an official statement on the injury other than his own tweets about his leg having to be reset and the hospital staff being horrible.

JonInMiddleGA 03-11-2017 11:10 AM

That's just awesome as worst seats go.

murrayyyyy 03-11-2017 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3149224)
That's just awesome as worst seats go.

The kid had the straight on isle seat and pretty much made it closer and closer and closer with every match to where he was at the front middle rail for the Bucks-Hardy match. I've always enjoyed a little elevation and the hard camera was just over our left shoulder.

It was a huge difference between this and the WWE house shows as it was even more wall to wall wrestling last night. There was a few times with some ring work (spring or board got loose after the 3D by Bubba and Briscoes) and then the obvious cleanup from tacks in the ring. I assume the TV taping will go just as quick tonight with Briscoes-Hardy's as the assumed main event. Assuming it's taped so they can work in commercials later.

murrayyyyy 03-17-2017 10:39 AM

You say you missed out on that cool 1980's 'rasslin. Don't worry, the WWE has got you covered.

southpaw regional wrestling - YouTube

molson 03-17-2017 09:58 PM

Well if nobody else is going to say it.... Paige had a ton of personal videos and photos leaked today, including one of her banging Xavier Woods while Brad Maddox filmed.

I wonder if this is some kind of extortion thing.

murrayyyyy 03-17-2017 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3150663)
Well if nobody else is going to say it.... Paige had a ton of personal videos and photos leaked today, including one of her banging Xavier Woods while Brad Maddox filmed.

I wonder if this is some kind of extortion thing.

Well if we want to get technical... Brad was taking pics from behind Paige with a camera while Xavier was doing the deed. So to quote Heenan I think...

"Who's the third man!" (odds are Prince Pretty).

Since Maddox is in most of them I'd almost assume the hack was on his end and not her end.

IlliniCub 03-17-2017 11:52 PM

I almost wouldn't be surprised if she was behind it, in an attempt to force WWE's hand to release her. There's all the Del Rio stuff, she's been back stage at other promotions tapings, and clearly isn't happy in the WWE. Also I don't think this will in any way hurt, and may help her drawability in Indie bookings or other promotions. But that's the conspiracy theorist in me talking.

Neon_Chaos 03-18-2017 04:52 AM

Based on the videos and pics, it appears that the phone belonged to Brad Maddox.

Suicane75 03-18-2017 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3150560)
You say you missed out on that cool 1980's 'rasslin. Don't worry, the WWE has got you covered.

southpaw regional wrestling - YouTube

They changed Sex to Tex. :(

Jerricho is friggin amazing as Clint Boski.

Mota 03-18-2017 10:45 AM

Yeah I saw those pics and they are pretty nasty. They pretty much desecrated the NXT Women's title.

murrayyyyy 03-18-2017 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Suicane75 (Post 3150696)
They changed Sex to Tex. :(

Jerricho is friggin amazing as Clint Boski.

I'm just hoping they keep doing it long enough for one of the characters to enter the royal rumble.

IlliniCub 03-18-2017 03:05 PM

Also Season's 1 and 2 of Lucha Underground are available on Netflix as of a few days ago.

molson 03-20-2017 09:59 PM

(Image from RAW in spoiler tags for size)


CrescentMoonie 03-21-2017 12:37 PM

Bad news for Jim Ross. Jan is apparently still touch and go right now.

Jim Ross reports his wife has been involved in a serious accident.

CrescentMoonie 03-21-2017 12:51 PM

Cornette inducting the R&R Express and Bischoff inducting DDP. Are they laying the groundwork for a couple of Vince's biggest adversaries to go into the HOF?

murrayyyyy 03-21-2017 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by CrescentMoonie (Post 3151231)
Cornette inducting the R&R Express and Bischoff inducting DDP. Are they laying the groundwork for a couple of Vince's biggest adversaries to go into the HOF?

(stolen from reddit)

Vince is planning to recreate the Red Wedding on the industry.

CrescentMoonie 03-23-2017 12:59 AM

Jan Ross dead at 55

BYU 14 03-23-2017 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by CrescentMoonie (Post 3151507)

Very sad

molson 03-23-2017 09:24 PM

WWE has been reportedly making a big push to by Ring of Honor from Sinclair, with things heating up in the last few weeks. The motivation is primarily the tape library (since so many of their stars had big runs there), but the WWE would also most likely shut the company down.

CrescentMoonie 03-23-2017 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3151738)
WWE has been reportedly making a big push to by Ring of Honor from Sinclair, with things heating up in the last few weeks. The motivation is primarily the tape library (since so many of their stars had big runs there), but the WWE would also most likely shut the company down.

Interesting. I've heard that NXT might shut down with ROH taking their spot on the network.

SirFozzie 04-01-2017 08:48 PM

Holy shit. Not one match can be rated BELOW Great so far tonight.

CrescentMoonie 04-01-2017 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 3153584)
Holy shit. Not one match can be rated BELOW Great so far tonight.

I would put the first two at good to very good, and exactly what they needed to be. The next two matches were great. AOP has improved so much as the powerhouse team, and the tension between The Revival and DIY played into that perfectly. That was the match that most surprised me so far. Asuka is just so freaking talented and Ember Moon is getting rid of those bad indy habits in an extraordinarily quick time.

murrayyyyy 04-02-2017 09:11 AM

As much as I like Glorious I think the best match was the 3 way tag team. Sanity/10 does nothing for me. I guess Mcintyre is next up for Roode which gives them a chance to bring Nakamura up? Akuka just seems to be destined to stay down until the women's tournament where they can hand pick her rival to come up against (assume Bayley with the heel ending last night).

I think this is the best year that I've stayed away from spoilers so I can just enjoy the day. I think most the surprises will be and Mania Monday and Mania Tuesday so just 3 more days of avoiding any WWE news!

CrescentMoonie 04-02-2017 07:52 PM

Broken Ladder Match

Neon_Chaos 04-02-2017 07:56 PM


cthomer5000 04-02-2017 08:06 PM

That is some legit 'HOLY SHIT' stuff there.

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